Balance Patch Incoming

Submitted 4 years, 8 months ago by

Saw this posted elsewhere so thought it warranted a thread:

I just hope they don't mess up Galakrond Warlock. It's been ages since I've enjoyed playing a Lock deck that isn't zoo, and I want to enjoy it a bit more before they stomp it out. 

  • OmarComing's Avatar
    790 530 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Saw this posted elsewhere so thought it warranted a thread:

    I just hope they don't mess up Galakrond Warlock. It's been ages since I've enjoyed playing a Lock deck that isn't zoo, and I want to enjoy it a bit more before they stomp it out. 

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I hope they're gonna make Galakrond-Priest viable. They could give the generated Minions a slight buff or limit the Card pool in some way.

    Or anything! I just don't want Resurrect to be the only Priest-Archetype... 

  • RavenSunHS's Avatar
    Refreshment Vendor 880 1487 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    As I wrote in the article:

    My guess:

    Reasoning behind my Galakrond bets are that nerfing mana on Invoke cards basically delays the whole deck. The suggested cards are those that currently provide more Tempo than non-Galakrond cards of the same cost (eg. Glacial Shard and Heroic Strike), which is an unnecessary spike of powercreep.

    As for the OP: isn't Galakrond Warlock just another version of Zoolock (swarm/trade/prevail)?!?

  • Rippy's Avatar
    Darkmaster 335 141 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Galak's Shaman and Warrior seems a bit overtuned. Especially the Warrior's Invoke mechanic (+3 attack is too much) and the Shaman Galak Battlecry.

    Galak's Warlock and Rogue are fine.

    Galak's Priest needs a rework. I would like to see a better Invoke. I'd suggest "Discover a Priest Minion"

    Necrium Apothecary is not the real problem. Anubisath Warbringer is. 

    They will never nerf Ancharrr and I wont complain about it.


  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Rippy

    Galak's Shaman and Warrior seems a bit overtuned. Especially the Warrior's Invoke mechanic (+3 attack is too much) and the Shaman Galak Battlecry.

    Galak's Warlock and Rogue are fine.

    Galak's Priest needs a rework. I would like to see a better Invoke. I'd suggest "Discover a Priest Minion"

    Necrium Apothecary is not the real problem. Anubisath Warbringer is. 

    They will never nerf Ancharrr and I wont complain about it.


    Anubisath is literally a 9-drop that doesn't eve activate the turn it's played. Apothecary is 4-mana 2/5 that draws a cacrd and gains its deathrattle....yeah no Anubisath did nothing wrong.

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • DelkoHS's Avatar
    Child of Galakrond 485 481 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I would like to see some buffs as well this time.

  • GerritDeMan's Avatar
    Unicorn Reveler 525 264 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Rippy

    Galak's Shaman and Warrior seems a bit overtuned. Especially the Warrior's Invoke mechanic (+3 attack is too much) and the Shaman Galak Battlecry.

    Galak's Warlock and Rogue are fine.

    Galak's Priest needs a rework. I would like to see a better Invoke. I'd suggest "Discover a Priest Minion"

    Necrium Apothecary is not the real problem. Anubisath Warbringer is. 

    They will never nerf Ancharrr and I wont complain about it.


    Yeah let's blame the 9-drop that does nothing when you play it instead of the 4-drop that has a targeted draw effect and also allows you to cheat out high cost deathrattles.

    Also, Ancharrr is dumb because it allows pirate warriors to randomly highroll and have way more resources than such a deck should have.

  • OmarComing's Avatar
    790 530 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From RavenSunHS

    As I wrote in the article:

    My guess:

    Reasoning behind my Galakrond bets are that nerfing mana on Invoke cards basically delays the whole deck. The suggested cards are those that currently provide more Tempo than non-Galakrond cards of the same cost (eg. Glacial Shard and Heroic Strike), which is an unnecessary spike of powercreep.

    As for the OP: isn't Galakrond Warlock just another version of Zoolock (swarm/trade/prevail)?!?

    Yeah I probably should have clarified the Zoolock comment. I enjoy the more hybrid / midrange Galakrond builds, with some control tools like Dark Skies, Abyssal Summoner, etc. 

    Basically playing something other than go wide and buff. 

  • Thonson's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1740 1734 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I could see Scion being given the SCG treatment with "summon 2 3/2 copies of this minion" being the new wording.  That or some other wording to make sure it's not copies, but just additional 3/2 rushers.

    Quick!  Someone give me something clever to write here.

  • kolbenstein's Avatar
    500 46 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    *Once the update is live, adjusted cards will be eligible for a full Arcane Dust refund for two weeks.

    It's been only 10 days since the patch and I already can't dust Ancharrr for a full cost refund. Anyone knows how come/why so?

    face is the place

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From kolbenstein

    *Once the update is live, adjusted cards will be eligible for a full Arcane Dust refund for two weeks.

    It's been only 10 days since the patch and I already can't dust Ancharrr for a full cost refund. Anyone knows how come/why so?

    I've heard some devices/platforms aren't seeing the correct info but it seems to work on PC.

    It is amazing how Hearthstone QA seems to have gone out the window in the past 6 months. I love the speed that they're bringing stuff out, but really basic stuff is being missed

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  • kolbenstein's Avatar
    500 46 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I was checking it on PC, so I don't know, really...

    I've commented about it in the official reddit post announcing the  patch/nerf too:

    That's the most official news item concerning the patch I could find.

    face is the place

  • Meteorite12's Avatar
    670 696 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Fluxflashor
    Quote From kolbenstein

    *Once the update is live, adjusted cards will be eligible for a full Arcane Dust refund for two weeks.

    It's been only 10 days since the patch and I already can't dust Ancharrr for a full cost refund. Anyone knows how come/why so?

    I've heard some devices/platforms aren't seeing the correct info but it seems to work on PC.

    It is amazing how Hearthstone QA seems to have gone out the window in the past 6 months. I love the speed that they're bringing stuff out, but really basic stuff is being missed

    From what I hear it sounds like the majority of problems are on iPhones and iPads right? Could be that they’ve cycled out some of the people doing QA for that (or that the people for apple devices are just kind of incompetent).

    I dunno, it makes sense in my head to split up QA testers by device, that way they’ll learn the specifics of theirs a bit faster

    Who needs consistency when you could have fun?

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