Galakrond Councilman

Last updated 5 years ago by
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Invalid Deck IDIdea is simple enough... hopefully you can get Prince Keleseth as soon as possible, keep Jumbo Imp to get cheaper from the imps dying left and right, drop things while the Darkshire Councilman is on the table, and hit them in the face until they stop drawing cards and explode.

Sounds easy enough, but I will say that going the distance with Galakrond, Azeroth's End popping out 2 imps each turn and having Mal'Ganis can start to suck for the opponent. 

Obviously, control is the hardest encounter with this deck, as with any aggro deck.  Needless to say, it is pretty fun.  I have been playing around with the idea of Valdris Felgorge in the deck, but that is a pretty big commitment from mana for the deck.  Zilliax is in there for the "Oops, I life tapped a little too much" perspective... not to mention he's just a solid card.  


For me, I prefer the Jumbo Imps to Sea Giants in this build because with wild there is so much board clear that the giant's cost reduction is harder to justify.  However, Everytime a demon dies white the jumbo is in your hand, the price gets reduced. I have had a couple of games where a board wipe dropped my Jumbo's cost to 0 and I dropped them the following turn for a lot of board presence.  

Anyway, I'd love some input on this as I do really love playing Warlock craziness.   Enjoy



I removed Zilliax and Mal'Ganis as well as a couple of the slower aspects of the deck and put in the spellstones and the Devoted Maniacs. It works much faster now and has some spot removal. I have a great win rate against priest and pirate decks. Give it a swing and see what you think. 

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