Any new decks/archtypes coming from new cards?
Submitted 4 years, 11 months ago by
Title says most of it - there's some great cards being released supporting archtypes that needed a buff. I've really enjoyed the paladin Air Raid card in my homebrew dragon-heal-pure paladin (great vs face hunter) and had some fun with the beast embiggen druid that's currently doing the rounds here and on hearthpwn.
Anybody found a good/fun deck for the new mage elemental or anything else of note from these new additions?
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Title says most of it - there's some great cards being released supporting archtypes that needed a buff. I've really enjoyed the paladin Air Raid card in my homebrew dragon-heal-pure paladin (great vs face hunter) and had some fun with the beast embiggen druid that's currently doing the rounds here and on hearthpwn.
Anybody found a good/fun deck for the new mage elemental or anything else of note from these new additions?
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You Rebel. I like you.
Didn't have deck tracker on (last game before going to work), but I faced an Elemental Quest mage, that got insane turns... The Animated Avalanche turn was pretty solid for him, since Mountain Giant was the turn before and I couldn't really deal with it (was playing Quest Embiggen Beast Druid, not really that great...), so it was really game breaking.
Next turn played a 1 mana Mana Giant plus Flamestrike and SMORCed me badly.
All this by turn 8, so... Strong AF, but IMO really draw dependant, he played 2 Arcane Intellect and that gave him the ability to play Mountain Giant, plus turn 4 Sorcerer's Apprentice + Coin + AI + [Hearthstone Card (Elemental Invocation) Not Found] + Magic Trick + Arcane Missiles + Elemental Allies + Mana Cyclone...
I'm gonna try that deck when I get home.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
The deck in my signature was inspired by adding Animated Avalanche to the aggrieved elemental mage by Chump.
Haven't seen anything in wild ... yet.
Considering the new battlecry coin minion, I'm shocked none of the quest mages/rogues have used it.
I'm trying tp build some kind of big spell Shaman with [Hearthstone Card (Fist of Ra-den) Not Found] and King Phaoris. It probably won't be any good, but could be really fun when it works out. I'm currently including the Galakrond package because of Dragon's Pack, but that makes the mana curve terribly high. Anyone found a formula for this to work?
I also enjoy my take on Embiggen Druid with Oondasta, I really like when I get a use for my expensive legendaries. :)
I have been messing around with a hero power mage deck (even one time pulled off the OTK from hand doing a 36 lethal ping) and also with elementals like Animated Avalanche. But they are all rather draw dependent and once you try to build in some solid stuff you have less of the crazy stuff :).
But I like the Animated Avalanche, and if you can play it on turn 4, well, than it's just game over. And theoretically its possible to pull it off on turn 2 with 2x Elemental Evocation and coin. That happened once but opponent immediately conceded.
I am using him in my reno quest mage deck he is pertty good addition to deck for sure.
I don't think the high curve is such a problem.. use spirit of the frog and a lot of cheap removal and you should be able to control the board.