New Neutral Minion - Camouflaged Dirigible
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A new Common Neutral Minion, Camouflaged Dirigible, has been revealed!
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A new Common Neutral Minion, Camouflaged Dirigible, has been revealed!
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I'm sure sn1p snap warlock in wild will find a use for it
Yeah sure. Mechs really needed board stealth shenanigans....
It was really inevitable to design such a card...
Could set up potential Magnetize OTKs, which isn't good for the metagame. Why Blizzard, why ....
Seems like a meme to me, we had a stealth mech for 4 mana, I can't see this card being any better, giving other cards stealth for more than 1 mana is just not worth it..
Camouflaged Dirigible has hysterical art, a nearly vanilla statline, and an effect that helps aggro mech decks finish off their opponents a la Conceal back in the old days. I could easily imagine this as a one-of in such a deck - probably not a two-of since there are other finishers like Leeroy Jenkins that would do the job just fine.
This is a real toss-up for me and I think will either be awesome or useless based on the class - I think Warrior will be a bad fit, but Hunter and Paladin will make good use of this.
Warrior: A lot of great warrior mechs are Taunts (or magnetize with Taunts) so I can't see Stealth being a good thing there and removing (temporarily) the Taunt.
Hunter: This would be great to get an extra turn's worth of clear off your Missile Launcher + Venomizer by stealthing it or for some otherwise bursty magnetic SMOrc
Paladin: Ditto for Hunter - the Stealth + Magnetic + SMOrc will be very strong, especially in Wild.
I don't predict this to be too impactful. Mech decks are usually fast-paced affairs; while this effect is certainly the nuts, it's just a bit too expensive. Somewhat like how Wargear has been slowly phased out of the most competitive mech lineups, this might be a trap card as well.
That said, this is exactly the sort of card that might set up some shenanigans, and for that, I like it.
Better call Thrall!
This card has a very powerful effect but yeah they put the cost up for a good reason maybe it sees play.
hoping the cost makes it unplayable because otherwise this is gonna make mechs unbearable
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Sn1p-Lock will definitely experiment with this card.
Combined with Mecharoo it pretty much guarantees that you'll have a Mech on the board.
ArtStation | Twitter
I'm very surprised to see a big support for the mechs in an expansion that doesn't focus about mechs, it's also one of the best neutral cards for supporting mechs (other than magnetize).
This card's effect is awesome compared to other trash neutral mechs. I don't know if it's best or not, but mechs are getting supported now. So can't wait to give it a try!
I’m glad this will only coexist with magnetic cards in Standard for four months.
Three stars for standard. It might be able to set up some combos, but I think those decks will be pretty marginal. It's a little bulky in terms of mana-cost for an effect like that. Powerful, but not flexible.
BUT, MIMIRON'S HEAD in Wild. I'm here for the memes.
Not too much you’d want to give stealth that badly as far as I can remember, so not all too great.
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
I’m glad this will only coexist with magnetic cards in Standard for four months.
The effect is strong, but the high cost offsets that. It seems kinda ankward to use in any deck. Maybe someone will find a way to turn this into some monstrous combo or whatever, but i don't see it. Wild may be in trouble though...
"True mastery takes dedication."
look guys, it's the MECHWARPER NERF
also it doesn't look very impressive. What mechs even are there in Standard that would benefit from this? We already had Copertail for Stealthed Magnetic shenanigans...this costs 2-mana more and only makes sense if you have a mech on board that even needs this.
At best this would see play in an aggro mech deck....but all of those already succeed at abusing magnetic anyways
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I see they are trying to work in the “this is useless unless it’s cancer” space.
Probably too slow to see play but can sometimes create a tight situation if your opponent can't deal with stealth.
Very nicely balanced. The effect is great, but on 6 mana it's a bit late for the absolute face-aggro decks pestering Wild. On a more mid-rangy mech deck it could shine, but those have to be invented still. A deck challenge that could pay off quite a bunch.
Possibly just an experimental card to find how to print more stealth without it being uninteractive and frustrating.
This will probably be used in some sort of dumb jank combo deck, but other than that I doubt this card will ever see play.
