New Shaman Spell - Dragon's Pack
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A new Epic Shaman Spell, Dragon's Pack, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Shaman Spell, Dragon's Pack, has been revealed!
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OMG this is absurd if you invoked... can happen really fast with quest
this triggers my Saronite PTSD
not to mention this will probably drop on curve so you better have your Flik Skyshiv ready
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
This card would be stupid if it's doesn't need invoke, but it's still pretty darn good.
If Galakrond Shaman is a thing this will be a huge factor in its success. 5 mana for 2 5/6 taunts is pretty nuts. Invoking twice by turn 5/6 in shaman seems pretty reasonable as well. This card is scary tempo.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Another reason to try and run a Galakrond Shaman and Corrupt Elementalist activates this immediately.
5 mana 10/12 worth of taunts is pretty crazy, and no overload!
The whole Galakrond, the Tempest package seems to be incredibly powerful, should see lots of play.
This and Shamans new Invoker are reason enough to play Galakrond.
ArtStation | Twitter
A nice defensive tool to have for the Galakrond deck. All it takes is just one Corrupt Elementalist to proc.
5 mana for 2 5/6 taunts is reeeaally strong, the question is how reliably you can invoke twice by turn 5.
With that one card that invokes twice, this card can very consistently be two 5/6's with taunt on turn 6-7 (or 5 with the coin). This is a very powerful and impactful card, you will want to keep this in mind when fighting against shaman.
If we just had a bunch of mini rush minions plus two big rush minions I would be convinced, now I am 100% sure galakrond shaman will be a part of the meta.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Surprised it doesn’t have any overload. Relatively easy to activate and gets you a nice wall
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
5 mana 10/12 it's really good. the question is can you consistently get it by t5
Basically the same cost as Feral Spirit with the Overload calculated in, but stronger in dedicated decks. Will see play in Galakrond Shaman for sure.
Galakrond Shaman with or without the Quest will definitely be a thing. The only question is - how big of a thing?
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Honestly amazed that the card lacks an Overload. It's a fantastic addition for Galakrond Shaman. With the Taunts, Invocation of Frost, and the Rush tokens, Galakrond Shaman seems a little Control-y, no?
Running this in your deck is scary good.
Discovering this off any of the outrageous ways shaman high rolls their spell generation? Broken, busted, OP.
Extremely powerful card, worth any shaman's crafting it.
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
VERY strong - excellent support for Galakrond deck with some beefy taunts for a decent (and easily discountable) cost. 5 stars
Weird name for a card that summons a pack of spirit wolves. Good invoke payoff card but really boring. Summoning two big taunts is good and all that but comparing this to the other invoke payoff cards is kind of sad. All the other cards have good synergies and different applications. This just generates a wall and that's it. Don't get me wrong, this card is really good and really strong but i was expecting something more interesting and not a power creep of a classic card.
"True mastery takes dedication."
With the amount of discover shaman has you can expect to face this card probably alot.
Very strong board state when invoked twice.
I just said WOW! when I saw this card in the reveal stream but it was loudly.
It is ridiculous that this card doesn't have at least Overload: (1). I can see the reasoning that you can't invoke but invoked version should have overload for sure.
even if Galakrond, the Tempest is bad(but it is also good), It will still be in the meta just because of this card and Corrupt Elementalist.
Think about a deck that has tons of rush minions + that kind of protection with ability to trigger battlecries twice that can draw enough cards.
Is this the hype that makes me write like this or Galakrond Shaman decks seems powerful ? I really can't decide.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
One of the most OP cards I've seen this expansion! Really amazing!
Very easily completable with Corrupt Elementalist.
This is preatty darn good, invoking is not hard for shaman at this point so islikely very posible to play on curve
Insanely good! Its a 5 mana 10/12 with taunt! Wow
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
That Freeze Invoke spell will do wonders. 10/12 turn 5.
Thank God this isn't Battlecry.
