One Night in Karazhan Card Spoilers & Expansion Guide

Hearthstone's fourth adventure invites everyone to One Night in Karazhan. It released on August 11th 2016 - Patch Notes

Adventure Overview

Medivh is missing and must be found! Along the way there are 45 new collectible cards to be earned.

  • 13 Bosses - Every boss will challenge you i new ways, and victory will reward you with new cards.
  • Free Prologue - The first boss is free to play and will reward you with two new cards.
  • 4 Wings - Three bosses await in each wing, and completion unlocks even more cards and class challenges.
  • 9 Class Challenges - One challenge is designed for each class with a new class card locked behind it.
  • Earn Rewards - Collect all 45 cards in this set by completing all four wings.
  • Spells & Summoning - This is the place of funky magical phenomena; many cards interact with spells and summon minions.
  • Portals - Five new portal cards are featured that each do a thing and summon a random minion.


Free Prologue

This part of the adventure tells us what happened to Medivh in the first place. We must take on Prince Malchezaar, and play as Medivh himself.

Upon completing the prologue every player is rewarded with two new cards. Check out the rewards below!

Pricing Structure

As in previous adventures, each wing can be unlocked for free with 700 gold, or you can unlock them all with money.

Unlocking all wings of the adventure within the first week of launch or earlier granted you the Karazhan Nights card back.

Content Structure

  • One night in Karazhan was divided into a prologue and 4 wings with a total of 13 bosses. One wing was released per week, with the first launching August 11.
  • Each boss will reward you with two new cards. After defeating all three bosses in a wing you will unlock another two-three new cards.
  • Each boss you encounter is AI controlled with a unique hero power. Many bosses use new non-collectible cards and hero powers designed for this adventure.
  • Heroic mode is available in which the boss encounters are immensely difficult. A special card back, The Blue Portal, is awarded if you manage to complete it.
  • In addition to boss encounters, each wing contained class specific challenges. Upon completion a new card is unlocked for that class.



Prince Malchezaar Card ImageLegion Card Image
Enchanted Raven Card ImageFirelands Portal Card Image


The Parlor

Silverware Golem Card ImageBe Our Guest Card Image
Deadly Fork Card ImageSilverware Golem Card Image

Magic Mirror Card ImageReflections Card Image
Arcane Anomaly Card ImagePantry Spider Card Image

Black King Card ImageCheat Card Image
Ivory Knight Card ImageProtect the King! Card Image

More Rewards

Priest of the Feast Card Image
Defeat Silverware Golem
Priest Challenge
Maelstrom Portal Card Image
Defeat Magic Mirror
Shaman Challenge
Moroes Card ImageArcanosmith Card ImageCloaked Huntress Card Image
Wing Rewards


The Opera

Julianne Card ImageTrue Love Card Image
Pompous Thespian Card ImageOnyx Bishop Card Image

Big Bad Wolf Card ImageTrembling Card Image
Kindly Grandmother Card ImageArcane Giant Card Image

The Crone Card ImageTwister Card Image
Wicked Witchdoctor Card ImageMoat Lurker Card Image

More Rewards

Kara Kazham! Card Image
Defeat Julianne
Warlock Challenge
Silvermoon Portal Card Image
Defeat Big Bad Wolf
Paladin Challenge
Barnes Card ImageSwashburglar Card Image
Wing Rewards


The Menagerie

Curator Card ImageGallery Protection Card Image
Zoobot Card ImageMenagerie Warden Card Image

Nightbane Card ImageManastorm Card Image
Nightbane Templar Card ImageRunic Egg Card Image

Terestian Illhoof Card ImageDark Pact Card Image
Purify Card ImageAvian Watcher Card Image

More Rewards

Cat Trick Card Image
Defeat Curator
Hunter Challenge
Babbling Book Card Image
Defeat Nightbane
Mage Challenge
Fool's Bane Card Image
Defeat Terestian Illhoof
Warrior Challenge
The Curator Card ImageMenagerie Magician Card Image
Wing Rewards


The Spire

Shade of Aran Card ImageLey Lines Card Image
Medivh's Valet Card ImageSpirit Claws Card Image

Netherspite Card ImageNether Rage Card Image
Netherspite Historian Card ImageBook Wyrm Card Image

Nazra Wildaxe Card ImageThe Horde Card Image
Malchezaar's Imp Card Image

Prince Malchezaar Card ImageLegion Card Image
Ironforge Portal Card Image

More Rewards

Ethereal Peddler Card Image
Defeat Shade of Aran
Rogue Challenge
Moonglade Portal Card Image
Defeat Netherspite
Druid Challenge
Medivh, the Guardian Card ImagePrince Malchezaar Card ImageViolet Illusionist Card Image
Wing Rewards

Click Here To Skip Revealed Cards

Revealed Cards for One Night in Karazhan

These are all the cards that have currently been revealed for One Night in Karazhan.


Moonglade Portal Card Image
Menagerie Warden Card Image
Enchanted Raven Card Image


Cat Trick Card Image
Cloaked Huntress Card Image
Kindly Grandmother Card Image


Babbling Book Card Image
Firelands Portal Card Image
Medivh's Valet Card Image


Ivory Knight Card Image
Nightbane Templar Card Image
Silvermoon Portal Card Image


Onyx Bishop Card Image
Priest of the Feast Card Image
Purify Card Image


Ethereal Peddler Card Image
Deadly Fork Card Image
Swashburglar Card Image


Maelstrom Portal Card Image
Wicked Witchdoctor Card Image
Spirit Claws Card Image


Silverware Golem Card Image
Kara Kazham! Card Image
Malchezaar's Imp Card Image


Protect the King! Card Image
Fool's Bane Card Image
Ironforge Portal Card Image


Medivh, the Guardian Card Image
The Curator Card Image
Barnes Card Image
Prince Malchezaar Card Image
Moroes Card Image
Arcane Giant Card Image
Moat Lurker Card Image
Book Wyrm Card Image
Avian Watcher Card Image
Menagerie Magician Card Image
Arcanosmith Card Image
Zoobot Card Image
Pantry Spider Card Image
Violet Illusionist Card Image
Pompous Thespian Card Image
Netherspite Historian Card Image
Arcane Anomaly Card Image
Runic Egg Card Image

Card Backs

Karazhan Nights

Medivh's Invitation

The Blue Portal

Game Board

Cinematic Trailer

Card Reveal VOD


  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    This storyline made me laugh so much while playing through this adventure.  I wish that Blizzard would do this type of thing again.  I know it's not as lucrative as a full expansion, but it was so much fun.

    • Avalon's Avatar
      Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
      Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

      Your time may have come my friend

  • 11times67's Avatar
    950 61 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    The last of the old style adventures. I sort of miss them, but the new style has so much more replay value!


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