New Warlock Minion - Abyssal Summoner
Submitted 5 years, 1 month ago by
A new Common Warlock Minion, Abyssal Summoner, has been revealed!
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A new Common Warlock Minion, Abyssal Summoner, has been revealed!
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I for one am looking forward to testing out handlock in the upcoming expansion. It's gonna be pretty sweet discounting Mountain Giants to 1 mana.
10/10 or should I say 12/12? With the legendary, this should summon a whopping 12/12 so that's 12/12 with taunt and the extra 2/2 those are great stats and with warlock's other legendary yet to be revealed I'm expecting a dragon that has nothing to do with handlock
Edit: Due to bad reading skills I thought this just looked at total hand size not held cards so still seems pretty good but slightly worse.
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Obvious Handlock synergy, but I really don't get what Blizz is doing with Warlock right now since they've got like 2 cards each for 4 different synergies (Handlock, Dragonlock, Demonlock, and Quest/Shufflelock). Not to mention Lackey Zoolock is still "around" I guess?
Someone needs to pick a lane and stick in it or it's going to be another 4 months at the #9 spot for winrate and played decks (which hsreplay has it at right now) for Warlock.
Pretty good, even without the legendary. Getting a 8/8 or 9/9 with taunt on turn 6 is both strong and realistic. Also a buff to Plot Twist Questlock.
However, once again the Warlock set looks disconnected as hell. On one hand we got galakrond Zoo, then we have Dragon Control and now we have...this? I hope the legendary dragons and neutral dragon support make up for this, otherwise Warlock is doomed to another set of mediocrity
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
It'd be a 9/9 or 11/11 at most because you have to play the summoner before the battlecry effect takes place. Same as with Astromancer
With any control deck it shouldn’t be too hard for it to summon a big taunt minion, at worst it’ll probably summon a 4/4, with bigger ones being relatively common
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Well since this card counts as a card in hand, the biggest the Demon can get is an 11/11.
I think this card is a lot beter for HandLock then Valdris Felgorge, as Taunts beat Aggro. But the attack on also strong vs Control decks. A 6 mana 2/2 in the evolve pool is also nice.
The nice part about Warlock is that it is one of the only decks that can run disparate pieces and still have consistent synergy because of how many cards it sees during the game.
It's pretty likely that the deck that plays this also plays a dragon package because of twilight and the new breath card.
Until we see more, this deck probably still plays some manner of plot twist endgame...because that's all it really has right now.
Repost from the news thread, as I meant to post here for the giveaway...
Abyssal Summoner is kind of meh. To be worth it, you'd probably need at least five cards in hand, and you're probably not really excited about this card until you've got 7 or 8 other cards in hand. That's probably only happening once you get all your "Giant Handlock" win conditions lined up, so this feels like a very late game 6-drop that's hard to be super excited about.
Good card for Control Warlock, time for it to shine again?
I am really glad to see the support for handlock. This card will be played in every handlock deck out there, but I don't think it will be enough for this sort of 'draw/hand' thing to be viable.
Turn 6 is a little late to be putting out large taunts, I am not saying getting a 8/8 taunt on 6 is bad, but it is too late to stop aggro. If we want this deck to be viable, we need a way for this deck to stop aggro, a large taunt is nice, but something to do before turn 4 would be appreciated. Something that plays a similar role to Kobold Librarian, a cheap card that doesn't reduce your hand size, so that handlocks can still be active during the early game, but also still get a turn 4 Mountain Giant.
A decent card, I mean, it's only a common, but it won't help warlocks get back up on their feet.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Good in handlock, taunt is good and it's an even card, which is relevant in wild. On a sidenote, it's so sad warlock is a meme class through the year of the dragon expansions when the main villain represents the class. I hope warlock shines with some nee cards.
Hand-dragon-lock might be a thing, but this card will not find its spot in that deck...
Looks very nice, specially in handlock, most of the times this will be a 6 mana 2/2 + 7-8/7-8 taunt, so I love it!
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
handlock back at it again
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
But does it REALLY have *consistency*, even with all that draw?
I guess that was kind of my point in bringing up HSReplay/metastats - Warlock has been the single worst class for play % and winrate for the entirety of SoU & I think partly because none of the "menagerie" decks really have the kind of consistency necessary (in addition to the obvious overpowering of Shamanstone and the fact that few of the "resurrected" Wild cards really helped any main Warlock deck like they did Priest for example).
None of what we're seeing says that will change with DoD. Can you put together a Menagerie Handlock deck? Sure. Will it be any good, even as a meme? I'm thoroughly skeptical.
I said this in a comment on Valdris Felgorge: my guess is Shuffle Warlock was a bust, so Blizz is going back to old fashioned Hand Controlock NEXT YEAR and these two cards are the "first wave" of that so to speak. I expect April's expansion is going to be a lot more synergistic with that than DoD appears to be.
But until then ‾\_(ツ)_/‾
Obvious card for Even Handlock in Wild, might see play in Standard as well given how relatively easy it is to have a sizable hand as the Warlock. Reminds me of Spiteful Summoner, in a way.
