New Warlock Spell - Nether Breath
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A new Rare Warlock Spell, Nether Breath, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Warlock Spell, Nether Breath, has been revealed!
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Cheap removal and survivalbility for dragon decks. Simply great, if Dragonlock ever becomes a thing.
Drain Soul that deals +2 damage if you're holding a Dragon. Somehow feels weaker compared to the other classes' Dragon Spells, but that might be the powercreep talking. Card is fine and will most likely see play if Dragon Warlock is to become a thing (which I doubt tbh).
For warlock, anything that does damage AND replenishes your health is always useful
Great in dragon decks.
It seems a bit better than Drain Soul since it can hit face, but as said before, dragonlock is a weird concept yet. But maybe it becomes a thing, somehow, in standard.
Can also target heroes, with the 2 cards shown so far today for warlock a dragon warlock deck has 14 face damage in their deck, you can burst an opponent from 11 with the dragon and 2 of this from hand.
With the added cards a warlock deck (using viable cards) has 26 face damage from hand represented in the deck) (2 of each dragon card of today's reveal, 2 hellfire 2 life drinkers)
One of the best lifesteal spell for warlock,just for 2 mana can do a lot,hope warlock will make his comeback in meta!!!!
Dragon Warlock was never really popular, but back in Blackrock Mountain I had a fun Malygos Warlock (with Soulfire and Darkbomb after Thaurissan), maybe something like that will be viable :p
This is a good comparison to Darkbomb. Without a dragon in hand it is weaker, but when you have one in hand, then it is more powerful. Definitely a strong card. Just depends on how much dragon warlock is a thing. But I guess it will be, because atm we have 4 dragons for warlock:
- the new AoE dragon.
- Twilight Drake
- maybe Amalgam
and you have a solid Midrange deck.
Dang Warlock not only gets a better Drain Soul, but a better Penance too? Sign me up!
Like most of the cards to be reveiled, things will heavily depend on the support of dragons for each class.
If, if, if. If dragon warlock works, you will have enough activators and you will play this a lot. If not, this will never see play.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Depending on if dragons will be a good tribe for warlock this is very good.
Sorry Spirit Bomb i found a card way more useful to be played.
Similar to Amethyst Spellstone, but that card has more synergies in Warlock than playing Dragons.
But that Archetype definitely looks interesting! Like someone metioned before, this and the new Dragon deal a lot of Face-Damage.
So maybe some kind of aggressive Midrange-Deck?
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This is a really good card even if it seems like Drain Soul ,the extra 2 damage /healing is not something to laugh at for a 2 mana card . This would be better compared with the warlock spellstone from last expansion with the small downside that it can't get to 6 damage but with the big upsite that it costs 2 less and that it can go face.
4 stars
This is insanely good. It's basically Spellstone in Darkbomb format. This is the strongest 2-mana removal ever printed.
This essentially fills the void that Spirit Bomb couldn't. Now we have an efficient way to deal with snowballing early drops.
Not to mention, this can go face and benefits from Spelldamage, meaning there are possible Malygos shenanigans (not even OTK, just as some sort of finisher).
Don't forget that Warlock has yet to get its class legendary dragon, which could be a massive wincondition.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Straightforward card. Expect to see this as a staple card in every control handlock with twilight drakes.
Excellent card! Minion removal or face damage with lifesteal if you're playing a dragon deck!
All of the "breath" cards are designed to be below the power curve without dragons, and above with, but the base effect here seems unusually weak compared to the other "breath" cards revealed so far. This card probably needs a very dedicated Dragon Warlock deck to be good (as opposed to a deck with a few dragons/synergies), but it would be very good in such a deck. We'll just have to see what other Neutral and Warlock dragons come out in this set.
Cheap removal that lifesteals for Warlock. Very good card
Looks like control lock is back, Blizz said warlock weakness is healing, but look, OP heal only for 2 mana, khm. Glad to see control lock, coz i hate zoo and love warlock.
Strong card when you are holding a dragon, no doubt. Dealing 4 damage for 2 mana is already good, lifesteal brings the card on another level.
With this card and the AoE dragon revealed it seems that dragonlock is already in a good spot versus aggro decks.
Both cards require to have a dragon in your hand so you have to run a good number of them (I'd say 8, can go 7 but it starts to be a bit too much unreliable), depending on how many good dragons will be print this can be the biggest problem of dragonlock, because maybe the deck won't apply enough pressure to bring down midrange, control and combo decks.
