New Druid Minion - Goru the Mightree
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A new Legendary Druid Minion, Goru the Mightree, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Druid Minion, Goru the Mightree, has been revealed!
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In the right deck, this card is great. However, aren't we losing a fair amount of Treant-producing cards soon? Seems like a weird time to print a Treant-based Legendary with The Boomsday Project on the verge of rotation.
At least it's not Ancharrr-weird.
Legendary Ancient of War with a bonus of improving treant Druid decks.
Curves right into The Forest's Aid, so could be helpful for a more late game based token treant Druid. Comes down too late for a traditional early game token/swarm druid, but it could potentially make a slower treant focused deck more viable.
A big taunt that buffs all treants. This will probably see play in all token druid decks from now on. Though I am not sure if it is enough to make token druid viable.
It does curve very well into The Forest's Aid though.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Too slow for a serious token deck.
The only question I have is: why on earth is this not a treant itself? I like experimenting with treant decks and will most definitely include this one to all my treant decks.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Great card for Treant Decks. It curves into The Forest's Aid. It seems they want to make Token Druid good again. Let's hope treant decks get more support in future expansions.
Decent stats. Maybe a bit slow for it to work in token treeant druid.
Maybe if you Ramp into it and plant it down on Turn 5 or so? At least it has Taunt and a lot of Health.
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liked alot! always hoped for the treant archetype to work. maybe this is time to shine
Well, we've done it, Ancient of War is finally just as obsolete as Ancient of Lore. Balance has been restored.
Also this is pretty good.
Aside from Forest's Aid, this just generally improves the sticking power of your treants, and because of Savage Roar that translates into wins.
It doesn't even matter that much when you draw this (not to mention you're gonna run a decent amount of high cost draw to enable Gardening Gnome)
I hope this makes it as a non-quest Druid so I can use my Keeper Stalladris again.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
i love it
always wishing treants become a thing
I'm torn: one the one hand this feels too slow for Token Treant Druid. On the other hand though, one way you win with that deck is aggro pressure, BUT the other way is to go control and simply trade, trade, trade and outlast your opponent with 4-6 board refills like Wispering Woods and The Forest's Aid. So I do think this will see play in a more control-focused Treant Druid deck - how that will shape up is beyond me at this point.
Pun definitely intended :-)
Well with floop and Elise you can maybe pump them up to 4/4 or 5/5s which would be great since we have healing tools. I could see pumping them up and then playing some forest aids or something to fill the board with giant stats, and I know it won't work but in wild, you could amp them up even more with Brann.
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
I think the 7th turn is to late to give just a boring +1/+1 to all your treants... Also, a legendary like this with just 1 other (until now) treant-related card in this set? Meh.
Seems "meh" in my opinion though. A weaker Ancient of War in most occasions and most Treants will leave in April. Pretty disappointing Legendary; I'll give it 3 stars.
I really hope this make Trent decks a thing!!!
The fact that this curves into The Forest's Aid is the thing that takes it from just another Treat meme card to playable, but I doubt it goes into every Druid swarm deck. A lot of those decks in the past only ran one copy of The Forest's Aid, and I think you'd want two before you were excited about planning to win on turn 9 or 10 with a swarm deck.
I'm sorry, I couldn't hear anyone else on here over the BLARING SCREECH OF BLIZZARD FORCING TREANT ARCHETYPE.
That being said? Could be very good, but unless some late game treant/based build rises into relevance, this is nothing for standard
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Meh card, but I like treants alot though, so I hope the card is playable.
Permanent +1/+1 buff isnt bad. Bonus point that you are going to get alot of treants, more value of smorc damage too.
Treant druid was never really an archetype, token druid was always better but it ran some treant-generating cards. This could make a slower deck with all the treant synergy cards, but you'd have to cut a lot of good token aggro cards to benefit from all the synergies. It all depends if this expansion can make treant druid more powerful in the midgame to lategame than token druid is powerful in the early game. Maybe the right direction is to include some higher-costed cards, with the inclusion of Garden Gnome.
To comment on the card itself, it's a good card but I'm not very impressed, especially comparing it to the rest of the expansion. The +1/+1 buff doesn't seem that great, as 3/3s should be easy to clear. I think that to achieve some impact on the meta it would need to give +2/+2 to your treants. Depending if they print additional treant support in the next expansion, it should be a good card in the next year's meta.
Cool card and actually seems fair compared to other cards we have seen this expansion, part of me hopes that this will see play but it's very lategame.
