New Priest Spell - Grave Rune
Submitted 5 years, 1 month ago by
A new Common Priest Spell, Grave Rune, has been revealed!
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A new Common Priest Spell, Grave Rune, has been revealed!
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anybody missing all those ressurrect priests in wild? feelsbadman
aaaand now Priest is Shaman.
Curious what minion to actually use this with. It does cost quite a lot so there needs to be some serious value generated....and no, Cairne Bloodhoof is not good enough (Khartut Defender might be though)
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
This effect is very powerful and has a lot of upside but 4 mana is a lot of mana and makes playing this on the same turn you play the minion you want it on much less likely. It also makes silence effects even more powerful against it. I do think the effect is very strong, but the mana cost might be enough to keep it from being competitive.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
The combo potential for this card is just insane.
Zetalot has already tinkered with Vivid Nightmare, Embalming Ritual combos on Leeroy Jenkins alongside Wretched Reclaimer.
This is going to see play for sure, there is simply too many cool things you can do with it. Excellent card for Priest.
Soooo, Carnivorous Cube without Carnivorous Cube? If u remember this cancer then u know how it could end.
And it doesn't say - "friendly"
What's the most powerful card in Hearthstone?
A credit card.
I really feel there will be a way to break this
Remember Carnivorous Cube? This has even more Combo-Potential!
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I'll boop you
So its 2 Ancestral Spirit 's in one card. I smell some Rez Priest shenanigans.
This card is too good. Priest doesn't need more ways to copy Convincing Infiltrator, or more ways to summon Khartut Defender. I already hate this card and want it to be nerfed. This will be very frustrating to play against, but there are probably some priest players very excited about this, and I am happy for all of you.
But DANG. This card will be very obnoxious when dropped on a taunt deathrattle minion, specifically Khartut Defender.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
interesting for deathrattle priest. we already have several support cards, not sure what else it'll need?
Ridiculously powerful card on its own, and since it can target any minion it has the exciting potential to crush your opponent's will or backfire comically after it's played with Archmage Vargoth.
Good card but might be to slow its not cube that you could play as a body
Strong card with a lot of potential targets and combos.
More dragons? Yes please!
Well I already hate the idea of this alongside Khartut. A few scary 6 mana minions this could be played with, should be decent enough
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
So big priest is going to be even more powerful and standard is going to be plagued with millions of that heal mummy ... woo
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Oh good lord. Thank goodness N'zoth is going back out... This card will be the reason I start putting 2 silences in my decks from now on. So insanely strong for class that has some of the best and strongest deathrattles around.
Wow in my custom Lich class I made this spell cost 6, 'cause I was super worried about abusing it. Didn't think a simple "double effect = double cost" over Ancestral Spirit would go over well with people. In the right deck, I think this card will be disgusting.
Hello, full board of of Khartut Defender and Convincing Infiltrator. Resurrect Priest is going to have a field day summoning taunt after taunt.
Well it's over
As if priests had few ressurect options... Now this! Will need nerf in wild soon!
really strong one, priest will build decks around this for sure
Play it on Leeroy Jenkins, Hit once with it then use Holy Smite on it you have 18 damage to face.
That's the basic combo you can do with this which comes to mind at first glance and I am sure we will find more powerful ones if we dig enough.
Also Desert Obelisk and Mogu Cultist decks for priest might appear thanks to this card. Just saying.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
No no no. Another tool for big priest
Amazing combo potential, but it's too expensive. If only there were some cost reduction effects in priest.
Seems like a combo card, like Leeroy Jenkins or something. It might be too fringe though.
Very powerful card with lots of cool applications and combo possibilities. It costs 4 mana but Fate Weaver exists so...
"True mastery takes dedication."
It seems a good card for Ressurect Deathrattle priest; brokem or OP, time will tell, but for the time being seems pretty good
Rez Priest running wild!
Silence cards about to jump over the edge.
a lot of combo potential..disagree on it being slow considering a lot of priest decks are generally slow already..this will just add another winning condition.
Leeroy + Grave Rune in a dragon control shell can probably work.
But then it's gonna be a really slow grind waiting for the combo pieces, you might as well just use this to generate value in a full on control deck.
I don't feel like this card is good, seems too gimmicky, and too win more to play.. probably in the future, but not in this expansion..
I hate Rez Priest. This will be super annoying.
Wow, this card has so much potential and could be extremely powerful.
Nightmare fuel .... As the tradition goes, last expansion of the year is priest time.
Cards like this makes me wish Priest had some of the Deathrattle activators Hunter had. It's a Carnivorous Cube like effect which saw play in the past. Can be combo'd with cards like Wretched Reclaimer for massive value, and I'm sure a deck will pop up that runs this.
