New Hunter Weapon - Stormhammer
Submitted 5 years, 1 month ago by
A new Epic Hunter Weapon, Stormhammer, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Hunter Weapon, Stormhammer, has been revealed!
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Oh my goodness. Dragon hunter lets go! Thats nuts!
Very good! Eaglehorn Bow is awesome in secret decks so this will be too in dragon decks.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Very odd for Hunter to get a hammer, looks like and has the name of a Shaman weapon.
Well this is directly comparable to Eaglehorn Bow but you gain extra attacks not with secrets but with dragons. Seems decent in that regard, however will dragon Hunter be a deck? My guess is no, and probably will only be run in a Highlander deck.
Primordial Explorer, Carrion Drake, Emeriss and Veranus probably isn't enough support to fully enable the dragon Hunter archetype, just enough for a highlander variant that doesn't run secrets. In that case you would run this weapon over Eaglehorn Bow I would imagine.
How do you possible hunt with a hammer?
Good if Dragon Hunter is a thing.
Might be fairly good.
But a hammer in Hunter makes no sense whatsoever.
they basically just gave dragon hunter an eaglehorn bow. who knows, maybe dragon hunter will be a real thing now
I think this card is very good.
It can attack many times, reastically I'd say 4 times unless more lower good cost dragons will be printed ( a couple of 4-5 cost are good enough) and already attacking 4 times is good.
Versus decks that fail to pressure it can attack more times than that and alone can deal a crazy amount of damage to face, even if the dragons will just hit the board and removed instantly by the opponent.
I don't know if the dragon package will find a home in highlander hunter because for now cards that use synergies with dragons are this weapon and the breath, they are good but in an highlander i don't think you would run dragons just to play this two cards at their full potential. We have to remember that in an highlander deck the number of dragons will be very low so most of the time the cards will not even be active.
If more busted dragon synergy for hunter will be printed i can see the dragon package be included in highlander hunter, as you already want to play at least 2 dragons (the legendary dragon and new Alex) so you just have to find a little bit more of them, considering that probably the 2/3 poisonous will be good enough.
This card make me a bit less sceptical about dragon hunter if more low cost dragons are revealed, because this weapon and the breath are good to hit face and not only control the board.
Cool card... Feeling too much shaman-y tho (even Trump teased about a "shaman" card, well played)
AMAZING!!! Auto include in Dragon Hunter!!! Good stats and mana cost with a great power!
¿A hammer? ¿For hunter? So ugly, Blizz.
By The Holy Light!
Throw it REALLY hard?
Hammer for hunter makes absolutely zero sense. Also, as good as this weapon is, I still don't see dragon hunter working. Maybe you could play it in a dragon-beast highlander deck, where you'll certainly include a few dragons along with Alexstrasza 2.0.
Stormhammers are typical weapons for Dwarven Gryphon Riders. And since Hunter got some Gryphons and Dwarves this expansion it kind of makes sense.
Also Gryphon Riders make most sense as hunters.
The dragon synergy is odd though.
If hunter got Falstad as a legendary it would be far better. (One of the dwarven leaders and a gryphon rider himself. Also called a true friend of the red dragonflight according to a Warcraft book Day of the Dragon...)
Paladin gets a Druid card
Hunter gets a Paladin card
Hunter gets a Shaman card
what is class identity
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
This could make dragon hunter a thing
A Eaglehorn Bow that can have X amount of durability might be what Hunter needs to make a dragon hunter competitive.
While the card is very powerful, we don't have enough early game dragons to make full use of its ability. For now these are the cheapest dragons that hunter can use: Faerie Dragon, Marsh Drake, Primordial Explorer and Brightwing.
I feel like we need a few more strong aggresive dragons to make dragon hunter work (which we might get since we still have quite a few neutral minions to be revealed). Though we do have Corrosive Breath and maybe Veranus that are good aggressive tools for such a deck.
I am not going to mention a slower dragon hunter deck (with Carrion Drake or Emeriss) since Hunter does not have any proper healing tools or good card draw for such a deck which are vital for control decks.
It seems that dragon hunter is going the more aggro/midrange path and this card should be quite useful.
More dragons? Yes please!
Very good card. There isn't a lot of Hunter class dragons, but what they have are all good enough to run, so I can see one copy being run alongside some of the better neutral dragons and supports like Dragon Breeder. My guess is Highlander Dragon Hunter will be the strongest out of the gate but will be interesting to see what emerges if tech cards like Bad Luck Albatross get traction...
