New Warrior Minion - EVIL Quartermaster
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A new Common Warrior Minion, EVIL Quartermaster, has been revealed!
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A new Common Warrior Minion, EVIL Quartermaster, has been revealed!
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Still waiting on those Warrior Invoke cards, Blizzard :/ The card is fine but hey, at least we're still seeing some Lackey support. Warrior hasn't really used their Lackey generators; maybe this'll change.
Not very exciting, but Lackey generation and a Body is solid.
I hope they'll give Priest finally some Lackey-Synergy Cards though.
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Me likey. That's great value in a 3-mana card, in a Crocolisk body. Solid.
The amount of value in this card is just insane. You get an extra resource, armor AND a body for only 3 mana.
Excellent early game card! Warrior finally stepped up!
Don't know if it will be played in dragon decks but will be sure played in Galakron decks.
Since there is no lackey synergy for warrior dont think this card will see play outside arena. Maybe it can be good enough for reno warrior as a jack of all trades card, we will see
Looks like a nice utility minion, but don't recall Warrior doing much with their lackeys at all.
That was basically my train of thoughts too.
Would warrior benefit tho from Lackey synergy and support?
Color me perplex
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Amazing card. Getting lackeys is a powerful thing, and the 3 armor on top of that makes up for the lack of stats. This is a very good card for a common. It will probably be played in aggro/midrange warriors, and with the cards we have seen so far, this looks like it will be a powerful deck.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
While this is a very nice card that gains you armor, a lackey and an ok body all for 3 mana, it has some competition for that important 3 mana slot in most Warrior decks.
Are you playing a dragon deck? Scion of Ruin and Smolderthorn Lancer might be a better choice.
Rush synergy? Scion of Ruin and Rabid Worgen want in.
More of the aggressive type? Frothing Berserker and Bloodsworn Mercenary are stronger.
Bombing some fools? Clockwork Goblin and Augmented Elekk are the ones for the job.
Drawing cards? Acolyte of Pains body is ready!
Galakrond deck? Scion of Ruin is a must.
So again, it's a nice card, but Warrior has a lot of strong 3 mana minions that can fit in lots of different decks. Also Warrior doesn't seem to use lackeys all that much unlike Rogue and Warlock. I'm not saying that it won't be able to find a deck, it's just gonna be a little harder than just auto including this in any Warrior deck you make.
More dragons? Yes please!
Exactly me.
They have EVIL Conscripter and that's it. They desperately need more generators and synergy.
Plated Beetle, but for one mana more you get the armor immediately and you get a lackey. Seems like a great card for a warrior that wants to survive early aggro
This is a solid card. The stats aren't great and all the effects are small, but for the net value its not bad. Its always nice to get any amount of bonus armor on an incremental value card.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Good card, I doubt it will see play in standard. In arena, this card is nuts.
Despite the competition, I have a feeling this will see play eventually.
Bit of armor and a lackey to go along with it, what’s not to love
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Its just good. Cheap armor and a lackey is always welcomed.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Cause you can run a maximum of 4 3 drops in a deck
Scion of Ruin doesn't really count as a 3-drop. There's no way you Invoke twice consistently by turn 3 and you also would only play it in a Galakrond deck. Smolderthorn Lancer also isn't a turn 3 play for any deck. This however is nice to play anytime. Other than Aggro Warrior, I could definitely see this being core to Warrior decks, and even in Aggro Warrior it wouldn't be that bad.
Decent card, but i am not sure it can find a place, unless some Lackey Warrior deck emerges.
Well this is a strongly upgraded EVIL Cable Rat lol
Warrior hasn't been a "lackey class" per se, but who know what can happen. I think this card is strong enough to see play even without any other Lackey support.
Yeah I guess at first that was the direction that my comment was going for. What I was trying to say was that this card doesn't seem to be good enough to compete against the other warrior packages.
This minion gives you armor which is good for control and a lackey which is better for getting tempo/value, so I see it being used in a control deck.
So you are going for a control Warrior? In standard, you'll usually want to pair it up with something else like a mech, bomb, taunt, dragon or a rush package. Also you'll want some draw so might as well get an Acolyte of Pain and/or Shield Block. After considering those things, I don't think you'll be looking for another 3 drop.
I wasn't trying to say that you can only run four 3 drops, but that this card just doesn't really answer any major needs for those decks. Also Warrior doesn't have any Lackey synergy cards for a lackey package (for now that is) so its just going to be more complicated to find a good reason to include this card in your control Warrior deck.
More dragons? Yes please!
Seems like a nice card, although unsure on what deck it goes into.
Lackeys have been rather underwhelming in Warrior thus far. Tempo Warrior has so many better 3 mana plays that I don't see this making the cut. A slower more control based Warrior might run it for the armor gain maybe, but again there are so many other cards fighting for that 3 mana slot.
Not a bad card by any means, I just don't see it having an impact until after rotation.
Fear the warrior with the good early and midgame!
attempt number 3 to get Warrior to use lackeys
meanwhile Priest is still stuck with only one lackey generator
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Good for 3 mana but i don't know if it's gonna be played much. I'm not sure if warrior that plays lackeys needs armor and i'm not sure if some kind of control warrior needs lackeys. The card seems a bit strange to me but it's not bad. A very nice 3 drop for arena though.
