Bloodscalp Strategist Experimentations... Again looking for inputs

Submitted 5 years ago by

Just looking for opinions or synergies I might've missed...

This one so far has had an above 50% winrate, which for it's cost and considering it's jank, is pretty good. Deck relies on SMOrc-ing so maybe taunt silencing could work.. also the obvious Deathstalker Rexxar backup plan. Thoughts?

  • ARES's Avatar
    Hungry Ghost 315 199 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Just looking for opinions or synergies I might've missed...

    This one so far has had an above 50% winrate, which for it's cost and considering it's jank, is pretty good. Deck relies on SMOrc-ing so maybe taunt silencing could work.. also the obvious Deathstalker Rexxar backup plan. Thoughts?

    ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.

    ARES declares attack with Huffer .

    Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    6 Weapons strikes me as too much, especially since you don't want to override your eaglehorn bow in a secret hunter deck. However, 3/5 secrets in a deck that runs spellstone and eaglehorn might not be enough. Subject 9 seems like an obvious addition since you don't actually want to draw your secrets by mid-game; getting them all out of your deck will improve your average draw considerably. Secretkeeper is an obvious inclusion considering the lack of proactive one-drop minions. Bloodsail raider, Youthful brewmaster and Stitched tracker all look a bit iffy to me, especially the latter since you have no high end value cards to fish for.



    -2 Bloodsail Raider

    -2 Headhunter's hatchet

    -2 Youthful Brewmaster

    -2 Stitched Tracker

    -1 Springpaw


    +1 Subject 9

    +2 Secretkeeper

    +2 Sunreaver Spy

    +1 Rat trap

    +1 Snake trap

    +2 Kill Command

  • ARES's Avatar
    Hungry Ghost 315 199 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    At the time I really just wanted to test how good Bloodscalp could get  and I gotta say, between additional Spellstones and Revenge of the Wild , it won me a bunch of games. 

    But yeah that's why I included Stitched Tracker and Youthful Brewmaster ..

    it also works as a budget deck since the only card above rare is Zul'jin.

    I'll try some of the cards suggested

    ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.

    ARES declares attack with Huffer .

    Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I think the Scalper really suffers from the weapon condition in standard. None of the hunter lists has more than a couple of flexible slots and both of the available weapons want to be played with secrets or beasts respectively. I like the card but playing it as a vanilla 2/4 is just so bad that it doesn't make the cut.


    Maybe in an upcoming set Hunter will get a decent weapon that plays nice with either the bow or the hatchet and Scalper can be made to work.

  • RangDipkin's Avatar
    Rexxar 350 143 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I've also been a fan of trying to get ye ol' Scalper to work each expansion.  I actually had a lot of fun with a weaponized dragon build before the last rotation and that might give you a couple ideas since you're playing Wild.  In particular, I found the combo of Ebon Dragonsmith on T4 into a discounted Gladiator's Longbow on T5 followed by Captain Greenskin on T6 or T7 to be really enjoyable.

    Here's a link to the old deck/write-up on the site that shall not be named ;P  

  • ARES's Avatar
    Hungry Ghost 315 199 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    A fellow experimenter!! Marvelous! Wonderful! Do share the data you've collected! I know for a fact that Dragon Hunter is an actual worthy deck .. didn't test the weapon variant though.. intriguing ..

    I think Bloodscalp's good for the same reason Marked Shot is great: Discover! 

    Hunter had mostly random spell generation which meant you could get stuck with two Hunting Party in a Rhok'delar deck; not good..   

    ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.

    ARES declares attack with Huffer .

    Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!

  • RangDipkin's Avatar
    Rexxar 350 143 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Sorry for the delay!  I don't have any data yet, but I did sit down and theorycraft a little something for Wild :)

    Discover may be my favorite mechanic (love getting more decision points + a way to adapt your strategy on the fly) so this deck features our boy Bloodscalp along with his friends Netherspite Historian and Firetree Witchdoctor :D

    The deck is definitely rough in a few areas, but let me know what you think!

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