You could also use any other dragon from classic.. You are not restricted to dragons that are traditionally good in warlock..
You also can afford to run less than 6 dragons (the number of dragons in msg priest and wotog warrior) cause you are warlock and have easy access to card draw.
Also decks running this card or the other don't need to even be a dedicated dragon deck but be a "dragon package" that's how most successful deck operate they have core cards and then add packages.
Lifesteal is very good in warlock, and this can go face. Very good spell that requires you only to run a few dragons.
honestly imo this isn't good enough to make dragon warlock viable.
As strong as Crazed Netherwing looks, I'm not yet sold on Dragon Warlock being a Thing. Obviously if that becomes playable then then is auto-include, but otherwise it will never see the light of day. I'll reserve judgment until we see the whole package on Warlock.
You only need to run a few dragons and there's always the Draconic lackey, who will be provided by Galakrond invokes. So I definitely see it as a much needed healing in self-harm zoo.
Without the dragon synergy it seems quite weak, but with the huge amount of dragons coming this expansion, this card would most probably be really good. Damage+Healing in one card is a must-have for Warlock too.
Well it's over
I'm liking where dragonlock is going
Sweet mother, that's one heck of a card.
i think this will see play, waiting for dragon warlock
Between the Draconic Lackey, the new neutral dragons we'll be seeing, and Warlock's new dragons, I think it's quite possible that this will be part of a meta-defining deck. Imagine Evolve Shaman trying to deal with the healing and removal from this plus the board clear from Crazed Netherwing!
I, for one, am looking forward to seeing the Warlock legendary! (even if I hope it's bad, 'cause the more bad cards there are, the less dust I want)
Better call Thrall!
Nice support to dragonLOCK! This expansion is my favourite so far! Every class getting support to the best archetype in the game <3
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
2 mana for 4 HP back? That's more than decent
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
This is amazing, I was a little skeptical about Crazed Netherwing, but Nether Breath is an incredible card and it will play a huge role in warlocks success.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Interesting. I wonder how much they are going to push the "dragon synergies in the "dragon" exp. I hope that the classes get not only "dragon" cards.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
It is so versatile! An insane powercreep over cards like Drain Soul or [Hearthstone Card (Dark Bomb) Not Found]. Maybe the return of Malylock?
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
Finally some more healing !
I will say, the Warlock package looks a bit at odds. The dragon Warlock is pushing control, while Galakrond is pushing zoo. Given how godawful anything except Zoolock has been all year, I don't have much faith in dragons saving them.
A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head
I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.
Hmm. Turns out he's dead.
The rate without a dragon is actually bad, we don't see that all that often, but it also does something many warlock cards don't go, and that is go face. Warlock gets very few damage spells that do that, and the upside on this is so high I see it being a huge deal in Dragon Warlock, and the face aspect alone could allow it to crop up in combo oriented warlock decks in wild.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Any card makes control/midrange warlock viable is good imo. Hopefully we will have anything other than zoo this expansion.
I miss playing lock.
If warlock finds a deck that wants to put dragons in, then this card absolutely goes in, because 4 damage that can go even face and has lifesteal for 2 mana is just very good. If warlock doesn´t utilize dragons, then this card is a total flop
hope we have more tools for dragonlock. this card is amazing
If Dragons are good for Warlock, this is a great control/burn tool.
Really good removal and heal, something that will surely grant control warlock a place in the future.
Darkbomb was a really good card, so this would probably see some play as well since the extra healing is good (especially given the other dragon revealed)
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Very powerful card in a Dragonlock deck. The question remains: will such an archetype take wings? I hope so.
Simple, but effective. If dragon lock picks up steam, this is an auto include for every warlock deck
Great card power creep of Drain soul which is a bit logical since this expac seems to be going all out in power terms although I'm still wondering if dragon anything is going to be very viable.
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Very good for a Control value Warlock, killing pretty much anything early and heal for 4, very nice.
Again, same as Crazed Netherwing, this card is very powerful and we must see if a dragon warlock deck can work or not.
More dragons? Yes please!
Cheap removal and healing for Warlock, could make the class viable again. Demon-Dragon hybrid perhaps?
Stop saying "if dragon warlock works" to this card.
Of course it will be a thing ! It must be !
