New Paladin Spell - Sanctuary
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A new Epic Paladin Spell, Sanctuary, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Paladin Spell, Sanctuary, has been revealed!
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This means the Hero takes no damage right, or minions too? Seems pretty easy to complete, so it's basically a 2 mana 3/6 Taunts, which is good value.
seems pretty strong
not difficult to complete
So this sidequest is just auto-completed with Time Out!? Not sure how valuable a 3/6 taunt is off that, but I suppose for only 2 mana that's a good value if you're going for it. I'm sure it will see some play.
Very easy to complete if the requirement is that the hero doesn't take damage. Pretty nice reward too. My guess is that it will see a lot of play.
Very cool card! Can be played very early, rewarding you with a buffed taunt whenever you don't take damage or help stabilize with early [Hearthstone Card (time out) Not Found] when in a pinch.
it's interesting to say the least.
Obviously there's the Time OUt synergy (although I doubt spending 5 total mana on a 3/6 taunt is worth it)
I'd probably run this in Nozdormu Paladin since that deck needs non-minion early plays.
At the end of the day this works similar to Rat trap. Your opponent will be forced to damage you each turn or else you get a huge tempo/defense boost, meaning you might be able to stop them from value trading.
Downside is that you spend 2-mana and your opponent will always know what awaits him.
The wording seems off though. "for a turn" could imply your own turn, which means you'd be guaranteed completion the turn you play it as long as you don't slam your face into something. Guess it should be "your opponent's turn"
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I assume this card only cares about taking damage on your turn. The question then becomes whether it only cares about face damage or if taking damage with minions also cancels the trigger.
From the way it's worded I'm inclined to assume this is basically a 2 mana 3/6 taunt that comes down with a one turn delay unless you swing weapons at minions.
Good value for mana, but a terrible lategame topdeck, and probably not enough of a payoff to include in many decks.
It's hard to evaluate cards when you can't tell what they do exactly from the printed text. Do better blizzard. Come on.
Easy to complete in aggro deck. In control, if you play vs aggro it'll be hard to not take damage
obviously time out finishes this guaranteed. then it's basically 2 mana 3/6 taunt?
Easy to complete, but the 3/6 taunt is not that great. Maybe there are some situations where your opponent has to hit your face instead one of your minions just to delay the coming of a big taunt. I mean can this card force your opponent to make some bad tempo plays?
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Seems a bit redundant to me, if you’re in a situation where you can avoid taking damage, a lot of the time that means you’ve already stabilized against aggressive decks
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
This card's worded very badly what does the card mean.. for a turn? a turn is when you press "end turn button" so the condition is weird since you don't take face damage in your turn most of the time, I assume it also includes your minions though.. so then you play it on turn 2 and get a 3/6? that doesn't make sense either since it's too strong..
the probable option is that this card needs to be on the board for a full turn so you need to survive the opponent's turn without taking damage (Again.. only face damage, or ANY damage?)
and then does it then counts your own turn? then it's easy to complete
power level ?/5
wording of the card -10000/5
basically its a 2 mana paladin secret, 3/6 taunt is damn big in early game
On one hand its a 5 mana card with time out! on the other, it might be a dead draw most of the time. Combos nicely with that mirage card as well though and yeah the wording doesn't seem quite right.
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
From what I understand only the hero can't take damage. As for what it considers a turn, it seems the turn it is played doesn't count.
So if you play this on turn 2 it won't activate then. Should your opponent not damage you, it activates, else you will only get it at the end of your turn 3.
Seems the kind of card that you either get it soon or it becomes kinda "meh" and weak.
I think this is really good.
Even if your opponent can damage your hero, it's like damocles' sword.
And it can force your opponent to make unfavorable trades, to put at least a little damage to your hero.
Maybe it's also a good way to keep your board presence?
Imagine this: You and the Opponent are fighting for the board and your SQ is active. Since you have to take damage, your Opponent has to attack you or use burn, which could lead to them taking unfavorable trades. And if they don't go Face and trade off your board, you will get a free 3-6 Taunt that'll pick up your Opponents damaged Minions.
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The first good sidequest that doesn't detract from a deck as a whole just to appease it.
Very good turn 2, even better vs control.
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
This quest seems pretty powerful, playing this on turn 2, or 1 with coin will make your opponent have to hero power on their turn 2 to avoid letting you have a big minion too early. Later in the game it might feel a bit awkward on both players part, but I don't have a doubt that there will be some paladin deck that wants to play this (there are already a couple of existing paladin decks you would want to put this in).
