
Last updated 5 years ago by
  • Ranked

Update:  We had a little discussion about this archetype over in the Hunter forums which might provide additional food-for-thought.

This is the Combo Highlander Hunter I took to Rank 10 this season.  I really like this archetype, but the climb was definitely harder than last season (both before and after the Wild cards were re-introduced) due to all the aggro on ladder.

In response to ze aggro, I've cut some of the old value cards (e.g. Hunter's Pack & Zul'jin) to focus on surviving until the Jepetto Joybuzz swing turns.  Your two main forms of lethal are Jepetto into either Malygos or Dinotamer Brann along with Sathrovarr or Faceless Manipulator to double or potentially triple up on the pain (if you Jepetto Sathrovarr and also have a 5-cost Faceless in hand).


I typically hard mulligan for Zephrys the Great as he's so flexible and can get you out of a lot of early pickles.  You can always play him on curve for the Animal Companion to gain tempo, but his ability to get silence (Rezz Priest, Mech Pally, Face Hunter (3 Leper Gnomes)), Flare (Highlander & Face Hunter), and weapon destruction (Pirate Warrior, Deathrattle Rogue) can be a lifesaver.

My other mulligan targets are class specific - things like Explosive Trap and Unleash the Hounds against Pirate Warrior, Zoolock, and Token Druid, Jepetto Joybuzz against Rezz Priest (because the first 4 turns are typically passing), and Freezing Trap against Face Hunter (or Snipe to counter a Turn 4 Phase Stalker).

Other Tips:

  • Best Jepetto target is Malygos because it can ignore taunts unlike King Krush
  • Master's Call is typically for finding Jepetto, but otherwise you want to thin out your targets for Jepetto, namely Zephrys and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza.  If you're stuck with an even harder choice, go with Faceless Manipulator because you can play that the same turn as your 1-cost cards and still get off some spells (any dmg spell with Malygos and Kill Command in particular if you have Brann).
  • You almost never want to take face damage with your weapon if you're playing against OTK Pally as we have no way to heal back up above 25 HP
  • If it looks like your only win condition will be to burst them down with Malygos, then sometimes you'll want to save one of your 0-cost dragons from Alexstrasza so that Corrosive Breath hits face.
  • Don't make the mistake I've made and attack with your King Krush before playing Zephyrs if you want it to give you Windfury to use on Krush

Happy Hunting!

- Rang




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  • Xarkkal's Avatar
    Servant of Illidan 910 1321 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    This looks fun! I haven't played Maly hunter since RoS. I will have to give your list a try! 

    • Xarkkal's Avatar
      Servant of Illidan 910 1321 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
      Posted 5 years ago

      Update: Having a lot of fun with this list. Nothing like being sad about drawing your Maly, only to get a 0 cost one the next turn from the Dragonqueen. Opponents don't expect what is coming in your late game because they just assume you're a normal Highlander Hunter. I'm at rank 7 with the deck, and feel like I could probably hit rank 5 with this.

      • RangDipkin's Avatar
        Rexxar 350 143 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
        Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
        Quote From Xarkkal

        Update: Having a lot of fun with this list. Nothing like being sad about drawing your Maly, only to get a 0 cost one the next turn from the Dragonqueen. Opponents don't expect what is coming in your late game because they just assume you're a normal Highlander Hunter. I'm at rank 7 with the deck, and feel like I could probably hit rank 5 with this.

        Sorry for the delay!  But thanks for checking out the deck and I'm happy to hear you've been enjoying your return to Maly Hunter :D

        I've only gotten Maly from the Dragonqueen like twice, but there was spectacular emoting from my opponent both times ;)  And that's honestly one of my favorite parts of piloting it - that surprise moment when you drop the Jepetto and they realize what you're actually running.  So I totally agree that the deck benefits from people assuming you're Secret Highlander Hunter so they feel safe when you mainly trade and they hover a little over 20HP.

        And if you see this I'd be curious to hear how high you've been able to climb and if you made any substitutions on your journey.  I had a rough mulligan streak at the start of this season and haven't played ladder since, haha.  


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