Great stats, permanent effect. This is every treant memer's wet dream. I'm definitely trying it out even if it's not a very competitive deck. For the trees!
drop the treant archetype. residentSleeper
Solid statline for its cost. One could argue that it comes in a little late in the game, but Druid can still ramp. Works really well coming a turn before The Forest's Aid.
It's a nice card with a good stats, taunt and a permanent buff for your treants. It's great to see some more support for treant decks.
More dragons? Yes please!
Token treant druid here were go!
This might THE card that Treant Druid was missing. Now you can run a slightly slower, more valueable version of that archetype. To bad a lot of those cards are going to Wild when the rotation happens :/
Midrange Treant Druid might finally be a thing? I wouldn't get my hopes up, but it's a cool card anyway.
Gosh dang it, cards bad.
Treant druid? Really? I see the potential but I refuse to play treant druid XD
The best combo is (of course) this leggendary on turn 7 and on turn 8 and 9 The Forest's Aid. Strong, but for now I prefer to play Quest Druid
With effects that allow returning to hand, or otherwise replaying, I can see this becoming a pretty decent card. But overall, not sure it's worth including outside of those combo-centric situations.
A pretty good treant support card, but I don't think that it will be enough to bring a treant druid deck in the spotlight.
i think it's too slow. this foes curve into the 8 mana twinspell but i dont think a board of 3/3s is significantly better than 2/2s. maybe i'm wrong?
Big body with a permanent effect, seems alright, not sure if +1/1 is enough to make treant decks good.
The effect on this isn't that important, but a solid 5/10 with minor upside is fine if there is a midrange/control style deck looking for that.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Treant decks only have limited defensive options in the late game, likeCenarius. This might be too slow, but it gives Treant decks a surviving chance if they can't manage to control the board.
Well it's over
They are trying to make a treant archetype a thing but I dont think this card will make it good...
Solid on its own. Plus it has potential upside if the meme treant dream should become more than just a dream
I dont play/enjoy token decks but isn't this waaay too slow? wouldn't you want to play a card like Shu'ma instead of a taunt. They are forcing treant with Mulchmuncher , Treespeaker now this, still probably now enough.
Relying on a single card to make a deck good is a bit unreliable, they’d probably have to print some more stuff that liked treants for it to be any good
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
I like the concept of this card, but I just don't see it happening on a regular basis. It feels like it comes too late in the game to make enough treants benefit from the effect. It has a difficult body to deal with but I don't know if it brings enough to the table.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
I would add a few pandas to the deck with this just in case.
For example against a reactive control deck you may not need the body to be left on the field.
No one cares about treants that much anymore.
But a couple trees in Quest Druid make a good distraction.
Very nice treant druid card! this will cater more towards token..but i can see a midrange treant druid being quite effective as well..
Very good stats for a price overall! It's a very slow card for a token/treant druid but we could possibly see treant druid evolving to a more late game oriented deck than it was before. The most usable treant summoning spell was The Forest's Aid and it stays with us after the new year rotation so there is a possibility to build some kind of treant druid. But we still need some support for treants to make them viable for building such deck. We need to have a strong early game for transition to mid/late game and those buffed treants. Otherwise quest druid can remain the strongest druid archetype.
I hope Goru the Mightree will not become a part of a nonexistent archetype as it happens sometimes.
Only +1+1 .. this looks so "meh" for such a high cost card, I mean .. if treant is a thing this will run for sure.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
IDK, but I think there may have been room to add Taunt on top of the +1/+1.
Pushing treant Druid, yet again, as Dragons are about to hit ?
I'd like to think they wanted to solidified the archetype in wild but ... that's just wishful thinking.
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Very good stats and the effect is perfect even if you dont make a deck around it just have a couple of treant generators. Cool.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
basically ancient of war with upside. i like the card and the theme but i don't think this is powerful enough unfortunately
Oof, just realized something.
This card is trying to kick Treespeaker out of the treant team now since it doesnt buff the treants up but directly to 5/5 stat instead. If there's a way to abuse use of this legendary card, then treespeaker is officially dead.
Rest in peace Treespeaker, you will be missed!
Seems like a solid card in treant decks. Even though it is a bit slow, the effect is great. Also synergises well with The Forest's Aid. I guess it will see more play in wild than in standard.
If you dont have treants it’s a well statted Taunt or a cooler looking Ancient of War. If you drop it on turn 7 and start spamming treants it’s great. A bit underwhelming in this set though.
This Legendary Card has the same issue than Thekan, is just too late for an aggrsive style deck more so the +1/+1 in my opinion is not such a big buff.
Love the flavour! Not sure if strong enough but looking forward playing with it if I get it in the packs :)
Nice to see it has also Taunt.
