New Hunter Minion - Diving Gryphon
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A new Rare Hunter Minion, Diving Gryphon, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Hunter Minion, Diving Gryphon, has been revealed!
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Well, this card seems awesome. Its a Town Crier that draws itself, works are decent removal in a class lacking removal, has a beast tag, and just seems great. The only reason this doesn't see play is if Dragon Hunter becomes the only deck and doesn't have room for this.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Yes, I would play a Shadowbolt that draws a card in the class with the worst card draw. Potentially interesting combos with Dire Frenzy? Just a super strong card completely on its own aside from the beast synergy.
3 mana deal 4 damage cantrip. Nice!
Hunter does have a lot of strong rush cards, but not so many good rush minions that can be drawn unlike warrior with Town Crier. The better rush minions that do see play in hunter decks are Springpaw and Zilliax, though Diving Gryphon is good on its own and should be considered as a good rush minion for Hunter.
This could see play in a big beast hunter deck that is running Diving Gryphon and Master's Call to draw your big rush beasts such as Amani War Bear and Oondasta.
Even if such a deck doesn't work, the card is still great. It has beast synergy, it draws itself or another important rush minion, it helps the sidequest Clear the Way and it is a decent 4 damage removal for 3 mana.
More dragons? Yes please!
Shadow Bolt for comparison.
This gryphon is pretty good.
Not a powerhouse, but a solid inclusion, especially for Highlander.
This is surprising in a good way, and on top of all that was already said before me, it allows Hunters to cycle a little more through their decks, which is worth mentioning.
Bonus : I'm predicting a cheesy Diving/Pool flavor text - could be wrong
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Even if they don't print any exciting new rush minions for Hunter, just thinning the Springpaws from your deck is already a huge advantage. Sign me up!
Seems great, card draw in hunter is kind of premium and this doesn't lose you tempo while you do it, synergy with the side quest, master's call, spring paw zilliax, itself.. This card is awesome.
I like this card.
Specific card draw, removal, and beast synergy.
In addition, supports the quest Clear the Way.
Tutor-cards are always very strong, especially in a class that has wak card draw.
Btw it's similar to Ursatron: a tutor that can draw itself.
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Impacts board which is nice. It's like a shadowbolt. AND ITS DRAW. Draw in Hunter = ALWAYS good.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Removal, beast, card draw. Everything what a hunter needs.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
It's gonna be great in Quest Hunter
Springpaw, Hogsteed and Zilliax are enough to make this consistent, and Quest Hunter likes draw a lot.
It'S basically an early Huffer when you need it. If only we had a suitable substitue for Leokk
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Card draw in a Hunter is the only good thing about this card. I am not convinced...
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
this card seems awesome
removal, draw engine, beast tag
it fits in every hunter deck i guess
Card is fine, nothing special compared to the power creep of the expansion we've seen so far. but removal and draw is nice for Hunter.
This is a very solid card. It basically functions like a Wing Blast that draws you another rush minion. Also, the side quest just got some help!
It's not gonna stick, but that's hardly its intention :)
I believe it's a solid card. Not great. not garbage. Good battlecry and decent removal.
Seems like this should be quite powerful for Hunter.
Card draw for Hunter is extremely valuable, this only draws Rush minions but that can also be seen as a positive as it will help control the board early on. Has great synergy with Clear the Way , should make this quest very easy to complete.
This is a good card, specially for control decks, but I still don't think there's exist such deck in the "hunter world".
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Pretty good Dire Frenzy target.
On balance, this is a pretty solid card. 3 mana deal 4 is fair, and draw a card is great, especially in Hunter. Throw in Scavenging Hyena synergy and you’ve got the makings of a huge tempo play.
Great rush stats for 3 mana, and you get to draw another rush card.
It is a removal tool that draws you another removal tool.
This will be a valuable card for hunter's, they already didn't have much draw, and with Zul'jin being so good, Tracking hasn't been used as much.
Draw is good. Rush is good. This card is good.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Rush hunter gets some love, this goes great with one of the sidequests. Removal AND draw is always a great combination.
I say this will be a really nice card draw card . Probably a 3 star card but it remains to be seen.
auto include in every hunter deck. this power creep is insane
It's good card. Draw in hunter decks is very important, because there are not many good drawing cards. I think it'll play for sure not only in rush hunter decks, but in deck that play 4+ minions with rush one copy or two of driving gryphon will play
Great card, good removal and a specific draw, with an option to play it as 4/1 if needed. Can pull Zilliax, and maybe Oondasta if you want to build around it. Additionally, on curve Hyena fuel. Any strong rush printed from now on could just make this stronger.
