New Warrior Minion - Deathwing, Mad Aspect
Submitted 5 years, 2 months ago by
A new Legendary Warrior Minion, Deathwing, Mad Aspect, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Warrior Minion, Deathwing, Mad Aspect, has been revealed!
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Not gonna lie: my first thought was directed to Mogu Fleshshaper Mutate shenanigans
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
Pretty good. A board clear on a stick.
"True mastery takes dedication."
We're gonna need more Stubborn Gastropods
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
this is close enough to the original Deathwing, now you can play 3 of them in the same deck.
Assuming it attacks in a random order and stops if it dies, this doesn't seem too crazy. Against a small board, it's Twisting Nether that leaves a threat, but against a big board, it honestly might not do much
Love it - Dragon Warrior comback incoming :)
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
0-mana deal 3 damage to a minion summon 12/12 for shamans...
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
3 ?! More like 6, thanks to Sathrovarr !
But yes, 3 different iterations of the same unique minion is something
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
And you can do it while playing as the new Deathwing Warrior hero
Does warrior really need another removal ?? this is a joke .. half of their decks are removals and they print another one
I hope this can help my Big Dragon Warrior deck until next rotation.
Cant wait for the Trollden videos where ppl drop it and it kills off their own board :D You know its gonna happen :D
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Pretty strong card. Hard to imagine that it won't see at least some amount of competitive play.
The more I think about this card, the more I like it. For one, it is a dragon, and the main use of dragons in dragon decks is not to play them, but to save them to trigger all of their dragon synergies. So having dragons that are situational is okay.
Against a wide board, Deathwing is basically a not-so-reliable board clear. But against just one or two minions, deathwing is basically a 12/12 with rush. Similar to the original Deathwing, Mad Aspect will, more often than not, clear the board and leave behind a very large threat.
This card is basically a much more reliable Swamp King Dred. I think it will see play in dragon warrior (and big warrior, if that ever becomes a thing).
P.S. Why is his name 'mad aspect' instead of 'aspect of madness'? This would be more consistent with the new malygos, and it would sound a lot cooler.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I really do love this card so far, one of them that I’m most looking forward to playing when it comes out. Warrior’s generally never really been bothered by killing it’s own minions with a board clear, so that’s not so bad for it either
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
hand buffs with this may work
If it attacked every minion at once it would certainly be strong perhaps even OP but the fact that it only attacks 1 minion at a time makes it not that very good. Small minions can easily be buffed to a point that deathwing might only take 2 minions out (fungalmancer before it rotated for example), and decent sized minions usually have effects/damage enough for themselves that it also will only be 2 attacks before deathwing dies.
Versus a freshly spawned token board its most likely a free clear versus other boards it might take out 1 or two minions.
So an okay card in my opinion also have to consider the RNG aspect of the attack order i'm assuming.
I dont want to clear my own board. But evolving a 7-drop to a 12/12 is nice (for you, not your opponent). Isnt the fleshshaper OP enough?
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
another amazing tool for control warrior.
I'm actually a little hesitant on this card - very strong on the statline, but Warrior already has so many board clears i'm not sure one more is really going to make much of a difference. I actually think this fits better getting pulled out by The Boomship, maybe even have 2 pulled out with some War Master Voone shenanigans.
Not very excited, although it's a good board clearer.
Love it, sometimes clear board and other times 8 mana 12/12.
Excellent card to copy via War Master Voone, but does the Warrior really need this card right now? Probably not.
Going in my Dragon Warrior anyway.
Interesting boardclearish minion
I love this iteration of deathwing so much. Compared with the classic one, this has the advantage of not discarding your hand and beeing 2 mana cheeper. the disavantage is that it wont always clear the board or it dies doing it, soo no big body left. but if control dragon warrior is going to be a thing, this will be on it, and thanks to dragon roar, possibly multiple times or with its classic version along sides it.
One of my favorite cards so far. And I can't wait to see if the warrior galakrond has synergy with it.
Another great take on our legendary Dragon! Great AoE on a stick and I love that it keeps the fun flavour of being countered by our 2 mana tanky poisonous snail!
This could be a better Twisting Nether is some situations, or you will hate seeing a Mogu Fleshshaper evolving into this.
Stubborn Gastropod 2.0 incoming? Jokes aside though, this is a strong board clear AND threat for "only" 8 mana. Dragon Control Warrior might not become a thing, but this card can fit multiple archetypes from Control to Tempo. I'm almost convinced this card will definitely see play!
Good on its own. Good with Commanding Shout. A veritable salt mine with Mogu Fleshshaper + Mutate. Will War Master Voone finally have a good deck?
Wow I like this one, it's a crazy card! Can possible see some play in control and dragon warrior decks, and it's a very good card in arena too!
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
I'm sick of warrior just getting removal and armor generating cards. This doesn't do anything for me, although it's a cool card.
Finally War Master Voone as a reason to be played. IDK how this works with large boards that have more total attack that Deathwing has health. Obviously it seems like there must be some sort of sequencing so I'd love to know the specifics of how it all works to really judge, because if this is always deals 12 to every minion that's a legit board clear for 7 that sometimes sticks around.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
It's only good in tempo Warrior when you are behind though, as it will attack your OWN minions as well. I think for that case you could consider comparing this version to the classic Deathwing card. You are saving 2 mana and your hand for a full health 12/12, and in Tempo your hand in often empty anyway. For that reason I think this card is probably better suited for control decks.
