New Shaman Minion - Corrupt Elementalist
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A new Rare Shaman Minion, Corrupt Elementalist, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Shaman Minion, Corrupt Elementalist, has been revealed!
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Reminds me of a card from the card game Duelyst that boosts up a specific minion twice... don't know which one though.
Cool card for shaman!
EDIT: It's a good card if the class has a good galakrond, am I right? Very good support card!
I guess that makes Shaman the best Galakrond class by default then...
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
horrible stats but greta with quest. hope shamyGalakrond will be good
5 mana 3/3 that summons two 2/1's with rush AND upgrades Galakrond, the Tempest seems absolutely insane.
Shaman seems to have the strongest Invoke cards we have seen so far, could be a very powerful deck.
I don’t even know what this Galakrond does yet, and this looks bonkers.
I'd say by far the best Invoke.
ArtStation | Twitter
The fact that is also summons 2 2/1s with rush makes it even better for great tempo plays.
with the quest you basically max out galakrond right?
Yep, it should give all 4 (as well as fill the board almost with rush minions).
Looks pretty great to me
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Invoking twice not only means that you will summon twice the number of 2/1 rushers, it also means that you have now your galakrond is half way to completion. you could just play two of these and now you have a full galakrond, and if you have the quest, then you can just play one guy and you will fully invoke galakrond.
This card will play a huge roll in galakrond shaman's success and it will also be a big help in getting a fully invoked galakrond on turn 7.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Effectively a 5 mana 7/5 across three bodies, 4/2 of which has rush. If Galakrond Shaman is good, this is an auto-include. Shaman seems to have one of the weaker Galakrond's, but getting its battlecry twice with Shudderwock might change the calculus on that.
Basically what I want to say; nailed it in one. I wondered if someone would get an automatic "Invoke twice" ability, and here it is. Solid card.
Strong effect, but expensive and weak stats. Obviously this will be used in Galakrond Shaman if that decks sees play. But will it?
This card is really great but as we see in the reveal stream twice, Galakrond Shaman loses the sources so quickly.
I mean, maybe (and ofcourse) there will be better version of Galakrond Shaman but still I think that Galakrond Shaman won't be that good.
It will be good probably but will become out of source so quickly like all other swarm decks other than Token Druid.
bu well, people can be mistaken.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
That horns on her is comical.
5 mana 3/3 that summons two 2/1 rush elementals is beyond powerful and it also upgrades your Galagrond on its own. Galakrond shaman seems quite powerful and flexible.
More dragons? Yes please!
This card makes Galakrond shaman incredibly powerful and flexible. You can just add this one and Galakrond and the Spirit wolf thingie and then play Quest shaman.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Its nice that this invokes twice, but that also seems unnecessary, besides generating the bodies. I mean I guess it would potentially allow you to run less really bad invoke cards, but you'd still be dependent on drawing this one. Its a fine card, it will see play in any successful Galakrond Shaman decks.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Utterly broken good.
Allow me to copy+paste what I've said on most shaman cards revealed: shamanstone
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Jeez two of these and Galakrond is done. Just one of them Dragon's Pack is powered up. Very strong class-based Invoker - I'll definitely use it
Bad stats but good effect, definitely will see play in galakrond decks.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Well this is 2 invokes in one, I guess shaman is probably the fastest to buff galakrond thanks to this effect.
did we ever saw a similar card to a card that summons 2 2/1 rush minions? the 3/3 body is worth 2 mana so invoking twice should be worth 3 mana.. 2 2/1 rushes.. seem to be just right on the mana cost.
This is absurde, for an invoke card, is actually good on curve wtf, Shaman Galak is gonna be the deal, i think Shamanstone came to stay
Strongest invoke card for sure. 3/3 and 2 times 2 damage to enemy minions, while also upgrading galakrond.
Nice Galakrond, but you better have a great Turn 6 to compensate.
Must have in Galakrond decks! Can already see it in a quest shudderwock galakrond deck!