More lackey engines? The Dragons won't go hungry.
powerfull card, a lot of value in one
i like it very much
Nice card, solid body and is good obtaining a lackey, I don't think the armor is very useful but is just something more
Not everyone is mother tongue! Roar.
just so you know, 3 cost cards are the best cards to have the most of in a deck cause you can play up to 3 of them late and they are good early so a deck with a good curve can have up to 8 3 drops and be fine...
Yes I get what you are saying it gives armor and generates a lackey.. armor is mostly a control thing, generating a lackey is aggro/tempo
I played Livewire Lance in rush/enrage(RIP enrage keyword) warrior pre TOT event and it was good actually lackeys are good in tempo warrior decks for obvious reasons but tempo warrior got no use for the armor as much as control warrior does.
So I agree about this card just having better cards that do what it tries to do better and they are more specialized.
Maybe there will be a warrior card that cares about lackeys or tempo cards that care about armor, there are 5 unknown warrior 2 are for sure invoke gaalakrond cards, 1 or 2 are pirates and then 1 or 2 care about armor or lackeys maybe.. or maybe I am wrong and it's 3 pirates..
This is probably the last chance for cards to generate/care about lackeys.. team 5 said it's a year long mechanic.
Lackey generators are always strong and even without that effect this one isn´t too bad. So a very solid 4 star card
Ehm, not bad not great. A bit understated but lackeys are generally good in early and late game. Gave 3 stars but not sure about it
A nice card for warriors, not broken but it does enough things to see play, maybe even in all warrior decks but a pure aggressive one
I think everything will revolve around dragons, at least until next April. Before that, it will be hard for this card to find a place in warrior. After that - dunno.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Really good card but warrior doesn't get anything for playing lackeys. There still isn't really any lackey synergy in the class
Was going to make that point about the number of 3-drops you can play turn 9-10 but you beat me to it.
Cable rat teach us that lackeys are way to good for the generator body to matter, and shield maiden showed that armor generation on a stick is warriors favorite candy, so put them together and you have the formula for the perfect warrior card, flexible enough to see play in many different decks.
2/3 with instant 3 armor is really good. And the lackey is good too...buuuttt i was hoping for invoke in warrior or the tag dragon... not this time...
Not a bad card at all. I'm sure control warrior will find a good way to use this.
I hope warrior gets a good card that benefits from playing lackeys and that it somehow finds a place in a deck, just not to let these warrior lackey generators throughout the year go to waste, ya know?
Very good value. Warrior doesn't have the greatest lackey support, but this one is pretty cool
Meh, weak and boring.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
meh, unless Warrior get some lackey synergy
This is not a super flashy card, but for sure it's ok. Give some value with the lackey and some armor (that Warior can use).
The problem is the 3 mana spot. Warior have already good minon for 3 mana and this card probably risks to be cut out
Good value for 3 mana.
Decent lackey generator with the armor as a bonus. Not bad but maybe outclassed in constructed.
Oh my. That card is soo good. Even if it would be deathrattle not battlecry, it'll be good. Now, you instantly can play lackey you gained and it's healing you if it wasn't good enough without this 3 armor
solid turn 3 with a minion, bonus card, and bonus armor..can't get better than that..
Stats are not very good, still seems pretty valuable if the random lackey is good for the situation you are in.
Warrior doesn't have that much of Lackey support, but this card gives enough value to be run anyway.
That power creep on EVIL Cable Rat though
Lackeys are always good and the armor gain is nice, but I don't know if this card will find its deck.
I wish it would allow for repeatable Lackey generation, like Acolyte of Pain.
Lackey cards are always going to be good and this one is extra fun. A solid body for the mana, some armor, and a lackey. Not a bad card. I see this one being a warrior staple in anything non-aggro for a while.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
Warrior lackey decks haven't ever been competitive, and while this card is not bad I don't think it will see much play.
Can be good if you are able to pull some Draconic Lackey from this in a dragon deck. 3 armor is good with 2/3 body and there is not a restriction.
Seems a good card to me. You can put it in any deck, aggro, control, mid-range, tempo. Just a good minion.
Maybe someone says that this card isn't enough with this power-level of the game but I'm sure it would be in any deck if this minion comes in the first expansion of the hearthstone.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
That's a nice highlander card. I can't see it being played outside of that.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
Too bad armor is now removed with a common card....well, rip warrior
Very strong card but I don't think Warrior fits the Lackey playstyle.
feels good in control especially with the new lacky
Not as crazy strong as a lot of the other options, but definitely one of the better lackey generators we've seen for warrior.
Lackeys are good, small Armor bonus is nice, 2/3 is usable.
Overall quite a good card.
Very efficient card, might see play
Lovely card lackeys are great and armor is sweet some extra "hp" is always nice and the lackey adds extra value to the stats already on board.
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Warriors have not enough lackey synergies to justify playing a card like this. The stats are too weak for Tempo Warrior, and Control Warrior has better armor generators.
If cable rat was good enough to see play, then this should too. Pretty basic but a good power level
A really good card that might be sadly be lacking a home. Odd Warrior can run it and any slower warrior will probably appreciate the combination of Lackey generation plus armor, but it might not be impactful enough to change Warrior’s fortunes.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Wasn’t lackeys like... last expansion? Old news :
Overall good value even if it does not gain you armor.
I think it's a pretty good card. It gives you a lackey and 3 armor. The question is in which kind of Warrior deck will find it's place.
One of those cards that are so well-versed they will end being unplayed. Sad, but true. Good in highlander, at least.
Warrior can not properly utilize lackeys so this is good card in wrong class.
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