Giving something stealth is useful when you want to make sure that a minion will be able to attack at least once. The issue is that because this card is 6 mana, it will likely only ever be used on a minion that has already been on the field at least one turn. Usually stealth is only needed for 1 turn, so unless you want to wait until turn 9-10 to give a 3-4 mana minion stealth, this isn't going to be useful. And if you do try and give a 3-4 mana mech stealth, then you will probably die because you just spent your entire turn basically doing nothing.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
It's okay, I guess. I suspect it will be a card you never see until all of a sudden someone drops it and you're like "wait what" as it wrecks your game-plan unexpectedly.
The effect here is really interesting, but the timing of its release is a bit weird. When Boomsday Project rotates this will need way more stuff to have any impact in standard, though there is a lot of fun stuff going on with it in Wild at least. The cost is thankfully high so that its not totally abusive.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
After seeing this card I am somehow happy that Boomsday is rotating in about 4 months.
And no, I don't want to go to wild for now.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
OTKish potential :D
By The Holy Light!
This is a scary card that you now have to always consider facing when playing against a mech deck. This giving the player a higher chance of magnetizing on turn 6-7 can be game ending. When facing a mech deck, you are always trying to remove their mechs before they can be magnetized and this can just prevent those mechs from dying and your opponent has to deal with a 6/6 which is a nice bonus. You could say that this won't see play since Coppertail Imposter didn't see much play, but when you played Coppertail Imposter, you were kinda forced to magnetize it and it didn't help your tempo. Coppertail Imposter also competed with Replicating Menace and Explodinator for that 4 mana mech slot. With Camouflaged Dirigible, you can value trade or go face with your other mechs and then protect them while adding a 6/6 that forces your opponent to either deal with it or aoe your board and leaving a 6 attack minion alive. It just looks like a nice card to add in a mech deck.
More dragons? Yes please!
Pretty weak, might help some deck in Wild but in Standard I don't see its potential.
It's like that squirrel mech but for all your mechs but unless you have some kind of plan it's basically just an invitation to go face which doesn't seem like the best plan to me. Has some potential though if you combo it with mech warpers to keep them alive since they'll reduce its cost so I can see it going in snip-lock
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
this is honestly filler, won't even make it into snip decks in wild. coppertail already basically does the same thing.
Shame it's other Mechs and not all friendly minions, could've been the missing piece to make the old combo- Shudderwock deck viable again
Another great addition to the wild mech decks!
WTF is this? Blizzard, hello??????
How people are giving this 2 stars?? You only play standard, right?
I hope I'm wrong about this one, I really hope.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Pretty decent. I don't think that anyone will play this in standard.
Conceal for aggro mech decks would be good finisher, but this is too expensive unfortunately. I like the flavor though.
As if Mechs needed stealth & cover ..!
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Maybe Hunter or Paladin Mech, but otherwise belongs in Goblins and Gnomes.
Filler card to cope with existing expansions...will make existing mech decks a bit more op but not too much..
The cost makes this effect not appealing, but stealth is still a pretty scary mechanic sometimes.
This guy has a chance to set up some surprise lethals for sure. Attack with any mechs you have out, then stealth them and send everybody in next turn, possibly with some magnetize to seal the deal.
Strong in aggro mech decks. Maybe doesnt worth to run, but an interesting strategic choise.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
This card can become terrifyingly powerful in any mech based deck. The first ones I thought of are Mech pally and hunter. Mech paladin was not weak but with this card this deck can become monstrous one. Camouflaged Dirigible may become a problem but there is some logic - Blizzard sometimes releases cards which become OP in current meta but lose a lot of their power after the next year rotation. So i guess Blizzard boys a OK with few months of a potential mech domination since we'll lose Galvanizer, SN1P-SN4P, Zilliax, Wargear etc with the Boomsday rotating out of Standard.
as a just standar player, i don´t see how could this card impact the meta
SN1P-SN4P decks like hunter or warlock will benefit a lot of this card. Hopefully the combo is not unbalanced!
I don't think this card will find any space for standard constructed, maybe in wild for some combo.
In arena it can be very good in an aggressive deck that has many mechs
It might see some play in a meme decks dont think it will have a huge effect unless there are really broken mechs in this set
Maybe after all these years I will finally get a Voltron in play?
