New Shaman Minion - Cumulo-Maximus
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A new Epic Shaman Minion, Cumulo-Maximus, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Shaman Minion, Cumulo-Maximus, has been revealed!
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5/5 for 5, not bad.
Kinda reminds me of Fire Elemental with a bigger upside but conditional effect.
EDIT: Wow, didn't realize this can hit face.
7 mana, 10 damage reach for quest shaman.
5mana 5/5 with a good effect : Nice!
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Thankfully not Even.
A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head
I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.
Hmm. Turns out he's dead.
Face! Lets go! Haha. Aggro doomhammer punch you in the face lava burst fun shaman!
This is basically Pit Crocolisk (8 Mana 5/6 with Battlecry: Deal 5 Damage) except it costs 3 less and requires overload. This might not actually be too good, since cards like Lava Schock that unlock overloaded Mana crystals were never that great
You don't really want to play 5 mana 5/5s, but when you can get a free 5 damage and it works along side the Shaman quest this is pretty spicy. Its still a bit expensive and because you have to have overloaded mana crystals its not as easy to find the right opportunity to play this in the midgame, but its still going to be one of the more common minions I think we'll see in shaman decks once Evolve rotates back out.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Dude. With those cheap 0 mana overload spells... Let's kill something, kill something else, summon a totem, deal 10 damage face then mutate because why not. Yiikes.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
Quest shaman just got additional 20 potential face damage in the deck it's not like they were otking you or anything anyway.
Strong and flavourful.
Nice, love the name
Like it. Love the name. Of course OP next to all the other dragons cards, this expension is so bloody strong.
Powerful tempo swing / finisher
Reminds me of Blazecaller which was a great card. 2 less mana, - 1/1 in stats and a more managable condition for the battlecry. This card is very powerful.
More dragons? Yes please!
Just crazy. This could find a spot in most Shaman decks with some overload cards.
I'm getting worried this expansion will be too overpowered and everyone will hate it during the next cycle, like K&C but even worse. But at least all those OP cards looks FUN!
Very good, but a scary addition for quest and aggro shaman.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
I really hope the other cards in this set are gonna be as powerful as predicted, because if after getting all kinds of awesome dragons I still have to play against nothing but stupid quest and aggroshamans using this stupid card I will lose my mind :)
Quest Shaman doesn't run enough overload for this to be worth and I don't think they'd want to include an overload package just to make this work. Kobold LAckey + Wasp already does the same amount of damage for less commitment.
Aggro Shaman already has Lava Burst, which is better because it's cheaper, and they really don't need that much reach. Could maybe see it being run in the more board centered builds. If you drop this with Zap after a tur 4 Thunderhead you get big tempo.
I get the feeling Shaman will get some cards that justify this existing
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Overload shaman is definitely gonna be thing. [Hearthstone Card (Thunderhaed) Not Found] alone is reason enough to play a Overload-Package, and this seems like powerful Mid-game play/finisher.
I hope they also print a card that unlocks your Manacrystals.
ArtStation | Twitter
This seems to be quite powerful.
When compared to Blazecaller one could assume that it would be easier to overload than to play an elemental the turn before, at least it should be more consistent. In an overload midrange/aggro deck this could be a very powerful addition, should be seeing play in the upcoming meta.
this card is very strong
quest shaman will be more oppressive
Really powerfull card.
Tempo overload shaman will be frightening.
By The Holy Light!
Lava Burst with legs. I think this will be insane in the aggressive Overload Shaman variant.
Insane, will probably be played in every shaman deck since overload is not that hard to trigger. Can go face, really a true damn insane card.
Murlocs <3
Lava burst with a body that should not be overestimated. Quest shaman will be probably strong for another few months.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
5 mana 5/5 deal 5 is great, gets way better with the quest,and there’s enough value from overload synergies that this ought to be able to find a home.
Perfect for quest shaman! Works wonders with a double battlecry!
great card. if quest shaman adapt to use overload package this will be nuts.
It would be so OP if it was 4 mana 4-4 and 4 damage maybe, coz of wild even Sham. In standrat they really want overload aggro sham again vs all these control grinding Galakronds and highlanders decks.
Overload-Elemental-Battlecry. A card for every single Shamanarchetype ever printed.
never been more motivated to craft a vessina...
Seems like a good card for overload shaman. Will we see the rise of it again?
The problem with putting Battlecries that do damage to any target in Battlecry Shaman is that Shudderwok redoes it randomly. With the condition on this, you can double it with the quest HP and just not be Overloaded when you play Shudderwok if you don’t want to risk it. Plus descent stats. Amazing.
Better than the Shaman legedaries in this expansion... Super good
I don't understand why they gave shaman two trash legendaries and then went ahead and printed this. I really don't. Especially since battlecry shaman is in no immediate need of extra support, this would have been the prefect opportunity to start building up alternative archetypes like Big shaman.
Wohoo! A new Shaman card!
This actually looks pretty cool. It is not too hard to have overloaded mana crystals, and this is just as much a power play on turn 6, or 7 as it would be on turn 5.
This will be a very powerful card in a lot of shaman decks. And because of the restriction on the battlecry, shudderwock won't be blasting you in the face for 5 damage.
*edit* I just noticed that this can hit face, which means that with the quest it is a 7 mana 5/5 Pyroblast. As if quest shaman getting 4 copies of Fireball wasn't enough.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
This is just another Thunderhead quality card, definitely needs no explanation. Great card.
Looks very similar to my fan-made card, except my own card deals damage as same to the overloaded crystals. This card needs 1 crystal only.
