New Neutral Minion - Fire Hawk
Submitted 5 years, 1 month ago by
A new Common Neutral Minion, Fire Hawk, has been revealed!
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A new Common Neutral Minion, Fire Hawk, has been revealed!
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Hmm very interesting, vs handloc....
yeah, no, don't think this is worth it in arena.
I guess it's that spicy Handlock tech. (it's not)
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Interesting card, but at 3 health it simply will not have enough impact for constructed play.
Decent for arena.
People think outside the box, I think this merely as one step closer to Mage Sidequest completion. Early on this could pose a serious threat if they have a sizable hand, hell even if they only have 4 cards in hand that's a 5/3 for 3 on turn 3 that they now have to deal with, plus could be that next turn elemental you had to play. So we'll see what people make of this once the Meta pans out.
Idk, there are a LOT of card drawing and value generating cards in the new expansion, this might be actually good.
woowww this is a strong 3 drop. a really scary one
Doesn't seem too bad against some control decks.
not very strong, probably pack filler, there are cards like this already
What a weird card. The 3 toughness is what really takes all the wind out of this card. Even if you get a good 6-7 attack out of it, its just too easy to remove a 3 toughness minion. Cool design, but just not good enough.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Probably not good against Handlock. 3 Health dies too easy on turn 3/4, especially if your opponent has Hellfire
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I guess this has the potential to be very strong, but inconsistent cards hardly see play in competitive Hearthstone :/
Interesting card vs warlocks. Not very interesting otherwise...
Seems decent, isn’t hard for it to be threatening against most control decks. Probably won’t be good enough though
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
good against control bad against agro so bad card
I really can't believe that noone mentioned this; Goblin Sapper
This is far better than Goblin Sapper tho since the buff can stay on minion but still can't see a place for this card in any deck.
Might be better than I thought, aggro wants some big damages earlier after all.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Pointless as the more cards he has, the bigger chance your 3 Health is gone.
A premature tech card! If handlock gets to dangerous, this bird will feed upon it!
Till we get a good elemental like Blazecaller and amazing elemental synergy this wont see much action but it has pretty good stats though on average it will be araound 5-6/3 and its a early threat against control decks ok card.
Can be draw with Crystology but besides that I don't see a place for this.
Could be pack filler, could be a sleeper card against greedy hands. I'm inclined to believe it's the former.
Your opponent needs to have more than three cards in hand before you're getting anything out of this. Admittedly, there are probably plenty of cases when that will be true, but getting a minion that's only a bit over vanilla (particularly with only 3 health, leaving it fairly vulnerable) isn't super compelling. This is an elemental, so maybe that will be relevant in a class like Mage with their new sidequest, but I'm not seeing it.
nice 3 drop..fair cost for the stats..very strong in arena..standard not so much.
The mechanic is interesting and so is the tribe tag. I like it
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
on turn 3 you can expect your opponent to AT LEAST have 4 cards in hand, so it's on the worst case on curve a 5/3 which is not bad also it's an elemental for what it's worth (shaman/mage)
thought it was bad but actually it's quite good vs greedy decks.
By turn 3, your opponent will probably have between 3-6 cards in hand, depending on whether or not you went first, and whether or not your opponent is playing aggro or control. So most of the time this will be at least a 4/3 when played on curve. And you know what? That isn't very exciting. Even if you can get it to a 6/3, that is still only 3 health. After punching any minion of significant size, this will die, and any just about any playable removal spell will remove this. I think in general you want to be playing cards with more substance than this.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Not enough health to make it playable - FAR to easy to kill before it gets even a single big attack off. 1 star
i don't think this is a card good enough to pressure slower decks, 3 health on turn 3 is what it keeps it behind, even bad invoke backstab kills it
Filler card for me. There is no real reason to put it in deck unless you play ultra agro aggressive deck. Even in the perfect spot (where you play it on curve and opponent have a lot of card), can be killed from a lot of spell and minion with rush
Bad when your opponent has no cards, but a much better Magma Rager when the opponent has a lot of cards. Still inconsistent despite the high roll potential. In Arena this card seems bonkers though. Reminds me of Druid of the Flame.
Pack filler, but might be good in arena
Has anti-synergy with itself since if your opponent has a lot of cards, they are more likely to answer the card.
Just no. Inconsistent, doesnt punish control decks and does nothing against aggro decks.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
You don't want cards that rely on your opponents hand size. Even if you were playing some sort of mill deck it wouldn't see play since it only has 3 health.
More dragons? Yes please!
i like the new mechanic, and think it could be a surprise in next months
it's good vs decks like handlock, if it can survive. which mostly it can't so ... pretty bad card. fun artwork tho
Don't will see play in standard, but in arena is pretty solid, most of the time will be a 3 mana 5/3 ..
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
It's like the corrupted dragon but for your opponent and 1 less hp so mild reverse powercreep? could work in some formats but I don't think it will fair in standard
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Looks a bit unreliable to me. Also, there is the risk that in early game this could not get a proper value.
Interesting aggro card, but will never see play. Terrible vs aggro, situationally good vs control. Not even good in Arena.
It's very weak... You barely can control how many cards will your opponent have...
A relatively weak card. If this minion gains +3 attack, it has vanilla stats. I don't think that this card will see competetive play, and most likely it is also a bad arena card.
It might see play in a specific mage deck as a support to Elemental Allies. I personally don't like this one but it might see play. Fire hawk only has 3 hp but if it sticks on a board it might be dangerous.
Potentially a really scary card. It probably comes out as a 3 mana 5/3 at least, putting it in Hench-Clan Thug levels of threatening. The only thing that might hold it back is the fact that 3 health is vulnerable to a lot of removal tools, be they weapons or spells or AoE.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Theres plenty of 3 mana 3/3s in standard that have seen good success. This has the potential to be much higher attack, though no other effect.
Inconsistent, but could be a really strong tempo play in a control/combo meta with big hands.
I've said it about the priests legendaries and I will say it again: if you are playing cards that depend on your opponent, you are abilitating yourself to have an opponent that ruins your game play.
Also, vs decks with big hands 3 mana 3 health minions are easy to remove, regardless of the attack. If it had elusive or divine shield, that would be different.
For mage this can be interesting icm with (side)quest. And a mage is not so unhappy with an underwhelming minion on 3, say Messenger Raven, Dune Sculptor. What's simportant is the elemental tag, and its disruptive potential. You can not ignore a 5-3 on turn 3, and against aggro who are swarming small critters it is a decent body that can trade, even if it is only 2-3. So I see it as an option for a deck that plays the side-quest and wants to have as much elementals as possible.
Good for arena. Other than that, I don't see it being play it in constructed.
You are aiming to play against slow decks, but those decks usually have good answer to a 3 health minion by the time this card is played.
Very good tech card against the the handlock archetype. Warlocks might think it twice now before drawing too much.
With bigger health this could be serious card, at 3 it's too easy to remove. And besides of stats this card does nothing. Not worthy to play.
Fun and interactive game.
even with 4 health isn't worth to be put in the deck
Not terrible since it's a battlecry, still pretty bad. 2 stars
This is a very interesting effect to have it based on opponents hand size.
A decent card against control but horrible in aggro mirrors.