I don't think it is a very good design though, it just feels so bad to your opponent, imagine playing a warrior and then you miss your 1 drop so now you have to deal with a 3/6 taunt on turn 2. This card just seems to unfair to classes that don't have a way to deal damage with their hero power.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
To me, the most interesting thing about Sanctuary is that it's a 2 mana quest (whereas all the previous quests and side quests have been 1 mana). The most obvious synergy here is with Time Out! in a Shirvallah Paladin deck as a way to decrease the cost of Shirvallah, the Tiger while stalling your opponent for more than the one turn Time Out! gets you.
It may also be relevant in a more aggressive Paladin deck that's hoping to get this down on turn 2 in order to get a big, early taunt wall between the enemy and smaller minions, but I'm not totally convinced by that. Playing this on turn 2 means you're not immediately developing the board - in that scenario, your turn one minion can attack, but any subsequent minions (including this taunt) won't be able to attack until turn 4 due to summoning sickness. That's a lot of turns to spend not attacking in a style of deck that typically wants to get early value trades to snowball to a victory on turns 5 and 6.
Without more clarification on how this works, this is impossible to judge.
I suppose this card consider only your opponent's turns and not yours.
A big difference is when the sidequest is completed, basically if the minion can attack right away. For example i started first and at turn 2 play this, my opponent on his second turn heropowers and emotes "the light shall burn you!" so the sidequest activates, and i get the minion, does the minion spawn at the end of my opponent turn (it can attack) or at the start of mine (it can't attack)?
I think the card is good if played and activated very early, but later it doesn't seem that good at all, because it will be harder to activate and the 3/6 with taunt will not be so strong anymore
As the requirement seems simple enough, a 3/6 for 2 mana should be worth a while
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
This card is really cool and does things that I think most people are overlooking. Sometimes this is a 2 mana, your opponent must target your with their hero power every turn. And while its true hero powers are good value, they are bad tempo, and having to target your opponent to prevent them from getting a super efficient Taunt is pretty good as well. Sometimes your opponent is just going to have to let you have this, and while this might not seem like the best minion in the world, its just a 3/6 taunt, its not super aggressive, it is an insane 2 drop, and its is great for holding buffs. I think people are going to be surprised about how annoying this is to deal with. Yes, in games you're already losing board and behind its likely this never does anything, but generally if you're in that situation as Paladin you probably lost anyway.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Should be you only, so minions can take damage.
In normal circumstances this SQ is faster then the other ones revealed so far, and the payoff is good enough. I think this will see play in decks that have room to run it.
Hmmm .. 2 mana 3/6 taunt looks very good, BUT .. you will want this against aggros, right? You can avoid damage for one damn turn against these "decks"? Sure ..
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
I agree. The wording is confusing; it could mean your face can't take damage, but it could also mean your entire side of the board can't take damage for a turn. Difficult to judge when it's left to us to figure it out.
Interesting card, not sure it will see play, it’s horrible in the late game, and since it’s not reliably drawn at the beginning, there’s no guarantee you’ll get it in time to make a meaningful impact in the first few turns.
Could see play in Aggro Paladin or Secret Paladin, where the opponent would need to prioritize either the board that you are developing or having to deal one damage to face.
Its just not consistent enough
Easy to complete and good reward! I think it will see use in standard!
The Force is strong in this one.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
This does seem like it would be rather simple to complete, and a 2-mana 3/6 taunt is pretty good. Thumbs up!
This card looks pretty strong to me. It can work on either a control deck running lots of removal and Time Out! or a aggro/midrange deck that is able to get the early board control. This card is great on turn 2 and amazing if you coin it out on turn 1. It will force your opponent to maybe waste a spell on your face or make them use their hero power giving you control for the turn to come. You don't have to activate this card immediately, just having it around might force your opponent to go face instead of getting a value trade on one of your minions. While I like this card alot, it's mostly a sidequest that you want in the early game unlike Learn Draconic which can be activated at anytime and the effect is still quite strong. This card needs support to be able to activate in the mid to late game, it's doable but is a 3/6 taunt worth it after turn 5?
More dragons? Yes please!
Hard to say but I feel like this is better against control then aggro oddly enough.
Pretty op..can't you just turn 1 coin this and complete the quest right away..thats insane for a turn 1 play
I don't know about this one, I mean a 2 mana 3/6 it's pretty overpowered but it only works against 5 classes and sometimes not even against thoese. Mage, Druid and Rogue can easily ping for 2 mana every turn and wait for perfect turn so they can remove the minion. Against Hunter it's unplayable, Hunters love to hero power anyway so you are just wasting resources playing this card against them. None is going to play a card which sometimes it does something to half of the classes. The only place a see for it it's in the OTK Paladin, because Time Out! guarantees the minion, but at that point the 3/6 probably won't even matter.