Dragon Aggro Hunter incoming. Everyone be spooked.
Having a Dragon in Play is way easier than having a Secret trigger. And your Opponent can't really play around you summoning a Dragon.
I'd say that you could get in quite a few swings with this Card. Let's say you only draw 3 Dragons (most Dragon-Decks usually run 6) and you attack every turn. That's 15 Damage from one Weapon!
ArtStation | Twitter
card is bonkers in a dragon deck.
Stormhammer seems to have found itself in the wrong class thematically, but otherwise this is great. You don't need a dragon on board any earlier than turn 4 to ensure this sticks around, and don't need more than one or two free swings to make this well worth the cost as a means of early game board control. All in all, a solid replacement for Eaglehorn Bow in any Dragon Hunter deck, and a fairly compelling reason to run Kobold Stickyfinger in a dragon-heavy metagame.
^ This saves me the bother of writing something similar. Even then though it feels like the biggest class mismatch since (and perhaps surpassing) Omega Agent.
Flavour aside, the card is clearly good if dragon hunter works out. Currently it looks like this might be the primary powerhouse of the deck, but the few times a weapon has taken that spot in the past (I'm thinking Kingsbane, Spectral Cutlass and Skull of the Man'ari) the payoff has been a lot bigger.
On paper it is very good, but very good hasn't always translated to being used competitively.
Exactly, this is a weird choice for hunter... would have been better as a dragon-powered bow
GenX APM Specialist.
I'm not sure about this card yet. If Hunter can consistently build strong early-game boards with at least 1 Dragon in them, then the amount of pressure Stormhammer provides is scary. However, there aren't a plethora of cheap Dragons, so we must also consider how good it'd be in the mid- to late-game. 3 damage is a nice amount for that extra push to remove a must-kill minion or get through a Taunt, but you're taking damage to do it. In the late-game, where Dragons should be at their strongest, repeated 3 damage to face can help end the game if you have ways to get through any Taunts that might be played.
There's also the Ubiquity Paradox: the stronger a weapon is (and, thus, the more it's played), the weaker it becomes due to an increase of easy, cheap weapon removal techs.
I'll just say I'd be more surprised to see this in fast decks than as part of a finisher for slower decks.
We need to see more early-to-mid-game Dragons for this card to be really great, but it's still good.
Annoyed that they butchered the Gryphon Rider flavor by attaching dragons to it, but I guess that was about all that could be done to make it playable.
A weapon like THIS in the hands of hunters? Pretty scary...
Looks pretty good, would be kind of scary if any aggressive dragon deck popped up for the class
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
This is a very compelling reason to cut the secret package in favour of dragons in highlander hunter IMO.
What's nice is that you don't *need* a dragon to use this weapon, at worst it's still a Fiery War Axe, but if you can drop a dragon on the turns when you need an attack you can milk a lot more damage from it.
With the cards in standard at the moment, I think this card is more at home in a mid-game tempo or greedy late game deck than an outright aggro dragonhunter build though.
Very strong card! People underestimate durability. Maybe some kind of Dragon Highlander Hunter will pop up?
Nozdormu the Timeless is a "fair card" since the effect is symmetrical that's the class identity there like Equality it's fighting "Fair" but the player got control over it by their deck/class being able to abuse that, besides druid got like 20 themes by now it's inevitable one of them will be used by other classes.
Setting minions to 1 hp isn't the paladin's identity, they got only 3 cards that do that (as far as I know) and hunter got also one in the basic set Hunter's Mark, as well as poisonous beasts are also part of the class' tool kit.
about the new card there's a nice explanation here (by Almaniarra):
Yeah if Dragon Hunter is Viable, this could be broken.
How is this NOT a shaman weapon
Hunters put their faith in the light now, eh?
Very strong if enough dragons can exist in a viable deck to support it.
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Imagine running a Fiery War Axe that can't be destroyed by Harrison. I guess this is why Kobold Stickyfinger was printed along side it.
This is the glue that makes dragon hunter stick together and make it viable. Blizz better release Falstad as a hunter legendary upcoming year to make it fit in the lore a bit too.
