Hot take: I'm so bored of Standard I'd welcome Baku back with open arms for this last month.

Submitted 4 years, 10 months ago by

(I say Baku because I'm pretty sure Even decks wouldn't even be a thing anymore if Genn was still in Standard. Would they? Everything that was pulling the Even decks together all rotated out anyway before the Odd/Even stuff got HoF'd and I just don't see how they'd go on without those tools. Then again, I can't say I ever tried that hard to find a way to salvage them, so the world will never know.)


What it says on the tin, basically. We're in that annual month-before-rotation lull we always get into and even though it shouldn't feel quite as bad as last year where so many OP cards just overstayed their welcome (and it doesn't!) I'd be lying to you if I told you I'm still finding Standard engaging. I'm not saying the Galakrond's Awakening mini-expac didn't shake things up a bit, it absolutely did and gave us a new champion in Dragon Hunter, but at the end of the day... eh. It's still all the same decks, and I'm just so desperate for some variety that I'd gladly take Odd Warrior or Paladin or Mage or whatever back.

...And it's weird that I expect a rotation to fix all of this, you know? As I've covered before: so many cards got shut out of the meta it barely even FEELS like we're going to rotate.

Like, I'm 95% certain that the HOF cards are going to make a bigger impact than the actual set rotation. Barely exaggerating. Maybe a little. But not much. Depends on what they actually decide to cut, but remember folks, you heard it here first.

But despite my lack of a reason to believe so, I do, because... this is just how it goes, we've been through this long enough that we know the routine. The game gets boring and stale right before the rotation, and poof, all of a sudden we're in a whole new world. I don't expect AS drastic of a change this year, largely because you really CAN'T get much different than going from Year of the Mammoth to the Rise of Shadows expac with no more death knights running around, but I think Blizz will come through for us, especially with all this hype from people who were at the recent summit.

So no, this isn't a salt thread by any means. Just the usual, bored with the game around this time of year. But I already know I'll be dropping cash to complete the new Expansion on the day it comes out, so I'll try to hang in there, grind out my daily quests, and just wait for the news to motivate me a little more.


How are the rest of y'all handling the rotation countdown blues? Do you agree it's a lot better this year? Do you feel Galakrond's Awakening did enough to keep the game fresh for the extra month and a half or so before the new year begins?

  • WailordKari's Avatar
    145 61 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    (I say Baku because I'm pretty sure Even decks wouldn't even be a thing anymore if Genn was still in Standard. Would they? Everything that was pulling the Even decks together all rotated out anyway before the Odd/Even stuff got HoF'd and I just don't see how they'd go on without those tools. Then again, I can't say I ever tried that hard to find a way to salvage them, so the world will never know.)


    What it says on the tin, basically. We're in that annual month-before-rotation lull we always get into and even though it shouldn't feel quite as bad as last year where so many OP cards just overstayed their welcome (and it doesn't!) I'd be lying to you if I told you I'm still finding Standard engaging. I'm not saying the Galakrond's Awakening mini-expac didn't shake things up a bit, it absolutely did and gave us a new champion in Dragon Hunter, but at the end of the day... eh. It's still all the same decks, and I'm just so desperate for some variety that I'd gladly take Odd Warrior or Paladin or Mage or whatever back.

    ...And it's weird that I expect a rotation to fix all of this, you know? As I've covered before: so many cards got shut out of the meta it barely even FEELS like we're going to rotate.

    Like, I'm 95% certain that the HOF cards are going to make a bigger impact than the actual set rotation. Barely exaggerating. Maybe a little. But not much. Depends on what they actually decide to cut, but remember folks, you heard it here first.

    But despite my lack of a reason to believe so, I do, because... this is just how it goes, we've been through this long enough that we know the routine. The game gets boring and stale right before the rotation, and poof, all of a sudden we're in a whole new world. I don't expect AS drastic of a change this year, largely because you really CAN'T get much different than going from Year of the Mammoth to the Rise of Shadows expac with no more death knights running around, but I think Blizz will come through for us, especially with all this hype from people who were at the recent summit.

    So no, this isn't a salt thread by any means. Just the usual, bored with the game around this time of year. But I already know I'll be dropping cash to complete the new Expansion on the day it comes out, so I'll try to hang in there, grind out my daily quests, and just wait for the news to motivate me a little more.


    How are the rest of y'all handling the rotation countdown blues? Do you agree it's a lot better this year? Do you feel Galakrond's Awakening did enough to keep the game fresh for the extra month and a half or so before the new year begins?

  • Bystekhilcar's Avatar
    270 335 Posts Joined 09/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    The cynic in me thinks you're supposed to feel that way. If you're sat around for the last month of the pre-expansion period saying 'SO FREAKIN' BORED' then you're more likely to be excited when the new set rolls in and therefore more likely to spend money to be able to access the new tools quickly.

