To dust some cards and craft Kronx or to wait to get him from the pack?
Submitted 5 years ago by
I'm preparing myself to play in Standard mode next rotation, hence I focused a bit on getting pieces for future Galakrond decks. Now, pretty much all of them have Kronx Dragonhoof in them in Standard. Should I disenchant some useless Wild cards to get him now or should I wait to gather more dust and maybe get him from the pack?
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I'm preparing myself to play in Standard mode next rotation, hence I focused a bit on getting pieces for future Galakrond decks. Now, pretty much all of them have Kronx Dragonhoof in them in Standard. Should I disenchant some useless Wild cards to get him now or should I wait to gather more dust and maybe get him from the pack?
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
Kronx is a (very) safe craft. Galakrond decks will stick around, and kronx is a neutral, fits in every deck.
Your chance from getting him in a pack is very small. Just craft him with even if it means dusting cards you almost never use.
If you don’t plan on playing this year there’s no point in crafting kronx right now. However, if you’re itching to play a deck these next few months then by all means craft kron
I only had 7 DoD packs, and Kronx was in it! Good card, would suggest
Trust all these default unicorns and craft the Kronx!
Well I did craft Kronx even before comments from guys after @Ballsdeeper and went on a nice tear through lower ranks in Wild with Galakrond Warlock. Thanks for advice anyway.
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
Galakroud decks might be nerfed to unplayability.. So maybe he is not such a safe craft anymore..
Maybe only a notch. I remain optimistic about Galakrond decks in the next rotation after all bullshit like Shudderwock rotate out, because some cards from Year of the Raven swing the balance of Galakronds. Especially having faith in Galakrond Priest, as they will probably want him for some mass removal before new AoE like Plague of Death come out.
Let's not forget about a potential Hall of Fame rotation.
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
Still, waiting a week is not such a big deal, wait to see what they are nerfing (and buffing.. Maybe..).
Kronx was the very first craft I did on day one! I figured we all got the five Galakrond hero cards free, so I'd be playing around with those archetypes. And his effect of either drawing the hero card, or unleashing a devastation is something you'd want in any Galakrond build. Even on my f2p account that lives in poverty I crafted him immediately.
And if you craft him, your next legendary pull won't be a second Kronx since we can't open multiples of the same legendary without owning all legendaries in a set.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
haha. nicely done
He was my first craft as well. Definitely worth it.
I personally doubt Galakron decks will be nerfed to un-playability. The theme of the expansion are E.V.I.L. classes (revolving around Galakrond) vs "Good" classes (revolving around Highlander decks and side quests). I think the target is to nerf gala decks just enough to be at par with highlander decks from the "good" classes.
Well, at the very least, they aren't hitting Galakrond Rogue and Priest with nerfs, so that's at least two decks where Kronx Dragonhoof is good.
Either way, i am sure they won't nerf any Galakrond decks to unplayability, all of them will stay viable packages, although variably optimal in a given meta.
And yeah, even moreso in Standard, with an incoming Rotation in about 3 months.
Surely hoping for packs luck is a bad plan.
PS: HOWEVER, do notice that Galakrond is not necessarily the key card of a given deck. Sometimes you don't really need the full package.
I would hold on to any crafting or disenchanting atm. I havent crafted or dusted anything yet besides the nerfed cards. I knew they were doing more nerfs after new year as they warned about it when they did the last nerfs.
Wait one week
I opened Kronx and I was super happy about it. However, I haven't really used him as much as I thought I would. I would wait and see how you feel about it later, try some galakrond decks without him and see what happens.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
@KANSAS @RavenSunHS my N'Zoth Dragon Galakrond Priest would like to talk with you xd
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
I think the same. Galakrond decks are almost good in terms of power level - only some other cards need a bit of nerfs.
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
Waiting one week would probably do no harm. But with this mindset you sit on lots of dust and dream of all the fun decks you could play right now. We‘ll get 35 new cards end of January, will you wait again? After this will probably come another round of changes and maybe even another special event so you might aswell wait for the next expansion (witch is perfectly reasonable for Raven-cards btw!)
With the so much requestet frequent changes and ladder shake-ups, no craft will ever be „safe“ again. But of all the DoD legendarys, Kronx is for sure the best bet for the highest value
Winner winner chicken dinner