It depends on how meta will shape in release tho. Might be good or bad. Time will tell.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Ewwww....Giving +1/+1 to a board of treants won't change much if your opponent was keeping you in check from the start. Treants sucks and this card sucks balls, excuse my french.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
A support card for treants deck, but not the support that deck needs. I can't imagine this card will see any play.
I am quite sure this buffs treants that already are on board so it's much better as it seems Ancient of War is an obvious comparison about stats/cost ancient of war is almost NEVER uprooted so the card is practically the same as stand alone.
the current competitive version of token druid (which fell off of flavor atm) actually is treant heavy so the deck exists it's just overshadowed by quest druid but with new cards (we still didn't see all the druid and neutral cards) token druid could prevail.
More treant cards means more treant fun! it needs more treant to make work but seems fun, so fun !
I like seeing treant support. I don’t know if this is fast enough.
I dont think its good but ill make a deck with it if i get it
Ancient of War with a bonus effect, if Treants are good enough, this is going to see play, probably.
too late for treant arquetype :(
The synergy with The Forest's Aid is nice, but I don't think that this card is enough to make the Treant archetype viable.
I want to say it's too slow, but we've seen how forest aid and soul of the forest have given token druid enough resiliency to be a threat, so we may finally be at the tipping point of having enough support to see treant druid being a thing.
nice support to my vegan druid deck. TY
Good stats given its cost, but the effect is too slow. It can have good synergy with forest's aid given forest's aid can be played right after this. But I feel the effect is too slow, so the +1/+1 effect does not give you enough value. It's worth trying in token druid decks, but since that archetype is not doing so well now, I do not see it doing better in the new meta given all other powerful cards released.
There´s some support to treants, but not that much. This is too high variance of a card, depending on how early you draw this legendary (after T7 or 7 mana)
I'm not impressed with the treant support, doubt it will be good enough
tired of treant cards....
This card packs great value. If treant decks prove to be good, they should not depend on this card to win, but it really ups the power when played. 5/10 taunt for 7 is very good.
I doubt this is enough to make the treant deck actually good, but I'll still be trying it out anyways ngl.
Treant druid deck looks playable with all the new cards, this card might be a bit too slow for the deck though
Seems to be far too expensive for a card that synergizes with Treant tokens. A deck that would use Treants will probably aim to stick a wide board, buff it and go face quickly to kill the opponent. It won’t want to wait around until turn 7 for an incremental buff of +1/+1. Especially since this is attached to a legendary, meaning it is a one-of that you might not even draw. To put it another way, Dark Pharaoh Tekahn had the same wording and would give 1/1 Lackeys a permanent buff of effectively +3/+3 and even that was not enough to make Zoolock relevant or justify a deck that uses Tekahn, and Tekahn was at least relatively cheap as a 5 mana 4/4.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
It needed to be at least a 3-5 mana card, even if the stats were less than optimal.
While yes, turn 7 will curve to The Forest's Aid, token druid usually only uses it in the rare ocasions it has not won by then.
So, while the effect is good and it might see play, it will not be the core of the deck.
Considering its a 7 cost 5/10 taunt it’s really nice value wise. Add in the fact you can play the 8 cost summon 5 treants twin spell on curve as 3/3s and your in business. Also possible that play Floop after making it 4/4 treants. A card like this really gives value to pulling some of the other treant summoning cards in the late game.
Great stats, but worthless outside of Treant Druid, not really a meta deck (until now?). It will be even weaker after the rotation.
Put your faith in the Light!
I like the effect of this card so much and I hope to more treant stuff from druid this season. This however feels late if its to work in a treant build. +1/1 isnt that great on turn 7 (which isnt even possible that early always). I mean you might already have played a lot of your treants by that time. Its really shame.
Pretty good card, now you don't have to lose attacks to make your treants bigger, like you did with Treespeaker. However, it's still a 7 drop on an archetype that would like to win the game by turn 7 with Savage Roar shenanigans, making it less of a archetype enabler.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Great card for Treant Decks. It curves into The Forest's Aid. It seems they want to make Token Druid good again. Let's hope treant decks get more support in future expansions.
Seems too low impact for a deck that summons Treants early. Yes, yes, The Forest's Aid, but I don't think it's enough.
Needless to say, if Treant Druid is a thing, this card will be in it. It's a huge body with a decent buff effect; but will need to have a decent amount of treants on the board to make it worth playing.
Ancient of War with bonus effect. Some support for treant token decks, but too little, too late. At least nice curve to The Forest's Aid.
Fun and interactive game.
maybe some Treant-spell druid yogg? i'd like to try in wild