Ah yes, the new Warrior class identity. Complete overkill removal that noone would ever put in their deck but will still show up randomly through discover effects.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
BMF! Also way more flexible than other Deathwing iterations. On an more or less empty board it's crazy tempo, it can be cheated out or you can just play it as a more badass Mass Hysteria.
outrageously good card
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
A nice "OH SHIT" card when you need a board clear, since such a scenario assumes you have either weak or no minions left on your side of the board. But I think its real value will come when it can be summoned, thus bypassing its Battlecry. Evolve, Boomship, whatever. An 8 Mana 12/12 is obviously strong.
I'm calling it now...
ArtStation | Twitter
This replaces Ysera in Dragon Warrior for me. Dragon Roar and War Master Voone make it even better.
Day of the Recruit is back. Woecleaver and a few other big minions.
Meme card, maybe will find place in control warrior for board clear, but I think brawl still better because you can run two copies, it doesnt care if there is poison minion on board and also is cheaper
Depends on how "attack all" really works. at the same time? one by one? might be good or bad depending on those things we don't know yet. it will rarely come to the board as a 12hp minion that is for sure.
Deathwing really loves Commanding Shout.
Shaman going to get a free 12/12 if they mogu evolve..Not sure if this card's battle cry is any useful..8 mana "maybe clear board"..
A good removal card, dragon synergy and it has some potential in a big warrior deck. I like it.
More dragons? Yes please!
I believe it's "one by one", otherwise it would be too strong IMO.
An interesting option for warrior. Want to try it already)
It fits in dragon warrior, it might see play in a control warrior if this archetype will survive the new year rotation.
i don´t think warrior needs this kind of card
Decently powerful card, hard to play, but the design is just so perfect.
Let's hope the first minion it attacks is not poisonous. Otherwise, pretty nice board clear.
The battlecry hits simultaneous to every minon or hits one by one?
By The Holy Light!
Nice big minion based removal for Warrior. If this thing survives with even 1 health point, it could force many decks to over commit in order to remove it.
Obviously will see home in a Dragon based deck, could also possibly be played in a Control deck also but there are currently lots of more efficient methods of AoE for Warrior.
I think this is really good. Crazy stats in a empty board. A bit expensive for control but it's a dragon. The problem is that in some cases you will not want to play this. But I think it's a solid 4 stars
i'm not sure if dragon warrior will be a thing, and even if it will i'm not sure it would run this card.
Still it can win the game if you discover this on the right matchups
Not so scary, but I think this card has the best flavor until now.
Seems super cool. You can use commanding shout with this and it desteoys all minons and summons a 12 1
I think this card is being slightly overestimated.
It dies against 3x 4/4, which is not an exceedingly big board.
In other words, it really shines when the board to clear is just fair - because DW would clear and survive, generating an enormous Tempo swing.
But if you need a full-blown board clear (against a serious board), this DW may whiff harder than its original iteration, while Warrior has safer options.
another board clear for warrior. imagine copying this with voone
All will burn, but this time not your hand!
in the right spot this card it's a board clear plus 12/* stat. Not op but it's nice because strengthen the "right" spot of Controll warior deck
8-mana 12/12 that is a board clear seems really good. I can only imagine in wild when this thing hits a poisonous minion lol.
I think it would be even better if it required your enemy to jump over a series of platforms, and if they don't hit space bar at the right time, they die.
There are a lot of board where you end up killing all of your opponent's minions and still have a 12 attack dragon in play. Ridiculously strong, will certainly see play in Dragon Warrior.
bad deathwing is good
I forgot for a bit that this card exists. What deck will it fit into? Maybe Zeph Warrior?
With commanding shout this is a 10 mana full clear that leaves you with a 12/1 which seems great if you draw this with galakrond you'll get left with something way bigger I think it would work in most decks being able to clear the board and maybe keep it on board seems great
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Solid removal tool for control or maybe even tempo decks. Flexibility as both a single target and AoE makes for a decent card.
Amazing board clear for Control Warrior. In the best case, Deathwing survives its battlecry and remains on the board.
I love this card. The effect and the art are great, and death wing is just a cool character overall. :)
Can be considered effectively a Twisting Nether on a stick. Warrior is not lacking in removal tools though, so this is probably not enough to make Warrior relevant again. More of a tech card than a build around card, for when you want AoE and also a Dragon activator.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Cool artwork and effect that fits the name, good chance to live on board after battlecry.
Unnecessary for warrior. Maybe okay in boomship decks
A Deathwing cards is always welcome :-) Dragon Warrior deck incoming.
Now if only I could open a golden version of it ;-)
I just don't see it. It can't be used versus big boards since it will slam into 2 or 3 minions and that's it. It can be used versus mid boards, but then it's a risky Twisting Nether that might just leave a 1-Health minion with lots of Attack (remember Dragonblight Cultist?). It works well versus small boards, but then it's just too expensive. Not to mention he could just kill your minions and not even touch enemy ones.
Sick artwork, badass effect, love it.
Fun and interactive game.
far from perfect but an interesting way to clear the board. also mogu fleshshaper now has one more good minion to mutate into
Man, his summoning animation is awesome!