New Druid Spell - Treenforcements
Submitted 5 years, 1 month ago by
A new Rare Druid Spell, Treenforcements, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Druid Spell, Treenforcements, has been revealed!
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5/5 on the name.
I like this card, a cheap buff or a nice 1 drop. This will be a very helpful tool for any druid deck that cares about the early game.
It is basically a combination of Power Word: Shield and Enchanted Raven.
It also curves very nicely into Dendrologist
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Treant early game, taunt later on.
Quite flexible.
But not good enough for Quest Druid, unless more choose one support for treant is provided.
Nice early game tool for Druid, similar to Enchanted Raven but with more flexibility.
The combination of the two choose effects is not overly powerful, but would likely still see play in quest Druid for the sake of summoning a 2/2 for 1 mana for early board presence.
A nice card that will fit into many decks due to being a 1 mana spell in a class which can utilise them efficiently.
I don't know if it's going to go in a Quest Druid deck; do they have the space for this? That being said, it's a Titanic Lackey for Druids: being a 1-Mana spell means it's pretty flexible, and the 2/2 body is perfectly fine.
A 1 mana 2/2 is great. The other option is iffy, but who cares in Quest druid. "Why not both?"
Tremendous card.
I doubt that this will find a place in the druid deck. At least until the raptor spell from Rastakhan rotates out in april.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Dendrologist support finally.
this might be what Treant Druid needed to finally be good enough. Mulchmuncher has been buffed already and now we get even more treants early to discount it faster.
This turn one, Landscaping on 3, Force of Nature on 5, that's a Mulchmuncher down to 3, which is good enough.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Quest token Druid incoming..
Quite flexible card. both early drop and protection against aggro or for survival at late game.
Excellent card for quest, good on it's own given the low cost for a Token Treant Druid, AND a dad-level punny name? Automatic 5 stars.
Enchanted Raven: Now with 100% more T[Hearthstone Card (reant) Not Found]-Synergy!
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this expansion seems pretty OP
Very flexible, works nicely as early game tool by summoning the treant as such as late game tool by giving taunt to a big guy.
Flexible card, so it's probably good. Doubt it will see play in Quest Druid though as this card doesn't have enough impact.
Go TRENT DRUID GO!!!!! - Also, pretty solid early game
eh, it seems ok. Fits with Dendrologist
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Treenforcements has a great name, and while it's an unassuming effect, a 1 mana 2/2 is a strong Aggro/Token card, and the health buff can make it easier to trade on board early and snowball. All in all, a very solid Token Druid card.
I don't think you want to play this with your quest, but it's a good token druid card. You can get a 2/2 on turn 1 and combo the treant with dendrologist easily at any time. The +2 health and taunt is ok I guess
Treant druid for a long time needed a 1 drop so it's very welcome for that arche-type now you can actually curve into Dendrologist instead having to awkardly wait untill you can combo a treant card with it.
Pretty nice token card since its cheap for Keeper Stalladris.
This is one o' those cards that's good against aggro, and good for aggro. Which is stronger? We'll find out!
Better call Thrall!
A 1 mana 2/2 is a good turn 1 play and it has some flexibility with the other effect. It can be followed up with Dendrologist and you can get some extra value with Keeper Stalladris. Seems like a good card for token druid.
More dragons? Yes please!
Very good early game card, especially for Token treant druid
Alot of people here have already gave an good possibilities with it!
As much as I love treant deck, will give this card a try, hope they reveal another good treant card.
I feel this card has too low of an impact to see play. Quest Druid has better cards it will always run over this.
Decent but not amazing. Playable early game and ok in quest druid; can give extravalue with Keeper Stalladris and can combo with Dendrologist turn 2.
Average card
Has enough synergies that I am sure some deck will play it, the power level is actually there, 1 mana 2/2 is actually perfectly fine.. it will trade up most of the time.
the second part is much weaker but there are cards that care about it being a choose one card.
1 mana 2/2 or a titanic lackey just for druid, seems pretty good and could be put in quest druid, maybe as a one of.
I love the flexibility of this. Definitely something worth keeping in openeing hand.
1 mana 2/2, wow. maybe with more treant support we can make that deck a thing. i think you almost always pick the 2/2 before turn 5?
another great 1 drop spell for Druid. Its worth noting this doesn't work well with the new Enbiggen, which means we haven't seen all that many cards that are actually good with it yet. This certainly isn't broken, but its solid, probably playable in just about any druid deck.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
1 mana 2/2? yeah that´ll see play
Good spell, pretty universal. I think it may play in aggro druid
Another support for trash archetype dont think forced treant druid will be a thing.
Looks decent enough, always nice to have a card do multiple things as well
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
It seems to be a decent card, but I don't know if it is good enough to find a place in the current druid decks. It has decent options to choose both, but I don't know what it would replace. So many of the current choose cards curve out so well that doesn't seem to be much space for a one mana play.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
and with the new legendary it can easily be a 3/3
I missed the 1-mana 2/2 advantage.