Jokes Aside, Even old Handlock can use this, You always hold Twilight Drakes in opening hand. There is no reason you don't hold this either.
This card will see obvious play, even in non-dragon themed decks. I will try this in a Handlock with more dragons or maybe in a Plot Twist deck either.
2 damage for 2 mana is already ok thing, believe me.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Well, it's cheap and it heals, so it's perfect for dragon warlock.
I'm not discounting dragonlock just yet, but this feels a tad underwhelming compared to the other breaths we've seen.
Very strong if condition is met obviously. Given that new 5/5 aoe dragon, warlock will want to add dragon package. If combined into a zoo deck, lackeys from EVIL Genius and discover might provide solid basis, given Draconic lackey is found.
2 mana for 4 damage and healing. Absolutely ridiculous.
Seems very easy and safe spell to play it anytime because of a cheap cost, can also deal damage to enemy hero, which is a very important part of this spell.
By comparison of other dragon breaths, there are many better value cards, hence this could be outclassed by others, unless they are planning to fulfill warlock's needs with aggressive tools, because this spell can go face, and its gonna be hurt for sure.
OP Drain Soul..this is a super good card in most warlock decks to come!
2 damage for 2 mana is playable even with no dragon synergy but 4 damage and lifesteal for 2 mana is insanely strong. Warlock now has a very good removal card, if he needs one.
2 mana deal 2 is obviously not good generally. it might occasionally help out as early removal though and thats fine. 2 mana deal 4 with lifesteal sounds like a real tempo and heal swing to me. being able to clear out a 4 drop for 2 mana is goo even if you "just" heropower with it. oh btw warlock heropower will make it easier to have draggons in hand to activate the effect which generally makes "hold cards"" decks stronger for warlock
Drain Soul Drain Life Nether Breath
Say it with me, kids : POWERCREEP! POWERCREEP! YAY!!!
This deck is cool. Play it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nice card for dragon warlock. 4 with lifesteal for 2 mana is superb.
It's even wrong to judge this without the dragon effect, since by those standarts half of the dragons that shaped the meta in the past would be crap.
With that in mind, this together with Crazed Netherwing can make a extremly aggressive dragonlock.
Clearly a very powerful card that goes in a Dragon Warlock deck alongside Crazed Netherwing.
Best comparison card I can think of is Lesser Amethyst Spellstone. Doesn't get as high in damage but is much cheaper and is on average better when topdecked, assuming a Dragon is in hand. Hard to see how the whole Dragon Warlock deck will look with so few cards revealed, but the two shown so far for Warlock seem very powerful for a mid to late game control deck.
Super good card. I see warlock dragon strong with the cards shown, the only possible way to play warlock with that low power Galakrond around
Heck yeah, Malylock is back, baby!
Pretty solid, will find play for sure.
Compare this to holy fire.its op also warlock needs more health than priest.a shame that warlock doesnt have a dragon explorer
lol this is pretty comparable with the spellstone in the past. good sustain for a dragon build
indeed, still, even without a dragon it does enough.
2 mana deal 2 damage is garbage. 2 mana deal 4 damage with lifesteal is broken... so, it will be played only if we have enough dragon in the deck
Seems like it should at least be restricted to minions only.
Good if you can get have a dragon in your hand.
For me is one of the weaker breaths but in any case 4dmg for 2 wich can also go face and has life steal is not that bad
2 mana deal 4, can go face. Really spooky
A very strong card for a dragon-based deck. I doubt that a Dragon Warlock will be good enough, though.
Its a LOT better than Drain soul. Twice as much damage.
Another definite must have in any Dragon Warlock deck. Again, as with Crazed Netherwing whether a Dragon Warlock deck has enough going for it to be competitive remains to be seen. The Lifesteal is great since Warlock’s appreciate all the healing they can get and the fact this can hit face as well is just icing.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
it reminds me the stone of 4 mana that upgrades even you took damage, this one is better
Very strong with healing effects that can go face.
Great addition to Dragonlock. Pretty good card that can be used in many ways. It'll be played in every Dragonlock.
Seems really strong in Dragonlock, but that doesn't say anything really.
Might see play in Handlock with a couple extra dragons along with Twilight Drake.
Oh mama, buffed Eviscerate with lifesteal! Powercreep is indeed strong with this expansion, but my concerns about viability of dragonlock are still there.
Fun and interactive game.
Pretty good breath card and finally some heal for Warlock.