Shaman will have so much damage from hand its scary.
This is insane..5-5/5 AND deal 5 dmag..FREE LAVA BURST..smorc sham time:D
it seems that people here don't play the game, while the effect is decent you need to be overloaded and thats huge, i played a lot of aggro shaman before the evolve bs, and you need to think your turns ahead, thats why cheap burn cards are better when your mana is blocked. 2/5
Crazy good in Overload Shaman .. even in arena is good, pretty solid card.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Overload keeps things in check, 'cause otherwise this would be the best card in the game. Doubling the Battlecry with Corrupt the Waters is the dream, but your Mana Crystals will be offline because of the Overload. Realistically it's a turn-9 or turn-10 play, not turn-7. Blazecaller was easier to work around.
Still a great card, just maybe not as busted as some claim.
Battlecry Shaman minimum 7-cost, 10 damage to Face. 20 damage total. As if Battlecry wasn't bad enough.
Aggro overload shaman will like having the extra burn/body.
Good damage, and good body. And as shamans know, it is not so hard for them to overload their mana crystals.
Whoa, overload shaman was played before some of the wild cards came back to standard, so I think it may come back and this cards for sure will be played in it
There’s plenty of good overload cards, so this won’t be too hard to trigger when you need it. It being an elemental makes it a bit nicer too for the class
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Man Blazecaller wishes he was this insane. You can even run it in quest shaman.
A great card for shamans since they have a lot of tools to overload. With no coin it can potentially be played on turn 6, which is decent. It may fit in quest shaman, or even aggro but it needs to be tested. I's hard to say how good will it fit in a fast shaman deck mana curve.
Lava Burst, but in a 5/5 body. With no drawback. Shamanstone will live!
I'm pretty spooked of this card in aggro overload Shaman
I think this card will be played as one of in quest shaman, where it can deal 10 damage to face and close games. 2 of them in that deck seems too many.
Maybe other kind of shaman can play even 2 of these, more like tempo tools than pure face damage.
It has to be seen if a 5 mana card that requires you to be overloard isn't too clunky to be played in the new meta, for now it seems a very good card. We didn't see Galakrond yet, maybe this card has some synergy with it too?
Extremely strong card that will up the usage of Aggro Shaman. Compared to the other Shaman cards revealed this card is top tier. Still awaiting the Shaman Galakrond though
CardID or NameBADCARDNAMEA 7 mana pyroblast with quest shaman will see a lot of play.though ı wonder if galakrond is gonna be better then questt
If fire elemental can pop up to relevance from time to time, then this card can stay relevant all the time. And as you all kindly said already, quest shaman is a thing, and aggro overload shaman is also a thing. This is their love-child.
He who considers this bad is either just playing battlegrounds or is the luckiest player alive for spending the last months playing hearthstone and never facing a single shaman.
Annoying card.
Overload shaman will be tier 1 for sure.
By The Holy Light!
Decent card but needs the right deck. Not auto include.
This is what Quest Shaman was looking for, very strong card on his own as well.
Oh heck yeah! Loving this in my Aggro Overload Shaman deck. Look at how quickly and thoroughly Cloud Prince found its way into Secret Mage decks - this is basically the exact same thing for Overload Shamans in both Standard and Wild. 5 Stars
7 mana pyro?? lol. I hope this doesnt break the game, overload shaman was pretty stronf before the wild event
Solid, differently than Elemental triggers, you can overload yourself the same turn you need to trigger its ability.
5 mana 5/5 deal 5 damage NOT random? And if you are a quest shaman does 10 damage? Broken card on paper. If in the future quest shaman will still a thing or an overload shaman/aggressive shaman will rise...we will hate this card a lot
I love that this is not a restricted damage to either minions or hero only.
A 5 mana Pyroblast on a 5/5 seems pretty good, might push Quest shaman to include more overload cards in their decks.
Seems prety nice for Quest Face Shaman if it becomes a thing (which seems so) with so much support for direct damage on battlecries i can see this card in that kind of burst deck.
Lifedrinker is still a better option among this but it will leave soon so this might be a good option to replace it.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Seeing all the new Overload support, this will probably make it.
It's just a really good tool for reach and it's also an elemental which has more relevance now.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
o gooddy a other overload shaman card.
Very spooky card to throw into overload aggro shaman
Lighting bolt or lava burst could be a great combo to rattle this off with and the other overload cards we've seen for shaman make this guy a big threat since it can clear or face
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
This card is insanely strong. Likkim is already played in a lot of decks, and this card will make Overload Shaman even stronger.
Yea this makes fire elemental look trash in comparison
A lot of the cards with Overload released over the past few expansions only Overload for 1, so the condition is not to hard to fulfill. We also have two cards (Beakered Lightning and Zap!) that cost 0, so presumably you could even get this guy activate on turn 5 by playing one those 0-cost cards first. Solid card all-around, good stats, battlecry is not too hard to trigger, 5 damage is a good amount whether removing a minion or going face.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Seems really good, remember it's really a 6 Mana card because of Overload. Classic Quest Shaman probably won't use this so much since a) it's not cheap, and b) you need to be Overloaded.
5 damage to your head with shudderwock xD
Simple design but powerful effect. Not enough to push an archetype though.
It's like Cloud Prince but instead of playing a secret you have to overload. It's a minion with fine stats and a good battle cry. It can fit in a variety of decks .
Delicious card. Strong effect, can hit face, easy to achieve condition and as a cream of the crop huge synergy with Corrupt the Waters. Straight five stars baby.
Fun and interactive game.
Great name too !
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