    Of course, if that was done by design it'd have to be done very carefully, so people are bored enough to jump on the new stuff without being so bored that they jump ship entirely. But equally, big game companies employ a lot of people with a lot of experience in persuading people to part with their money. Hm.

    I see you when you're sleeping; I'm gone before you wake

    I'm not as good as turn 4 Barnes; But I'm at least a Twilight Drake

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Harbinger of Winter 1915 2515 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I like the way Blizzard is handling the game these days. Galakrond's Awakening brought us enough distraction and new cards to be occupied until the rotation hits imho. The meta is still evolving - you mentioned Dragon Hunter yourself and I've read that Control Warrior makes a comeback (who would have that one seen coming?), just to name two examples. I'm trying to grind out the last 85 hunter wins for the 1.000 wins portrait until rotation hits and throw in a game of Galakrond Warrior or Highlander Rogue from time to time. Especially the highlander decks are a good way to avoid getting bored for me, every match is different.

    tl;dr: I'm not bored, I feel like the meta is still shifting and I'm impressed how well Blizzard has been handling the game for a whole year now.

    I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
    Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,

  • iWatchUSleep's Avatar
    1095 819 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Uhm, if you're bored of standard and yearn for some odd/even decks then have you, perhaps, tried playing that other format which has those cards?

  • Zwane's Avatar
    Wizard 320 423 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I am only bored with some decks I encounter; meanwhile I am trying out meme decks on casual. But I am really tired of: lackey-rogue-tempo-remove-everything-play-Edwin/Togwaggle/Galakrond-and-win; Rogue should have a cards in hand problem but with these lackeys and cheap discover cards they have more in hand all the time than any other class; face/heropower-quest hunter: just brainless get the game over as soon as possible because; Quest Priest: remove-everything-do-nothing-resurrect-infinite-until-boredom-kills-both. Sure all three can be teched for and I enjoy beating the hell out of them when I am lucky enough to draw my antidote but otherwise...yawn. So I also would like some new decks to play against but I guess every expansion has some irritating decks to cope with :) Overall I am pretty satisfied with the state of the meta and can have fun. Except when I queue into Rogue-Rogue-Rogue-Hunter-Priest-Rogue. Then not so much.

  • WailordKari's Avatar
    145 61 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    That other format where there's a bajillion other things I'd want to try before Baku decks?

    That other format where they barely regulate and attempt to balance?

    Wild is fun now and then but it's not always the answer for being bored of Standard.

    Also, I admit I forgot about the resurgence of Control Warrior, I guess entirely because it's still in the resurgence phase. The deck's still picking up steam and turning heads.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I was kind of hoping they'd let Baku and Genn return at the end of the year as sort of a "what could have been"....y'know letting us try all the Odd and Even decks that presumably would have influenced Standard if they hadn't retired early.

    Part of me still believes this will be the case in the last month before the rotation hits, just because decks like Odd Mage and Even Hunter have so much potential yet will never see any play in Wild whatsoever. Also Even Rogue....Even Rogue with a 4-mana Raiding Party makes my Peepee hard.

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • Xarkkal's Avatar
    Servant of Illidan 910 1321 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I've been bored with standard for most of this xpac. DoD has been the biggest letdown in my opinion. 

    I had been playing BG's to keep things interesting, but even that mode has become unplayable now that it's wither Demons or lose. (yes, or abuse Murlocs, but that's not the point)

    So now, to pass the time, I have been finally going through and clearing Heroic on all the old adventures.

    Really hoping for something to really shake up the game. The last xpac of the year always feels the most stale to me, and is always the stretch of the year that I play the least amount of Hearthstone. 


    Side note to the OOC team:

    Adventure guides with suggested decks

    There are little to no decks for the old adventures on here (which makes sense, this site didn't exist when Nax came out!) So sadly, my searches for help on some of the heroic bosses, has taken me back to that "other" site. A comprehensive guide of each adventure with a couple of suggested decks for each boss would really set this site apart from the others. 

    I would love to write these guides, but I don't know how quickly I could get them made. 

  • Alfi's Avatar
    Devoted Academic 1790 1375 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Xarkkal

    Side note to the OOC team:

    Adventure guides with suggested decks

    There are little to no decks for the old adventures on here (which makes sense, this site didn't exist when Nax came out!) So sadly, my searches for help on some of the heroic bosses, has taken me back to that "other" site. A comprehensive guide of each adventure with a couple of suggested decks for each boss would really set this site apart from the others. 

    I would love to write these guides, but I don't know how quickly I could get them made. 

