Rando Calrissian 3.0

Last updated 5 years, 9 months ago by
  • Fun

Hello Hunters!

I just wanted to share the current iteration of my Rando deck from the HP days of old.

The goal of the deck is to have fun with random card generation, in particular Drakkari Trickster, Witch's Cauldron, and Weaponized Piñata (followed by Nine Lives).  Although not ladder-viable, a deck like this can be fun when you're sick of the same old match-ups/decisions...and you can always break theme to make it more viable ;D  (e.g. subbing Griftah for pretty much anything...say an Unleash the Beast?)

The general strategy of the deck is to control the board early while waiting to set up specific combos in the mid-late game.  For maximum legendary randomness you'll strive to kill off your Weaponized Piñatas, play Nine Lives, draw/play The Storm Bringer from Witch's Cauldron, and then do it all again with Zul'jin!  The deck lacks card draw (goes to 0 if you sub Harrison Jones for a silence tech), but there's a whole lotta value generation and an Azalina Soulthief for desperate times (against Warriors).


There aren't any auto-keeps, though Animal Companion is usually a safe bet if you want to make sure you don't curve out too poorly.  However, in certain match-ups like Murloc Shaman I'll mulligan everything for earlier plays like Springpaw and Doomsayer.

Against aggro (e.g. Murloc Shaman, Token Druid, Zoo Warlock...would also throw Mech/Secret/Midrange Hunter into this category):

Against control (e.g. Warrior, Mage, Priest, Rogue, and Mech Paladin):

Additional Comments:

While you're hoping to trigger the Pinata with Nine Lives, keep in mind that sometimes you'll need to bite the bullet and choose Shimmerfly just to have a chance at an out when you're in a pickle.  However, this does muddy the waters when Zul'jin replays Nine Lives so you can debate its inclusion.

Drakkari Trickster and Griftah are here for the memes, but that doesn't mean there isn't a little strategy involved!  They work best in Control matches as you'll want to keep an eye on your opponent's hand size and look for opportunities to force burning a card.  On the flip side, in aggro matches you may need to treat them as dead cards (especially Trickster) to prevent helping your opponent refill their hand.  The other piece advice with Trickster is to think about your deck size/the odds you'll give your opponent something like Zul'jin or Archmage Vargoth.

Unleash the Hounds can clear early, but we really want to use one with Witch's Cauldron.  The hounds also synergize with some of the swing inducing Shaman spells like Bloodlust and The Storm Bringer. Shimmerfly, Springpaw, Cable Rat, and the Lackeys also synergize with these spells if you draw them late (as well as acting as food for the Cauldron if you play them early).

Archmage Vargoth can be played on curve for tempo/as a soft taunt, but ideally you'll save it for Turn 7+ to pull of a value combo with Nine Lives, Animal Companion, Deadly Shot, or one of your rando spells (Rain of Toads can be a nice defense late).  

Zilliax is here for the obligatory healing Hunter lacks and also because you can magnetize him into one of your many Pinatas for some 7/5 rush damage later in the game.

Azalina Soulthief provides hand refill in control games as well as opening the door to additional spells that Zul'jin can re-cast.

Potential Alterations:

There are obviously a ton of different directions you could take this deck while maintaining its RNG soul, so feel free to follow your heart. 

The previous version ran Secret Plan, Mad Bomber, Houndmaster Shaw, Marked Shot, and Unseen Saboteur.  I'd particularly like to get Shaw back in the deck and may cut the Griftah memes for it.

I've also considered including SN1P-SN4P, Spider Bomb, Tanglefur Mystic, and Mad Hatter.

Alternative (RNG) tech options for aggro matches include Hecklebot(nice synergy with Zilliax) and Mind Control TechTinkmaster Overspark is an option for anti-control tech.  However, you may just want to run a standard silence minion given the current meta.


If there's any interest, leave a comment below or send me a message for replacement card suggestions :)

Happy Hunting!

- Rang

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