
Last updated 5 years, 9 months ago by
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Hi, this is my first guide and this deck is an idea of mine (just taken some cues from the internet). Sorry if my english isn't perfect.

The deck is not too complex and for sure isn't tier 1 but with it I've won many games also playing against tier 1 decks such as Face/Midrange Hunter, Odd Mage or Clone/Dragon Priest. When it works it can be veeeery satisfying and strong.

Playing against Hunter or Paladin (but also vs Odd Mage) you have to look for Witchwood Grizzly and search also your removals. You can keep in the mulligan also Untamed Beastmaster and Oaken Summons. Don't be afraid to use for example Swipe to remove only one minion; from the turn 6 you will be able to put on board very big minions (also with Taunt) and it'll be difficult for the opponent to remove them effectively. So, use your resources in the first turns, if you can, to face the opponent's board because form turn 6 on it'll be yours to be scary.

One of the best synergies in the deck is Untamed Beastmaster with one of the numeros card draws you have (multiple times Beastmaster was on board and I've drawn with Juicy Psychmelon: Oondasta, Ironhide Direhorn and Charged Devilsaur). When you can do it is awesome and a very valuable play but many times, facing aggro, you can't wait turns to do it. So feel free to play Untamed Beastmaster alone by himself. Opponent have to remove him and you haven't lost a turn (3 mana 3/4 is not that bad). The same thing is true with Oaken Summons, you can play it to recruit the Master even without instant synergy.

Play the Grizzly without hesitation even if it doesn't have much value, being for example just a 3/4 especially if you have in your hand Witching Hour that will re summon a 3/12 for 3 mana. Vs aggro this is often a istant-win play.

With control and slower decks you can use all your value. Play Giant Anaconda only if you have something in your hand that can be summoned with its Deathrattle. Do not use all your resources together when facing control decks (especially vs Priest). For example, playing Stampeding Roar while Oondasta is in your hand can be a very strong play and you can achieve a terrifying board but the next turn the opponent can play Psychic Scream or Brawl or Dragon's Fury and so you're going to loose the 50% of your resources and the game. You should use Oondasta by itself and perhaps in another turn Stampeding Roar.

Ixlid, Fungal Lord can give enormous value but it's hard to play cause it represents a big time loss. I like it so I leave it there. I've tried to put some early game stuff but I couldn't really see how; also tried to put two Carnivorous Cube to counter some AoE, but I couldn't find a concrete space for them.

Hoping that with the new expansion this archetype can be playable.

Hope the guide is in someway useful and especially I hope that someone can have fun with this Badass Beast Druid.   :)

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  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Harbinger of Winter 1915 2510 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 8 months ago

    Nice deck! I get that you already prepared it for the rotation, but while we still have it, why don't you add the quest? It would be easy to complete and you don't have a 1-drop anyway. Maybe cut one of the predatory instincts or witching hour?

    • Artegorn's Avatar
      50 8 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
      Posted 5 years, 8 months ago

      Ei, thanks for the answer! I didn't think about the quest because I don't have it ahah. Anyway I think that completing the quest would be very difficult and you need more 5 atk drops such as Cursed Disciple imo. If i had it I'd have given it a try for sure. 1 Predatory Instincts is easy removable.


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