Wild Aggro just got more aggro.
this is just a bonus for treant druid combo with the legendary..very nice! we're going to see some treant druids soon
A decent flexible druid card as usual. But i don't think it's strong enough to make a treant druid better than quest. There might be some more support for treants in this expansion or later on next year so we'll see.
It's ok I guess .. But I don't see any deck running this .. there are better 1 drops than a 2/2 and the other buff isn't that great, so ..
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Here's one spell that will clutter your future discover options.
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Again a 1 mana 2/2 for druid with even flexibility and choose one synergy. Plus a treant..Will see a lot of play.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Very good card that could work out well with the quest druid and the new druid legendary that buffs your treants. I really hope we will see a treant wild deck coming out of this combination.
Pack filler. Won’t make way into quest druid. Could be discovered after completed quest in lack of other options.
2/2 1-drop that is a treant, great support for Tokken Druid but it is enough? we'll have to see. In my oppinion is definettly good for curve ot with dendrologist.
Really good card, similar spells were really used back then. I think it helps Quest Druid to stay afloat and can be used in other decks. 5 stars
Fair card for a fair Archetype.
I always wanted a better Treant deck, might be better now, I'll check it out when expansion comes.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Seems crappy to me. It's just not enough to be a card.
It can fit in many decks as a raven, but that's it. Is token druid even a thing? It hasn't be in a while now. Pretty good card overall but it i going to need more support.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
i was afraid that more good choose one cards were printed this expansion, making quest druid (a deck i hate from many point of views) even stronger. This card is a choose one but it probably won't be played in quest druid while it helps a weaker archetype, so that is good.
Dendrologist might see play thanks to this card, and now a token druid deck has more things to do on turn 1.
I'm not sure this archetype will see any play, but if it will this card will be a staple
Best name of the expansion so far! Hope it gets some scene play type. Blizzard wants push of druid treant meta but it won't work!
I’m not sure this does enough, even with the quest HP.
If treant druid doesn't make it i think it will make the cut in token druid
Very similar to Living Roots, 1 mana 2/2 or another effect, depending on the situation, this one has Treant synergy as well and that gives it a plus in rating.
This side quest has much more sense than the other one of druid
More cheap druid spells! I'm off to go theory craft a toggwaggle-mill deck.
Quest Druid won't play this card, but maybe it fits into Token Druid or even Treant Druid. A 2/2 for 1 mana is nice, but 'only' giving a minion +2 health for 1 mana is a weak effect, especially if compared to Beaming Sidekick.
not sure if i should play this in my vegan deck
Decent card for Treant druid if it's a good deck, but doubt it will be good
strenghten me in my hatred for treants...
Yep 100% agree. Mulchmuncher can become an even stronger version of Dragonmaw Poacher , which is already insanely strong.
Probably does too little in terms of the buff. Simply generating a 1-cost 2/2 is probably far better, providing a nice curve into Dendrologist on Turn 2. Again, assuming a Treant Token deck actually forms and isn’t just swept away by the various new AoE tools also released this expansion, this is probably worth running just to hit the ground running as early as Turn 1.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
This might be the final card misssing for treant druid.
I already played a little with the archtype, and believe me, it is good. I could never put Dendrologist in the deck as it was really hard to curve into him early, and you don't want to waste mana not playing a 2/3 early game. This card solves it.
This is going to be a very token meta as I see it.
Excellent card, powerful turn 1 play, treant synergy, flexibility. Also Dendrologist on curve, which is great. The deck will be a blast to play.
Treant Druid got lots of support, and this is another great example of it. It may even be playable outside of it for early-game tempo or a taunt later.
Put your faith in the Light!
Now druid have a tempo treant cards for 1, 2 and 3 mana.
I rate it as a really good card if the archetype hora viable.
By The Holy Light!
Really good card for token Druid. Even the second effect allows for favorable trades.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Useful at so many occasions. Really like the versatility of this. A really good early game card that is helpful in the late game as well.
Great way to utilize the new treant cards too.
Both choices are solid, yet not strong enough to be a regular for quest druid.
Nice card for token druid. You can buff an existent minion or summon a treant. Pretty flexible.
Good turn 1, that's about it. The buff will usually be overlooked, although it can prove to be important mid/late game.
Very strong card and flexible too. Even though it gives a treant, it could easily be played in any Druid deck. 1 mana 2/2 is a strong opening, and if even you happen to draw it later in the game, there are situations when +2 health and taunt can be useful.
Outside of token decks unusable, otherwise solid inclusion for token strategies. My main concern is that this expansion has way too many better cards, thus this will probably not see many play.
Fun and interactive game.
1 step closer to treant deck :) I like it. nothing "new" but useful. will token druid gona be like the new scourge of meta now? treants from turn 1? every turn?