A very powerful Invoker for sure, but it seems very slow. The stats are also underwhelming, but that is the case for most of the Invoker cards. If this would be 1 mana cheaper (at the cost of -1/-1 stats) it could've been played on curve with Dragon's Pack which would have been insanely strong. Overall though, I think this card will be staple in Galakrond Shaman should that deck see competitive play.
Best invoker class card.
a bit costly for 2 invoke and weak minion..but it saves you the trouble of finding multiple cards for invoking..we'll see how this plays out
Really good, fills your board and removes small enemies as well. The double Galakrondupgrade shouldn’t be overlooked either
A must include card for a Galakrond deck. Stats a bad but it's fair in terms of the battlecry power. If Galakrond shaman will exist we'll see this card in ladder a lot.
the best invoke card, really strong and makes shaman galakrond scary
Best invoker sofar.
Maybe the absolute strongest invoke card? I think so, even if the cost is tied for the hightest for invoke cards, this one do it twice, and shaman's invoke is the strongest to begin with.
So this is a 3/3 that summons 2 2/1 with rush, and evolve Galakrond of 1 stage by itself.
You play this card and don't feel bad at all, this is a thing you generally don't say about the invoke cards
5 mana 7/5 stats and you can divide 2 times 2 damage to minions right away is not underwhelming in my book
Really good card for Galakrond shaman, having a couple of rush minions on board plus this body is an amazing effect.
Corrupt Elementalist is strong thanks to Shaman Galakrond and card like Dragon's Pack. Staple invoke card
Very efficient card, really excited about Galakrond Shaman
Well... this is very strong. Its stats doesnt even matter, you upgrade galakrond with only one card and the tokens will get you back the tempoloss.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
since it does it twice you could cut another invoker for one of these seeing the shaman glakrond makes up for its stat line since you get the rushers with it
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Stats seem good, card seems good, effect is broken. 6/5? Shamanstone?
A very strong support for Galakrond decks. It seems like Galakrond Shaman gets a lot of strong cards to outshine Battlecry Shaman.
Its effect is powerful and the stats are not even this bad. It will definely see play.
I like invoke'ing twice, because there are so many cards: "if you invoked twice...." effect. Very good.
Turn 7 fully evolved Galakrond with just 2 cards? yes please
You probably wouldn't wanna play galakrond and quest in the same deck, since you lose your reward when you play him
Fantastic card in any Shaman deck that uses Galakrond. Invoking twice in a single card makes upgrading Galakrond a lot more efficient and presumably gives you access to multiple uses of his hero power, so this is not only a 5 mana 3/3 but also brings TWO 2/1 Elementals with Rush. So think of it almost as a 5 mana 3/3 that says “Battlecry: Deal 4 damage to an enemy minion”.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
5 manas 3/3 seems bad at sight, but keeping in mind the invoke, this card is broken bonkers.
Especially with my idea for it: Quest shaman!
It will be a thing, you read it here first.
Drop two and galakrond is fully powered right? That's really strong, plus the 5 mana 7/5 worth of stats isn't bad either.
Wow, this Invoke stuff makes Galakrond maybe even the worst part of Galakrond Shaman! Ridiculous... But not overpowered. It's great removal and fast progress, a MUST in Gala- Galashaman? Galaman? Shalakrond?
Corrupt the Waters !!!!!!
invoke twice thats a lot :O
Here comes trouble
Make it double
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Strong card for Galakrond Shaman due to the invoke effect which compensates the low stats well.
Is this the best invoke card? Probably. Galakrond shaman is going to be a thing for sure. The tempo this card generates is huge. It's good in mid game and insane late game.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
This card makes the Galakrond Shaman Deck pretty good.
3/3 + 2x 2/1 rush + Galakrond upgrade for 5. This deserves without a doubt five stars.
Fun and interactive game.
Since each form of Galakrond requires two invokes to advance, this card seems killer. Only need two of them to get a full Galakrond.
Yep, totally agree. I think this could be the best Galakrond archetype, along with Warrior + Quest