In standard it looks like a win-more card, because priest doesn't have any mana cheating right now, so for this card to be strong it has to hit a strong minion that you already played and that it survived.
In wild is scary.
This is a card for a very special decks. I suppose it will see play on ladder in some combo decks or in a deathrattle based priest. Hard to say if those deck will be strong, but i'll give them a chance.
Really strong effect. Hard to combo with a strong >6 mana minion as it needs to stick for a turn. Could be reeeeeally annoying in ressurection or big decks
The new Carnivorous Cube. I like it, but the problem is to kill the minion. Anyway is a nice tool for rez priest
Obvious comparison to cube which could be spooky
Has some combo potential but too clucky to be played in traditional decks. Too slow and costs too much i guess.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Seems like the infamous big priest got another weapon. Hooray.
This effect is insanely strong in the right decks .. if you manage to use this in any summon on big priest is GG easily!
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
This card seems to be support for Deathrattle Priest. Since this archetype never really worked, I don't think that this carfd will see a lot of play. This card could also fit into Dragon Priest, since casting it on a dragon is a lot of value. However, since most dragons are too expensive to play this card in the same turn, the dragon has to survive one turn. Because sticking a big dragon for more than on turn on board usually means gg, the card looks more like a 'win more' card.
Revive priest hype poggers why do they keep making insane wild cards that will literally ruin meta for wild for 2 months because blizz fixes stuff too late
Zerek, Master Cloner like this. Also seems scary into Big Priest on Wild.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
I think it's a trash. Much worse that cube... :/
It has so much potential Grave Rune plus Wretched Reclaimer is 7 mana just like cube playdead not exact effect but pretty close
Damn this combo looks real strong, but 10 mana is probably too expensive to be consistently good.
On contrary, I think this expansion has all the right gimmicky-win-more-swing-the-game-around's ingredients to make this effective. Only time will tell but I'm optimistic on this one.
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Probably too slow to be useful directly. Might desire a cost reduction from Fate Weaver to be worthwhile. Also has some amusing late-game synergy with Time Rip.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Saying this card is bad is saying we did not learn our lesson with carniverous cube.
The meta is different, the cards are different, but mana cheating effects will aways be dangerous, especially in a class specialized in ressurecting minions.
I rated so low the legendary 3/3 of priest, so this one goes to the same path 2 stars insteresting card but i don think that will work , at least in this year.
I wouldn't call this mana cheating exactly. You pay 4 mana to do nothing this turn and there aren't many deathrattle trigger cards in priest other than Wretched Reclaimer, which still requires 7 mana overall.
I see your point, and yes, it's truth that when played it does nothing, but in many scenarios, like minions ready to attack or taunt minions, it will effectively lead to mana cheating on board. A strong card to be sure, and like cube, one to not be taken lightly.
Will see play, either in combo, control or resurrect decks. It actually looks really interesting to me. There's lots of different ways to use it. Do you play it on any big minion you have or save it for something special? Play it now or on a turn 10 Khartut from hand? It won't be super fun playing against, but Silence should keep it under control.
I look forward the most to messing with this and Test Subject. Double your spells returned and if you cast Embalming Ritual on it, double the test subjects. Quadruple with Vivid Nightmare!
Cube was better since you got most of the deathrattle effects with this, but this is cheaper.
Nevertheless there is no doubt this is really strong.
Very good card for a deathrattle priest deck. Playing this card wirh key minions such as Sylvanas or Obsidian Statue (both wild) would work out pretty well.
This is gonna be great 😇
Well, I guess double Spellbreaker? I think it will be silence meta, because you can't always clear all the stats from the board that got powercreeped (at least seemed to me from the reveal stream). You need to silence this and Dragonmaw Poachers, otherwise you're in deep trouble.
The effect is indeed powerful, but it looks pretty slow to me. It won't make the cut into big priest I think. I know someone will break this card and perform some ridiculous combo with it, so I'm looking forward to it.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
Not as scary as it seems in Wild.
You still have to summon and resurrect minions first, a process that can't start before turn-6.
At that point, an Aggro/Burn deck will have already killed you, or is about to, with some Devolve or Spellbreaker (barred RNGesus shenanigans ofc).
This card can only fit games against Midrange or Control, where BP is already favored.
In Standard tho, that's another story...
2 Ancestral Spirits in 1 card is good value and fits well with death rattle minions or minions that do self damage.
Great card that will allow some insane shenanigans. In Wild it's an awesome addition to Quest Priest.
Another support for control priest. Great combo with Wretched Reclaimer. Possibilities are limitless, but here's the question - will be control better than aggro combo priest?
Fun and interactive game.
Welcome back, Deathrattle Priest! If only N'zoth was going to stay in Standard for you to play together with him.....
5 starts, this is going to be so annoying in res priest that I cannot even begin to describe it :O