Did World of Warcraft change to allow Hunters to use Hanmer/Mace type weapons?
i get the goal of trying to untie the identity from Warcraft as much as I think it sucks. But now you’re gonna alter class identity too? Just change the damn weapon name and image.... ugh team5 blows
The thing about weapons is that you can decide when to attack or not. You can keep this at 1 durability for three turns and then play a dragon, effectively giving this an extra durability. Most of the time, this will be at least a 3 mana 3/3 weapon, and it is not much harder to make it a 3/4, or even a 3/5. This card will be a serious help to dragon hunter. This weapon will be able to deal lots of damage for little cost. This is a nice card to have because now hunters won't have to run the secret package in order to get a good weapon.
Variety is always nice.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
wow, i don't know if dragon hunter will become a thing, but this one sounds OP to me
I dont want to craft Emeriss man wtf. Jokes aside nice Eaglehorn Bow replacement hope it finds a home I'm happy that this meta will be different.
I knew Emeriss will see play one day :D
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Art reminds me of Paladin though, it's weird for Hunter. Decent weapon however, and it can be insanely strong if Dragons are a thing for Hunter
Oh, that card is so good! Power level is very high in dragon decks.
very strong card, bit i think blizz is messing hunter a lot. the firsts to hero power, then quest enables and also dragons...
Wow! Hero power + this weapon is 5 dmg per turn. Dragon Face Hunter is coming
This weapon would be way more interesting in a class that isn't Hunter, considering they already have Eagle Horn Bow. That said, its really cool either way, and will probably make it into basically every Hunter deck with even just a few Dragons. Much like Eagle Horn, you don't need to get infinite durability out of this, especially since you have 2 in your deck, but getting 1-3 extra swing will be enough to make it very efficient for its cost.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
That´s a good card for sure if you just compare it with Eaglehorn Bow. And that weapon already sees play
Anyone getting vibes from Witchwood attempt at making dragon hunter viable? yes I know this expansion is meant to make all classes dragon viable, but so were all classes suposed to be C'thun or N'zoth viable and what Old God did hunter choose? Call of the Wild for 8 mana that's what.
So I'm putting my money that hunter will ditch the dragons early in the expansion to focus on its true passion: face.
It’s good value for dragon decks, but not enough to make those decks work.
Fantastic weapon in and of itself, though I don't see it being played in any deck other than Dragon Hunter. Maybe a dragon-heavy highlander deck could use this. Though if this sees regular play, this warrants teching in weapon removal because it's that good.
Fairy dragon exists and we know that Mech hunter is good, so Amalgam is worth to be considered. Maybe a mix of dragons and mechs for an tempo/aggro hunter.
Pretty useful in dragon hunter decks but very situational in terms of when to use your face to constantly tank damage..
I think hunter has way better weapons considering there won't be a dragon hunter deck.
This ^^
I cant be the only one that dont see this related to Hunters in any way.
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Potentially it's a strong weapon, but this card seems strange to me. I believe hunter doesnt have enough dragons to build a deck right now. And i don't like the card idea especially because it's bad thematically IMHO - it's a hummer which is a very unusual weapon for hunter. I was sure it's a shaman weapon or a paladin one at least until i red the description. It even looks exactly like shaman hummers. And what is the relation between this hummer and dragons? Why does this hummer has a dragon synergy?
Maybe i go too far but it's how i feel about Stormhammer.
IF dragon hunter is viable, this is a good card. IF. Just needs some cheap dragons, pair that with all the hero power stuff hunter is getting, and get ready for fiery war axe 2.0
A cool weapon but in a wrong class i Guess. :-)
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Well, at least Ooze is still getting a good workout.
Time for Divine Shields and high Taunt attacks vs Hunter.
Really good but will not play any different than [Hearthstone Card (Eaglehorn Bow) Not Found] for dragons instead of secrets. We will see which one will be the chosen one.
Should be a shaman card. :( Potentially really ood in dragon decks, obviously.
Op other class. In hunter probably can't be played. For now I don't see a Dragon Hunter specially when beast look stronger
Like a hunter's bow, but instead of relying on your opponent to trigger your secrets to add 1 durability, instead its all about you having dragons in play when you attack. Lovely!
A good weapon, if dragon hunter is a thing this card will definitely find its home there.
If Dragon Hunter becomes a thing (please let it happen, I own an Emeriss) ooze tech will become mandatory. Someone help me remember, do Hunters have any weapon damage buffs? Just two or three extra swings with a damage buff will be big for going face.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
Looks like every class getting a weapon this time.
