New Neutral Minion - Escaped Manasaber
Submitted 4 years, 11 months ago by
A new Epic Neutral Minion, Escaped Manasaber, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Neutral Minion, Escaped Manasaber, has been revealed!
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I'm not sure about this one - seems pretty slow for what will surely be a "must remove" minion. You probably will only get 1 turn of an extra mana before it gets taken out, so if it gets used at all my guess is it will be played at 10 mana & with the stealth used the following turn as a combo piece for some 11-mana OTK shenanigans
4 Mana 5 Health and Stealth should give this Guy quite some Survivability.
And it's neutral! I wanna know what Class is gonna make the most ot of it. Maybe Shaman with Windfury?
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This looks like a pretty intersting card for variety of decks. Im fairly confident this will see play and also that we will get some crazy combos with it, 7 copies on the board, windfury on all of them.
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Interesting concept. And the 5 health means you are definitely going to at least once gain an extra mana crystal and that can be huge. Even on later stages of the game. It will definitely be experimented with this one.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
It has stealth, so at the very least it gives you a free coin on the subsequent turn. Seems fairly nuts in any tempo deck, but especially anything that has a swingy 6-drop. Nithogg is the first thing that comes to my mind but I bet I'm missing something.
I can even imagine holding onto this minion in stealth for a turn or two if you have a specific expensive card you want to cheat out on turn 6 or 7.
A 4 mana 5 health stealthed minion. in divine spirit priest deck for example.
Turn 4: Manasaber
Turn 5: Power Word: Shield (+2nd PW:S) + Divine Spirit (+2nd DS) + Topsy
Hopefully i'm wrong...
This doesn't ramp you.. it only plays "the coin" basically.. it's worse than the 2 mana 2/2 that added the coin to your hand in that respect (a 3/5 stealth is more likely to attack than a 2/2 though, also no restriction to hitting face).
It will probably will see play after rotation the effect is neat, and after the year of the raven rotates decks will start looking for ok cards to put into highlander decks...
Half-Time Scavenger.
A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head
I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.
Hmm. Turns out he's dead.
Doesn’t really look that great to me, not that great if you draw it after you’ve reached 10 mana, meaning you’ve got 5 turns where it could actually help out your curve
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
it still works at 10 mna, you just don't attack first.. it anables 11 mana turns without coins
The stealth is what makes this card playable in my opinion, and a 3/5 stealth minion is not too bad for inclusion. I think its only genuinely powerful in a midrange curve deck. Cheating out 1 mana for combo is hardly enough, but I look forward to someone somehow making it possible to create multiple copies on board for that true 7 mana reach.
It has stealth though, so it's essentially guaranteed to trigger once. Druid also has a reasonably healthy buff package, so you can beef it up to survive.
Play this, next turn cast Windfury and Whirlwind Tempest. Mega value!
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I think this will just need some clever ideas on where to use it for a one mana cheat. I like the ideas I saw earlier on using it for 11 mana plays. Double battlecry Shudderwocks in standard quest shaman anyone?
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
I've actually had moderate success with a even beast druid in wild and this would be insane in it. This allows any even deck to just skip the five mana mark when it is played on curve and jump right to those 6 cost minions like Menagerie Warden.
Yeah, but once you get to that point it’s strength is a lot lower. The main appeal to it would be playing something a turn earlier than you normal could, which is somewhat strong. After 10, it’s more akin to reducing one card’s mana by 1, which a lot of the time isn’t needed (there’s a lot of times you’ll be floating some mana because you just didn’t need to play anything else)
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Hunter can give it Rush with Shaw, or Charge with Tundra Rhino. You might not need the stealth to get an attack in. I see possibilities.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
If you decide to include this card in your deck you probably run mid/high costed cards so you might play 5 +6 thanks to this card (think double SN1P SN4P + zilliax) it's something that's actually good, you do not run it in an aggro deck.
I can see this card being played in 3 classes
rogue which have so much value, but not enough mana.
Druid which with embeggen generally has big minions but not enough mana.
Hunter who really like the beast tag and might want a turn 5 (with coin) brann
Care to share that decklist? Sounds interesting!
Apparently I have no idea how to post a deck since I keep getting the invalid ID text. It is on my profile though. I can't say its all that strong, mostly a bit of a home brew with some questionable cards such as Tyrantus and Mark of the Loa. That said I've had good results with it.