Not great in general, but devastating in Even Warlock in Wild!
Seems really really good to me warlock is the class with the easiest time having a large hand and the taunt is really relevant you get mountain giant + sunfury protector in ONE card..
as a handlock/evenlock player I am quite excited..
I haven't seen Even-Warlock for quite some time now. Could this be the card that brings this archetype back to live? The fact that the Demon comes with taunt could be the important Detail.
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It's going to be better than people think.
Question - Does "hand size" = "cards in hand"?
Both new cards are using same wording - "hand size" and Valdris one means "total number of cards u can fit in hand".
Mountain Giant, Twilight Drake and similar cards have different wording.
So that means it always summons 10/10 (sometimes 12/12) for 6 mana.
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A credit card.
amazing!!! strong battlecry, but weak stats. hope to see controlock again
Valdris Felgorge refers to 'maximum hand size', so no, I doubt this would always summon a 10/10 or a 12/12. Not only would that make the wording inconsistent, it'd be fairly insane in terms of power level to get a guaranteed 10/10 taunt for 6 mana.
I don't think we've seen a card refer to "stats" in the game before either. They might be changing formatting standards or they might not care about the older formatting standards.
I like it. Warlocks was missing a good control deck for a while. This one can fit in to one, together with the new legendary. And this taunt boy, like daaaamn.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Pinch of Death Cap, heel of shoe.
This is like Twilight Drake but much better. Insane with new warlock legendary
does anyone know if hand size means # in hand or total possible in hand??
I'm almost certain it means the # of cards in hand after playing the summoner. If they meant max hand size they'd add the word "maximum" like with the new WL legendary. Not to mention a guaranteed 10/10 taunt for 6 mana seems busted AF.
I think many people are either over estimating or under valuing this. This card does a number of good things and does them better than some of its counter parts. Yes, its slow, slower than Twilight Drake or Mountain Giant, however its stats are split into 2 bodies, and one of those naturally has Taunt, and while the Taunt can be silenced, the stats don't get wrecked like Twilight Drake, and that body has some potential Demon synergy. The big deal is that the Taunt is rolled in, so instead of playing a Twilight Drake and then giving it Taunt, you just have all that, plus you have the small body which you could bounce and replay for value, or you could use either half along side Shadow Flame and still have something left on the board. And yes, it gets buffed by the new legendary, but that's just extra garbage, that will never truly impact this cards playability.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Looking forward for handlock with mountain giants and this lady. Sounds cool ;)
Perfect combo with the new hand size upgrade
This will most likely see play, it's good as long as you have 5+cards.
It’s like Possessed Lackey, but less randomness and it’s a battlecry.
And Lackey was good enough to warrant a nerf. So... I like it!!!
Even with 6 cards in hand, 5 after playing this, doesn’t seem too bad. Better obviously with bigger hand sizes.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Phantom Freebooter from Frozen Throne refers to "stats".
Good point, I forgot about her. Usually these sorts of cards just use some variant of "gain +1/+1 for each X", which wouldn't have worked for the Freebooter.
I suppose they used this wording so the token wouldn't be squashed by a silence and would be resurrected with the same stats by EG Bloodreaver Gul'dan.
Good Card.
Potentially worth 13/13 or 11/11 worth of stats + stats for 6 mana aint bad. A must have for any handlock based strategies. Viability will prolly be meta dependent, but if handlock shines, this will too.
I wonder if the generated taunt has "buffed" stats or fixed stats like the Jade Golems
I got confused at first because of the wording, but my guess is that it works like Astromancer.
The token has your hand size as its baseline stats, EG silencing would only remove the taunt, not stats.
In the reveal video you can see the token has white power/toughness, not green, as would be the case if the stats were considered a buff.
So obviously you would want to play this card in a deck that holds a lot of cards in hand. A handlock deck would be the best way to utilize this effect or you could try a Supreme Archaeology deck for fun. While the effect is strong, I feel like it would be better to run Khartut Defender for that 6 mana minion slot since you will need the healing. Either way, this card can be a huge tempo swing getting you a massive taunt minion.
This card with Valdris Felgorge should make a fun new handlock. Maybe this is how dragon warlock will work, with dragons like Twilight Drake, Crazed Netherwing and the spell Nether Breath that end up making a new type of handlock.
More dragons? Yes please!
Not to sound like Bartender Bob but ...
'' I like where this is going ''
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Ahh, got it. Thanks for the info. That's my first time seeing that video.
So it works like Jade Golems.
Interesting handlock support. Maybe a comeback with dragon package?
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Handlock exclusive..combined with Valdris Felgorge this is fairly decent. Return of the handlock soon!
Might have to give even lock a go in wild with this card.
In standard, I’m undecided on the impact of this card. A turn 6 Summoner with a turn 7 Felgorge into a turn 8 Summoner would be sick. In any other situation, it’s meh.
I have a feeling that there are one or two more cards that has synergy with hand size that have yet to be revealed. Once we get an idea of the whole set, then we’ll have a better picture of how capable hand lock will be
Has promise, love the card art. Crossing fingers for a golden copy.