    Most adventures can be beat by Mechathun Warlock or Knife Jugler priest OTK deck


  • FieselFitz's Avatar
    Prince Charming 1105 1355 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Well, right now i like the meta very much - since Descent of Dragons i've had so much fun with many different decks and hell i even face so many different ones - my last 10 games was against 8 different decks and 2 of them i haven't even seen before. Could be that some people try some crazy stuff before the meta shifts but still - lots of fun.

    I agree with some comments above , and think Blizzard is handling the Game pretty good right now. But i also have to agree with YourPrivateNightmare that it would have been fun to have Genn and Baku back for a short amount of time to see what could have been :) 

    Last expansion was nice but surely not that big of an impact in comparison to other expansions - story mode was nice but a little to easy but i guess i like the DoD Expansion because i got to play many different decks this time.

    So im hopeful we will get more cool stuff with the new expansion and more new decks with the rotation.

    Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!

  • iWatchUSleep's Avatar
    1095 819 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From WailordKari

    That other format where there's a bajillion other things I'd want to try before Baku decks?

    That other format where they barely regulate and attempt to balance?

    Wild is fun now and then but it's not always the answer for being bored of Standard.

    Also, I admit I forgot about the resurgence of Control Warrior, I guess entirely because it's still in the resurgence phase. The deck's still picking up steam and turning heads.

    Then why don't you try those bajillion decks out if you're bored of standard? I really don't understand the problem here. As you said, the last month of standard pre-rotation/expansion is a pretty dull period. So change it up by trying a different format or a new gamemode entirely.

    Fyi, that other format requires little regulation or balance as it usually balances itself (as it does now) excluding a few exceptions.

  • WailordKari's Avatar
    145 61 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Quote From Author
    I really don't understand the problem here.

    There isn't one? Don't put words in my mouth and say that I said there was, maybe?

    I was very careful ALL throughout my post to say that this wasn't a salt thread and I'm not turning on the game or anything like that. I was very careful to point out that I'd be over all of this when the new expac came out and I'd be pumping lots of cash into the next expac when it drops.

    I'm just experiencing the annual lull that almost everyone feels during this time of year,  and wanted to talk about it, how it compares to the slump people were feeling last year, and how, in my opinion (and I seem to be in the minority here, and that's fine, because GASP, PEOPLE CAN HAVE DIFFERENT OPINIONS AND FEELINGS ABOUT A SUBJECT!?) Galakrond's Awakening didn't do a whole lot to freshen up the meta. And maybe it wasn't supposed to, maybe I simply expected too much from a 35 card expansion.

    And I wanted to, gee whiz, talk about something relating to Hearthstone that was on my mind. On a forum dedicated to discussing Hearthstone! Not everything needs to be a huge complaint to Blizzard about how the game is broken and how I need what I want and how it's the best thing for the game and I need it RIGHT THIS MINUTE.

    Pretty sure people who have that kind of attitude towards the game aren't eager to shell out cash for the next expansion if they're dissatisfied with the game, but what the hell do I know?

  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From WailordKari


    Quote From Author
    I really don't understand the problem here.

    There isn't one? Don't put words in my mouth and say that I said there was, maybe?

    I was very careful ALL throughout my post to say that this wasn't a salt thread and I'm not turning on the game or anything like that. I was very careful to point out that I'd be over all of this when the new expac came out and I'd be pumping lots of cash into the next expac when it drops.

    I'm just experiencing the annual lull that almost everyone feels during this time of year,  and wanted to talk about it, how it compares to the slump people were feeling last year, and how, in my opinion (and I seem to be in the minority here, and that's fine, because GASP, PEOPLE CAN HAVE DIFFERENT OPINIONS AND FEELINGS ABOUT A SUBJECT!?) Galakrond's Awakening didn't do a whole lot to freshen up the meta. And maybe it wasn't supposed to, maybe I simply expected too much from a 35 card expansion.

    And I wanted to, gee whiz, talk about something relating to Hearthstone that was on my mind. On a forum dedicated to discussing Hearthstone! Not everything needs to be a huge complaint to Blizzard about how the game is broken and how I need what I want and how it's the best thing for the game and I need it RIGHT THIS MINUTE.


    Pretty sure people who have that kind of attitude towards the game aren't eager to shell out cash for the next expansion if they're dissatisfied with the game, but what the hell do I know?

    Geez dude, calm down. Nobody is insulting you or saying anything mean about you. He is just saying that there are plenty of decks for you to try and that if you are bored than you can play some of those. No need to get all angry just because -- (and these are your own words) -- "People can have different opinions and feelings about a subject". He clearly isn't as bored with Hearthstone as you are, and he is simply saying that there are more decks to play in wild. 