Knowledge is Power
Very good weapon for dragon hunters decks. The fact it is a hammer makes it's flavour to be less attractive (to me), but still is a strong card.
Aside from the ludonarrative incongruence to see a Hunter with a Hammer XD this card is the nuts, small dragon or big ones it would really won't matter this card alone is the only reason for Dragon Hunter's Existence
I was thinking like "I hope there will be some cheap dragon's to be revealed in the list so I can use Stormhammer in my decks" and I saw Dragonmaw Poacher.
It is the worst part of the hearthstone because of the designers. They might make more balanced options to counter some archetypes and decks but they always choose most overpowered and unbalanced stuff to do it. I know it is the marketing strategy already but it really irritates me so much.
That will be the only reason if I stop playing this game in future and that future might be nearer than I thought with Closed beta of the Legends of Runeterra's beginning.
Shame on you Blizzard, You are always doing same thing. It is not about your teams that you employ on the games. It is your marketting strategy and I really hate it.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
I don't know about this. The potential effect seems very strong, but I feel hunter is gonna need something more than faerie dragon in the early game to make this worth. Well, it is still better than the bow if you're aren't running secret, and you obviously run dragons.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
Not on warrior. Not on shaman. A hunter gets a hammer. LMAO
ah yes hammers the most memorable weapon in the hunter's arsenal, But really why isn't this in shaman or warrior they use the hammers this has no flavor in hunter but it's still a great card you could trade or smorc and either work since you cant break it that way.
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Hunter card? feels shaman. I think its for midrange not agro dragons tent to be expensive but we did get a few cheap ones.
An awesome card if hunter dragon works, hope so
I think this is actually strong given the number of lower cost dragons revealed and with primordial explorer (name?) also discovering a dragon. Even if you just save 2 durability, it's like getting a free firey war axe.
If you manage to control a dragon every time you want to attack, this card is great. However, I don't think that Dragon Hunter will be better than Midrange Hunter or Highlander Hunter.
This can become a center piece in dragon hunter. Seriously, why not make it a "dragon bow" which makes way more sense?
This seems insanely strong.
Premium weapon stats on a weapon that won't break as long as you control a dragon means you can just keep using it over and over, similar to Eaglehorn Bow, and just keep generating pressure in a class that can leverage the advantage very well.
If you're playing a dragon Hunter deck, you're probably playing this card, too.
Really spooky, will likely force anti-weapon tech
I've heard people saying this is worse than the secret bow, but I think its the exact opposite. This card is much easier to satisfy the condition, since you don't ahve to rely on the opponent playing into your secrets.
Oddly one of the few cards that synergizes with Dragons but requires them on board rather than in hand. A decent removal tool and one that never “runs out” so long as you keep a Dragon alive, but a very boring weapon in the end, and swinging into minions constantly is going to hurt for a class that can't reliably regain health.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Erm... lorewise that looks like a Thrall weapon (check hots Thrall abilities for example)
Stronger than Eaglethorn Bow, since you don't have to wait on 1 durability for you opponent to satisfy the condition. It needs cheap dragon package, but I'm sure it's worth it.
Amazing! Can be a 3 attack/5-7 durability in Dragon Hunter. That's a LOT of value with an easy condition.
Put your faith in the Light!
Dragon Hunter won't need to run secrets fos an infinite 3 mana 3 damage weapon. However, Hunter's dragons are mediocre at best, making this card less powerful.
EDIT: Imagine if Priest, for example, had access to this card. It would be so much better.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
It's a pretty good card for a Dragon hunter deck. Always having a 3 attack weapon it's pretty good. Let's hope that Dragon Hunter decks are good enough and this card 'll see a lot of play
Auto include in Dragon Hunter, however it turns out. Maybe it will be too slow early, but later on in a match you should be getting dragons consistently.
Surely an auto-include in any Dragon Hunter decks. I'm interested to see how Hunters choose to build their Dragon decks with this card in mind. For example, turn 2 Faerie Dragon and then this on turn 3 could be a really strong play. Smaller dragons alongside this weapon could create space for a decent midrange deck, but even in decks with bigger dragons this is still super strong.
Solid replacement of Eaglehorn Bow for dragon decks. If dragons for Hunter prevail (and I hope so), this will be autoinclude.
Fun and interactive game.