Strong card but hard to play on curve since Corrupt Elementalist has the same mana cost. Worse case scenario this is a Feral Spirit with the Overload cost added to the overall cost already, which isn't the end of the world. The value can be amazing though, and therefor it will see play in Galakrond Shaman, if that deck is to see play in Standard. It faces rough competition though from the very strong Corrupt the Waters.
insane value..juiced up wolves with no any gala deck the effect can be easily activated..
If you've invoked twice (easy with Corrupt Elementalist), you get 2x the vanilla stats for 5 mana. Seems like a slam dunk.
crying for the nerf before trying, OP
If you are playing galakrond shaman this is an auto include, VERY strong card and shaman has the fastest invoke in the 5 mana 3/3 that invokes twice.
This seems crazy to me. Raided-up Spirit wolves. Yes, you need to Invoke first, but Shaman effectively gets two more Invokes than any other EVIL class.
Superstrong card for sure. You will likely have invoked twice before turn 5 if you play a Galakrond deck.
What a strange name for wolfs. Maybe it's there gang name?
It's a strong defensive options for Galakrond shaman - two 5-6 taunts for 5 mana. Since shamans have great invoke tools i suppose this card will fit in Galakrond deck very well. Very like the card and the art especially!
To add salt to the injury, they printed this card for the class that already has the best invoke mechanic. Very strong.
Really good card, maybe even close to OP if you have invoked before playing it. 5 stars.
If you are able to play it on curve with the double invoke is quite op. Strong card and auto-include in all Galakrond shaman
Really good support for galakrond shaman
Great for Galakrond decks! Shaman’s Galakrond have a lot of support and I’m looking forward to play it.
Invoking twice is not too hard. So this card will almost always generate huge value. If galakrond shaman works, this will be an autoinclude.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
So cool! Hope this is not going to be too pretending. How hard will be to invoke 2 times before turn 5?
The best defensive tool that i have seen since
Since its 5 mana, there is a good chance that you might have it activated by turn 5-6. This card is just insane and if it's not activated, it's a Feral Spirit for 2 more mana and without the overload which is ok.
More dragons? Yes please!
10/12 combined stats for 5 mana are incredibly strong. This might be another expansion where Shaman dominated the meta.
Well, worse saronite without invoke'ing, but if you invoke... It's bonkers
Yea this card seems wayyyy too strong for how easy it is for shaman to invoke.
If you have invoke, it is ridiculously strong, and if you haven't, it is simply a classic shamy card effect who forces you to pay the (2) overload up-front.
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Pretty straightforward card, basically Feral Spirit if the Overload was converted to extra mana cost. Pretty awful in comparison though since the whole point of the Overload mechanic is to help take an early tempo advantage. On the flip side, if you fulfill the condition it becomes fantastic.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Not saying its bad, because it obviously it isn't, but it doesn't look like the best fit in the game plan of that kind of deck.
I don't know, it looks weirdly put in the archtype.
Staple in galakron shaman decks, I really see no reason not to play it.
Shalakrond (that's right) will love this. Reminds me of those C'Thun decks without C'Thun that used the 10-Attack ritualists, since Galakrond's Hero Power is the weakest part of the deck. I mean, it's good when Invoking, but not so much when it's a HP.
Well, shaman has a lot of support for the galakrond deck, i think it will see play
If Galakrond shaman is a thing, this is going to make a lot of people cry : 10/12 taunt divided on two bodies for 5 mana with no overload? Really? This seems way to good, but with the general power surge, who knows.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
Good value when invoke twice, and no overload is a big plus.
It's like Feral Spiritbut without the overload. Awesome value. The Galakrond Shaman deck is looking pretty fun to play
Times when summoning two 5/6 taunts for 5 would be considered OP are gone. I mean, it's still very good, but not game winning. Obviously autoinclude in Galakrond deck, excellent in fighting for the board.
Fun and interactive game.
Holy cow! The same cost as Wolves, with the overload instead on base mana cost, and 6/6 more in stats total?!
Agree, we are going to hate this card pretty soon :)
has great synergy with corrupt elementalist, playing 1 invoke card is enough to get you two 5/6 minions