Solid card in some aspect due to the ability to remove and draw but feels a bit underwhelming.
It's definatelly playable. Hunter uses many rush cards.
One of the best cards so far, simplistic but god darn good.
Think about it this way: is Shadow Bolt good? what about Town Crier ? If you answer yes or maybe to any of them, then they forbidden child, aka this card, is going to be a must play in any hunter deck that runs at least 1 more rush card.
Really good. Will be played and will be hated. Great synergy with Dire Frenzy
It's Shadow Bolt, but it can draw another Shadow Bolt (or some other damage spell Rush minion). That's pretty sweet.
Excellent tutor card. I'm loving the support Beast Hunter is getting. Screw Mechs lol
I kept reading it Divine Gryphon and could not figure out why its called that, where is the Divine Shield and why is that a Hunter card :D oh boy ...
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very good card, cards that draw a specific card and are even good themselves are just... good!
Imagine playing a Shadow Bolt that can also draw a card.
Rush Hunter? All the good Rushes I know are Spell summoned.
3-cost 4-1 beast rush, is extremely good for hunter and it replaces itself? for real? this card is excelent removal for Midrange archetypes
Looks nice enough, Hunter’s always gonna love some more draw.
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
So we got 4 damage and draw for 3 mana which is not bad. I personally don't like the card by itself, but can't argue it's srong enough to be played. Hunter gets an option to draw a rush minion directly that you could only do with Countess Ashmore previosly or with a Town Crier if you a warrior. Diving Gryphon gives some support to the new hunter sidequest. And It may be played in a highlander deck as a removal and a way to draw something strong like Zilliax.
Very good card for removal of early threats and giving you another cast. Plus, it is a beast, extra points for the hunter class.
good card, it replaces itself while you deal with stuff 3/5
Nice draw+removal option, will see play for sure.
Good card, but kinda bland..arena card mostly.
Solid card, Hunter does need some removal and draw, this card has both. Let's not forget about the synergies with cards like Clear the Way or Dire Frenzy.
A very nice card.
is a removal that draw a card with a keyword, and hunters have good card with that keyword. This card helps activating the new sidequest too, so there is that.
I'm pretty sure it will se play in all hunters decks but mechs
Solid midrange card that will definitely see play, if not be overly impactful.
so good in hunter.. other than mech hunter i dont see a build that doesnt run this.
Town Crier does not make an impact in the game asides the draw effect. This draws and gives you a minion.
it's a removal for 3 mana. It's ok (only for the draw effect), but i don't know if it will find a space in a competive deck
Doesn't seem quite as strong as the warrior 3/2 rush reborn card; one mana less, but since there are no 0 mana rush cards, you are paying at least 1 mana to play the other rush minion. I think 4 mana for two attacks is better.
A Shadow Bolt that tutors.
Great with the new rush sidequest and Dire Frenzy
Gryphons are one of the most awaited stuff by me. Now they come widely after we see some in former expansions.
to be honest, I didn't expect them themed in Hunter, but i got them and that's a thing.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Ithink its the best hunter card in the set good in aggro control and midrange.
Extraordinary card, not only in quest hunter , i think its solid
Card draw is always strong in hunter decks. However, this card competes with a lot of strong cards in the 3 mana slot, and I think that cards like Animal Companion, Eaglehorn Bow, and Master's Call are still stronger.
Decent card, tutored drawing effects are always powerful. So attaching it to a shadow bolt (assuming no taunts) only makes it better.
Very efficient card, I don't expect Rush sidequest to be good though
Yea I agree this feels like an upgraded town crier pretty much
I think this is a fantastic card. Essentially a removal tool that guarantees drawing a second removal tool since even with the barest support will draw your second Diving Gryphon.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
In a vacuum, this is the most powerful card on the set, in my opinion. 3 mana deal 4 damage tutor a rush is insane.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Draw is always welcome for Hunter. It also supports the sidequest. It'll find a home in Quest Hunter. In Wild it's a perfect addition for Odd Hunter.
Fantastic! Good damage, and the drawn minion can be played immediately or saved for later. Even has synergy with itself. I don't see which deck wouldn't want to run this.
Put your faith in the Light!
The only thing that might be a problem is the cost of 3, which is already full of good Hunter cards.
But I'm sure this will find it's place.
It's beast, it's removal, it's card draw - overall very good card for Hunter. I believe we see this guy a lot.
Fun and interactive game.