If you are talking of Glinda Crowskin combos, the fact that you could only play this turn 6 or more would turn it pretty useless, since oponnents can either clear it or finish the game by then. If your fear are the aggro mech hunter/shaman/paladin then the card is also kinda usless. I played those aggro deck quite often, as most of the time I was or wanted to be delivering lethal turn 6/7, not concealing my board, since in wild each turn you are not being active, you are giving the oponent the chance to react.
This will be at best a fun inclusion in some combo deck.
I'm definitely going to try it to protect my big Pogo-Hoppers from single-target removal. It's not even bad if you are forced to play it on an empty board!
The pleasure is mine.
My last standard decks: nothing special right now.
this card is absolute trash
it's way too expensive for what it does, if you wanted a mech to stick magnetic buffs onto and smack opponent in the face for a lot you should use Coppertail Imposter instead
winmore card that doesn't even win you more that hard, 1/5
Not playable at that cost. If Snip-Snap lock wanted a stealth minion, the og combo ran copper tail infiltrators, and that's only 4 mana.
While infinite Sn1p-Sn4p decks tilt me considerably, I don't think this card is very good.
It can allow for you to use magnetic effects to an almost guarantee the following turn, but It's unclear whether an effect like this will actually make those decks better, especially considering that it costs 6 mana, and an isolated but cheaper card with the Stealth mechanic already exists for Mech decks.
I don´t see any other reason why we would want our mechs to be stealthed besides our stupid little boy Snip Snap. This would be more problemtic card in wild though, I don´t think it will find any place in standard
Right now I don't see its usage in Standard and I doubt it will see any serious play.
However as more mechs are printed, and also within Wild this card could be pretty nasty to come across. Seems kind of worthless in Arena also, could maybe hide a powerful mech after trading and making it awkward for your opponent to remove I guess.
Kinda bad, but it's quite scary what kind of huge magnetized mech can come out of the stealth :)
Looks pretty dangerous... At least it's not so cheap to play. I wonder if there's some combo that could make this guy even more valuable...
This doesnt seem very good unless you want to otk someone.
this is too clunky to see play, but imagine if it were 2-3 mana. sn1p combos would love to tech this in
Still this is really expensive for it and it doesn't even give itself stealth.
well it's a ok/good card...but the problem is the deck. In aggressive decks you don't need this card and neither you don't want to use it in control decks since you don't have so many mechs.
So...i think it will be only see playing from some discover in game
This actually seems really strong, aggro mech decks can find many ways to just finish you with this card.
I really wonder what will we do with this mech after Boomsday rotated.
Can this cad might be a hint of next expansion and year ? Time will tell I guess.
Please don't say "wild is a thing", it is obvious that I am speaking about next year and standard.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
might be broken in wild
Cool effect, but I don't expect it to actually see play
I don't think this is all that good for Sniplock. Now, I ain't no pro, but i think it's too expensive for the deck. The only way to fight the boards is with a big boardclear so the Stealth becomes irrelevant. Maybe as a one off.
In standard probably not good enough. Sometimes it will give you a win and feel great, other 2 times it will be a 6/6 for 6.
This card could find a spot in Mech Hunter. Giving a complete board of mechs stealth might be a winning move in most situations.
Too expensive and too slow. The stealth will be largely irrelevant since if you have a wide board of mechs you are trying to protect, your opponent will probably resort to AoE to deal with them.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
This card doesnt really make mech decks that much stronger, but it's an interesting TTK setup
Definitely usable, but probably won’t make meta in standard. Would like to see some experimentation with this though.
Looks cool, but I dont see this doing any good. Does anyone have a reason to stealth your mechs in standard right now? I mean its not bad, but isnt there way better things to do with 6 mana? Maybe I'm missing something
This it's too expensive. You want cheap mechs or that can magnetize. Maybe you play it to prepare some kind of combo.
Love the artwork! However, I do not see its effect have high value as there are no mech decks that can benefit from stealth.
Effect looks interesting, but its wrapped on too expansive minion. At this mana cost I don't see viable ways to benefit from it.
Fun and interactive game.
Seems like a great combo enabler..... for Megatron?
Can be used to protect your mechs in an aggro mech deck to secure lethal next turn and I think that is all this card will ever do.