Very interesting card that could work out pretty well with Valdris Felgorge and Supreme Archaeology. Really looking forward to a handlock deck.
situational, not really like it
Solid, good card especially with the Taunt effect. Warlock usually have big hands (maybe exept from zoo) so this is playable in a lot of decks. But it's of course in Handlock this will shine.
If you have more than 5 cards in hand when you play this, it is already cost efficient.
Will I still hold my reservations for the legendary that increases your hand size, this one on the other hand (get it?) can be played alone in a control or combo warlock deck.
3/5 maybe 4/5, depends on the meta
I like this one, it's almost like playing Mountain Giant + Sunfury Protector in the old Handlock times, but this is only one card and has potential to be even better. Very good card.
I like this card a lot.
What control decks need is having ways to pressure the slower type of decks, because only packing heals and removals will only let you win versus aggro and lose versus the other midrange, control and combo decks.
Now we have mountain giants and this to start pressuring those kind of decks on the early turns, i don't find twilight drake to be that good anymore (i think it would still see play, especially if the dragon tag will matter; plus it still trades well versus aggro).
If some kind of controllock will see play in the next meta this card wil see play, actually i think it can see play even on a late-midrangey warlock deck, for example something like discarding this card with the 2/1 minion that discards the highest cost card in your hand and when it dies it adds two copies of it, and then in the lategame playing te 6/6 that adds to your and 3 discarded cards and starting outvaluing the opponent.
More reliable Astromancer at a cheaper cost, albeit at worse stats. We'll have to see how much other hand-support we get.
So at worst, 2/2 with 0/0 insta-dead and best 11/11 total.
Portal Handlock sound great.
I think this may be a bit too slow. Usually the reason warlock was running mountain giants was because they could be dropped so early .
I´m not expecting much from this card, it just feels slow. I think the mage´s card Astromancer is a bit better than this card
I like the idea to resurrect the handlock with Valdris Felgorge and Abyssal Summoner. This card will be a part of hand warlock for sure but we don't know if there will be handlock by itself on ladder.
Obviously for use in hand lock alongside Valdris Felgorge, but I just don't think this card is really good enough, unless there is more support.
Mountain Giant seems to be preferable, but with more support this could be a strong power play.
It has potential, but currently shown cards it's just OK. In any way a bit too slow. Taunt could save you, though
Valdris Felgorge likes this card.
Handlock will see alot of play this meta, for sure. With the new legendary, this type of handlock will be value town!
Seems pretty op.pushes handlock with the new legendary.will try it ou
well, i think warlock would have a much higher winrate if people weren't playing value nzoth stuff. Zoo is okay and the quest builds with Ra/Mechathun are actually pretty solid in quite a few matchups.
The best thing about this is that you can sacrifice the 2/2 and not lose your big minion.
Well...this card can be only played in handlock. It's just average but we will see play in standard probably, though Handlock is not a deck that want spend his mana on card like this one :/
it's like a warlock version of that one mage spell that summons depending on hand, however, this card synergizes very well with the other warlock card revealed.
I thought this was exciting - then I saw it had 2/2 for 6 mana. Yuck!
May be the rise of a new Handlock, but I doubt. Card seems decent, but it really requires at least 6 other cards in hand for it to be worth it.
Wonderful card for handlock.
max. 11/11 with taunt + 2/2 on the board with Valdris Felgorge and it has a tribe so you can always give it something more.
This might rise Warlock from its ashes. At least controllock and handlock.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
feels to slow and bad
This card is good in any case in pretty much handlock scenarios demon synergy is a thing and Demon big hand warlock is a thing to be aware of
The Taunt is crucial, but I still don't expect it to be good
With 5 or more cards in hand, the combined stats are better than vanilla minions. But to justify playing this card in constructed, the hand size should be even larger. If Handlock becomes a thing, this card is a necessary inclusion.
Seems overall just OK. Absolutely awful card to top deck though.
The fact that the summoned Demon will have Taunt is relevant since it presents a body that cannot simply be ignored. Obvious synergy with Valdris and Veiled Worshipper. Might still be too fair to make the cut or be redundant when Twilight Drake and Mountain Giant are also available and can be played much earlier.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
More handlock sinergy but without the molten giant i dont think this arquetype will be back
I'm not sure what I think about this card. She seem like a really strong minion in quest warlock and will probably see play there, but I feel like she's not strong enough to keep up with other decks and most warlock decks (including quest) would like to do something else than putting a big minion on board - something they btw already have an easier way to do. Also not fitting for a dragon deck I think
Maybe I'll eat my words when DOD have settled and we really see have strong it is.
Feels too slow and not strong enough for handlock in standard.
Excellent card. It has synergy with Valdris Felgorge and you'll summon a demon with fairly good stats. Bonkers for wild with Bloodreaver Gul'dan. It also fits greatly in an Evenlock deck.
Not very good in Standard, at least until more support for Handlock comes, but this is pretty cool in Wild.
For a common card, not bad.
Handlock will probably apprieciate this, but it does nothing special other than create big body on board. I believe that there are more interesting cards. Nevertheless solid stuff.
Fun and interactive game.