New Rogue Spell - Waxmancy
Submitted 4 years, 11 months ago by
A new Common Rogue Spell, Waxmancy, has been revealed!
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A new Common Rogue Spell, Waxmancy, has been revealed!
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I'd rather put some actually good Battlecries into my deck, but thanks anyways
I guess it's useable off of Spell Lackey
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
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I like cards such as these existing just for the sake of causing unexpected situations if they're discovered or randomly generated. It's one of the neat things about Hearthstone IMO.
Preparation+Waxmancy+a 1 or 2 mana battlecry minion +backstab that minion (if no minions are on opponents side)+coin = 12/12 Edwin on turn 2
someone will make it happen
I like this one. Rogues have always problems to find a good play on t2 without the coin and usually end up hero powering, which is kinda awkward, if the opponent have >1 hp minion on his side of the board already. So, I can see this fit in some decks.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Could be a potential problem depending on the outcome, like tokwoggle or what ever it name is I forget :P and playable on turn 4, of shudderwock and play it on turn 7 if u played enough. Yet there are some other crappy battlecries where u need a specific thing to do in order to potent or some silly battlecries.
You can't discover cards from other class. So no Shudderwock
This card has great potential, I think. Maybe it just gets you a third copy of something you already run, maybe it helps you find an answer to something you weren't prepared for. Plus we have Spirit of the Shark.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
It's the other way around, because rogue has a hero power which is good early game (and mostly early game) it can afford to hero power on 2 with no significant drawback as such rogues generally don't run 2 drops and don't actually need them.. if you look at the rogue 2 cost cards it's generally some cards you don't want to play on 2 (sap/eviscerate/zephyrs).
So I don't think rogue is in need for 2 cost cards for curve purposes..
With the discover mechanic getting nerfed so hard it no longer a consistent mechanic when you want to play specific things like for example.. toggwaggle if the 400% chance to get class cards was still in effect this card would be insane.
I understand what you are saying, but I, personally, don't like just hero powering - I prefer to play something, progress towards my goal in the game (and "usually" hero powering doesn't get me there). I liked Inspire for example, I like Jan'Alai, Baku warrior and different Quest decks where you goal is to actually hero power. But hero powering just because you don't have anything to do - is a sign of weakness for me. Again, it's just my personal preference :).
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Exactly what I was planning to have fun with in casual! Should work in an Umbral Skulker deck.
The beauty of the rogue hero power is it gives you a weapon that sits around until you want to use it. Often there is nothing good to poke on turn 2, but maybe you're wishing you have an extra 1 damage on turn 4, and then again on turn 6. In that case you're happy you pressed the button on turn 2 and you don't have to mess up your curve on turns 4 and 6.
In any case, you expect to use the hero power at some point in almost every game with every class. Rogue just has the luxury of doing it preemptively on turn 2 rather than needing to do it reactively (unlike like mage or druid), and knowing it has a good chance of being useful eventually (unlike all classes other than warlock. It is no coincidence the rogue and warlock hero powers are usually considered the two strongest).
For the record I like the card too, and agree it makes a solid turn 2 play because it means you probably cheat out something 2 turns early later on which can easily make up for a slow turn 2. But I doubt people actually play it in competitive decks, partly because a hero power turn 2 isn't awkward at all in rogue.
Primordial Glyph remake, I guess?