    He is being perfectly reasonable, and you are overreacting over his choice of specific words. Maybe you don't see being bored as a "problem" but some other people might, and therefore offer solutions such as, playing wild.

    Carrion, my wayward grub.

  • WailordKari's Avatar
    145 61 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    No, then it simply becomes a case of "what, you're bored of Star Wars? Go watch Star Trek, then."

    Whole different thing, completely different topic.

    If I wanted to discuss issues about Star Trek, that's what I would have opened the discussion to. If I wanted to talk about Wild? Then I would have opened the discussion about Wild.

    Yes, people can have differing opinions about whether or not they're bored about Hearthstone's Standard metagame as of late February 2020. I don't really care one way or another if he is or isn't. But if he's going to be needlessly confrontational about someone being bored of the current ongoings of Standard, I don't have any problems being needlessly confrontational right back.

    Perfectly calm, by the way, you obviously haven't seen me when I'm angry.

  • Bystekhilcar's Avatar
    270 335 Posts Joined 09/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From WailordKari
    I was very careful ALL throughout my post to say that this wasn't a salt thread and I'm not turning on the game or anything like that. I was very careful to point out that I'd be over all of this when the new expac came out and I'd be pumping lots of cash into the next expac when it drops.

    Not touching most of this argument, but just to note - an awful lot of salt-threads start with the poster claiming that it isn't a salt thread ;)

    I see you when you're sleeping; I'm gone before you wake

    I'm not as good as turn 4 Barnes; But I'm at least a Twilight Drake

  • Xarkkal's Avatar
    Servant of Illidan 910 1321 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Alfi
    Quote From Xarkkal

    Side note to the OOC team:

    Adventure guides with suggested decks

    There are little to no decks for the old adventures on here (which makes sense, this site didn't exist when Nax came out!) So sadly, my searches for help on some of the heroic bosses, has taken me back to that "other" site. A comprehensive guide of each adventure with a couple of suggested decks for each boss would really set this site apart from the others. 

    I would love to write these guides, but I don't know how quickly I could get them made. 

    Most adventures can be beat by Mechathun Warlock or Knife Jugler priest OTK deck

    I know that... Do all people who are trying to beat Heroic modes? No. Wouldn't it be useful to have a guide explaining each fight and show which fights those decks do and don't work for? 

    I'm merely pointing out something that I think could make this site, that I care about and try to contribute to, even better than it already is. 

    There are already plenty of places people can go to find snarky comments just telling people to "Just use Mecha'thun Warlock". Some people don't want to do that, and want to think about the fight and try and build a deck to beat it. I'm not saying it's something everyone would use, but I'm sure there are people that would benefit from it's existence. 

    Just something I had been thinking about as I was going through the old adventures that I wanted to share with the OOC's squad. 

  • WailordKari's Avatar
    145 61 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Bystekhilcar
    Quote From WailordKari
    I was very careful ALL throughout my post to say that this wasn't a salt thread and I'm not turning on the game or anything like that. I was very careful to point out that I'd be over all of this when the new expac came out and I'd be pumping lots of cash into the next expac when it drops.

    Not touching most of this argument, but just to note - an awful lot of salt-threads start with the poster claiming that it isn't a salt thread ;)

    I literally don't know what you want, dude.


    I admitted this is just how things get for a lot of people for this time of the year. And it's not really anything Blizzard are doing wrong, it's just how the system works. And I even said that this year is a lot better than last in a number of ways, but I'm still kinda feeling the lull to an extent. And at no point did I say or imply that's anyone's fault but my own, which is the entire reason I made this topic: I wanted to know what other people thought.

    I said I do not pin any of this on Blizzard. As mentioned earlier,  I even said this was an improvement. Not something that someone salty would say, is it?

    I said I'm looking forward to these so called "exciting" news to be presented later. Again, tell me how this is salt towards Blizzard.

    I said I'm going to continue supporting the game and will cashdump the new expansion the second it's announced. TOTALLY SOMETHING I WOULD DO IF I WAS SALTY AGAINST BLIZZARD FOR A BORING METAGAME.

    You even said it yourself, it's almost like people are supposed to feel this way near the end of rotation.


    In which case... I'm sorry I feel the way that you just said it's common for people to feel? Like I said, I literally don't know how I'm out of line for saying "remember how people were getting burnt out on Standard this time of year last year? Yeah. Kinda getting that now, myself. But it's no big deal, the new expac is coming in a month and all will be right with the world soon."

  • Bystekhilcar's Avatar
    270 335 Posts Joined 09/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    jeez dude, was just pulling your leg there, chill!

    I see you when you're sleeping; I'm gone before you wake

    I'm not as good as turn 4 Barnes; But I'm at least a Twilight Drake

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