2 mana: Whenever you're next ahead, and don't need a taunt, you'll get one.
Not to great, while the reward is good, and the price is low, the timing is terrible.
It's an excellent card compared to spamming your hero power with nothing else to do. I'm not sure it justifies a card in the deck. It's a strong card that doesn't break the game. I see it working best in some kind of zoo Paladin where you and your opponent are incentivized to trade a lot. Do they take an easy value trade or go face? I like the design of the card because it warps your opponents decision making a lot like a secret even though it's not a secret. I want them to continue to explore the side-quest space after this expansion because this one is a lot more interesting than "spend 8 mana on spells."
It's cheap and will eventually go off or severely hinder the opponent's options at the very least. I like it.
Turn 2 pressure, then flood the board with 1-costs and Recruits.
I like the card! Played early it can force an opponent to somehow hit your face with hero power or spells to prevent a 3-6 taunt, which is good. But if you are already behind on board and have no taunts it might be impossible to complete this quest so it doesn't give you any comeback mechanics. But helps to make early pressure and snowball very hard, or ir can be a defensive option if played very early.
Getting this out early could be pretty powerful, coining it out against someone with no 1 drop or hero power which deals damage is obviously quite strong.
My problem is seeing how you can reliably complete this during the mid to late game. Unless you have a bunch of taunts already out then your opponent can always ensure 1 damage goes face to prevent it activating. Mage and Hunter completely lock this out if they so wish, but it does have nice synergy with Time Out!.
Perhaps I am not seeing it, but right now it seems worse and harder to reliably pull off than the mage side-quest Learn Draconic.
It has a good synergy with time out, but other than that it can be a bit difficult to trigger the effect. However, the good thing is that most likely sooner or later there will come a turn when you manage to fulfill the condition. That´s the charm of this sidequest, that you almost force your opponent to choose between doing a good value trade or hitting face just to avoid dealing with a 3/6 taunt
Seems nice but is a Tempo bucket, you are suceptible to hero powers in the early game and almust useless in the endgame, howhever i can see it fit in agrro paladin decks
Looks super strong. Synergy with Time Out! will guarantee that you can complete this quest even against agro.
This seems good to me! Looks pretty easy to trigger.
Pretty cool card tho, it will see play in control paladin for sure, value town!
these sidequests really don't look that good or fun.. this card in particular can only be played when you're winning on board and really only snowballs you from that point.
2 mana for an inminent thread? Awesome card.
Pay 2 mana for a 3/6 taunt is quite good. We can use this card in a control deck or even in aggressive deck to put another minion on board and protect other important minions
Seems pretty dang easy to complete, easiest sidequest yet?
I'm a bit confused about wording but I assume they meant enemy's turn.
It can be completely powerful or can be a thrash. It is so game dependent. I am giving 3-stars just because of this.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
looks like a bad agro card. Since OP know you played it.
This card has a nice synergy with [Hearthstone Card (Timeout) Not Found], which is currently played in Shirvalla Paladin. But that deck seems to be refined enough and I don't think that this card might fit into it. Another approach would be to run this card in an aggro deck, which forces your opponent to go face instead of trading to prevent summoning the minion.
Inconsistent end very depenant on your opponent, but potentially really strong! Will be huge if triggered early in the game.
Underwhelming side quest in my opinion. Too easy to deal with. 2 mana do nothing
I doubt it will see much play. While the requirement is very simple, its also extremely easy for opponents to stop it. And if they can stop it, you lose a ton of tempo in the early game, and in the late game the payoff isn't even that worth it.
Potentially a very high-roll, low-roll card. If you play it super early and manage to get it off, you have a very good taunt as soon as turn 2 or 3. On the other hand, this feels like a card meant to help fend off aggro, and yet if your opponent is aggro they will almost certainly be able to keep this Sidequest suppressed by simply attacking.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Now that's pressure. Defending against this early will be a pain if played on empty board, this sidequest could see some play.
Good card in aggro Paladin: either the opponent trades with your current board and has to deal with a 2 mana 3/6 or get's run over by the board it neglects to prevent summoning a 2 mana 3/6.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Can be very powerful if drawn early against a slow deck, yet overall too situational to be great.
If you play it on curve you force the ping from your opponent. You can also play it later in the game with Time Out for a 3/6 taunt.
It's bad versus the very thing it's supposed to be good against - aggro. That's not a good sign.
If you behind on board this card is useless. This simple fact means this doesn't belong in any meta deck. Otherwise value looks obviously very good, but I don't believe it will be consistent enough.
Fun and interactive game.
Bad versus aggro and since this card was made to fight those decks, it's not a very good sign.