any susgestions for my embiggen druid

Submitted 4 years, 3 months ago by

this is my budget embiggen druid deck (despite this archetype tanking faster than the titanic) if you all have any susgestions on to how to make this deck better let me know


  • DescentOfDragonsOp's Avatar
    530 353 Posts Joined 12/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    this is my budget embiggen druid deck (despite this archetype tanking faster than the titanic) if you all have any susgestions on to how to make this deck better let me know




  • DelkoHS's Avatar
    Child of Galakrond 485 481 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Well, take out Ysera for another Embiggen. This deck makes or breaks with drawing that card so you want to maximize it. If you're missing a lot of key cards, just add some budget Dragon-synergy cards like Firetree Witchdoctor

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5548 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Here's a few points on your list;

    - Its an embiggen-strength in numbers deck. That's your win condition. It therefore follows that there should be 2x Embiggen and 2x Strength in Numbers
    - Your list should include as few battlecrys as is manageable and feasible, with more emphasis on rush minions, taunts, and deathrattles
    - Embiggen decks dont tend to draw well, and their cards are usually expensive, so its usually never playing more than 1 card per turn. You can keep the Wild Growth if you like, but I don't think its good enough frankly. Ditch the Innervates. Drawing this card when you need something = dead. Escaped Manasaber does the same thing.
    - Cobalt Spellkin in a midrange druid deck is practically useless. The one mana slot for druid spells are just vast. Its really a gamble for something good. But most of the time you just end up with something unplayable like gloop.
    - Ironfur Grizzly, really? No one's that desperate. Besides which, there are plenty better taunt minions. Injured Tol'vir, Bone Wraith, Evasive Drakonid to name a few
    - I guess the reason why you play 1x Embiggen is because of Ysera, Unleashed. Not only does it not synergies with Strength in Numbers, its also a 9 mana do nothing on board. Most decks will kill you for making plays like this past turn 6. Ysera's not good in decks that can't heal for tons or clear boards.
    - No Zilliax, the one card that you help you get back against face hunter/dragon hunter. Why? If you don't have it, you can still opt for a replacement in Vicious Scalehide and pray hard.
    - Acornbearers but no Faceless Corruptor. Nope.

    If youre opting for budget, you can try ditching the Strength in Numbers for [Hearthstone Card (double savage roar) Not Found], include 2x vicious scalehide, and 2x vanilla 3 mana 3/4 minion, 2x Faceless Corruptor. Lose the Ysera, wild growth, and cobalt spellkin. Maybe include a silence, like Spellbreaker. That way, you will still have a chance against aggro decks

  • Zelgadis's Avatar
    Wizard 1070 859 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    To increase the chance that Strength in Numbers pulls something good, consider replacing Acornbearer with a spell, for example Treenforcements, Rising Winds, BEEEES!!!, Dreamway Guardians or even good old Wrath.

    If you want to keep Acornbearer, then include Faceless Corruptor, like dapperdog said. A possible alternative deathrattle token generator is Infested Goblin.

    A second Big Ol' Whelp would also be nice, since you need card draw to get to your embiggened cards. Even though it is a battlecry minion, it has decent enough stats that you shouldn't be too disappointed if it gets pulled by Strength in Numbers. Maybe replace Dragon Breeder with this: both give you one more card in hand and one more dragon, but the Whelp doesn't rely on having a dragon in play and is better when pulled by the sidequest.

    To get through the early turns, Swipe is pretty good. There are a lot of one-health minions at the moment. And if you're up against a slower deck, you can use it for extra face damage. You could replace Innervate or Wild Growth with Swipe: instead of speeding up your game plan, you slow down your opponent.

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