Happy Pi Day! In honour of this mathematical day, we're taking a look at some of the different ways you can 'go infinite' in Hearthstone - why not try and create a deck based around one of them and see how far you can get? We'd love to see what ideas you have for them.

Let's start off with one of the easiest ones to manage...

Playful Baneter

Kingsbane Card Image

Friendship ended with Leeching Poison, now Tier 3 is my best friend

Kingsbane is perhaps the easiest infinite to set up - you just have to put it in your deck! Since the card will recycle itself automatically when it breaks, the most you have to do is hit your Hero Power to shuffle it back into your deck, ensuring you'll never Fatigue to death. It keeps any buffs you gave it too, so you can actually close out the game with it instead of waiting your opponent out!

Of course, you do have to watch out for the brand new hard-counter in Kobold Stickyfinger; though at least somebody will still be going infinite.

Idol Chit-Chat

Jade Idol Card Image

"Do you, Malfurion, take this deck, to annoy and anger, in meta and in meme?" // "Idol"

Another astonishingly easy card to go infinite with - perhaps even frustratingly so - all you need to do is Choose to shuffle more Jade Idols into your deck to keep the chain going. It even comes with its own in-built killing machines in the form of Jade Golems, to help you round out the fame that bit faster.

You can get fancy by including things like Fandral Staghelm or Untapped Potential, but beware the deadly Skulking Geist, who'll forever ruin your plans to go infinite and force you just to summon larger and larger men before your Idols are taken from you.


Immortal Prelate Card Image Da Undatakah Card Image Rotten Applebaum Card Image

Da Undatakah threw my time off Hell in a Cell

I talked about my love for this combo in our Rastakhan's Rumble Cards We'll Miss post - though to be fair, you really only need one of the cards to start on your path to infinity.

Immortal Prelate is the minion version of Kingsbane, eternally recurring itself and retaining its buffs. Of course, it has far more counterplay than Kingsbane does, but for every time it gets Silenced or Transformed there's that one glorious match where you laugh as your opponent tries to stumble through your unstoppable wall of stats.

Da Undatakah elevates this to even higher extremes. By copying Immortal Prelate's Deathrattle, he can return again and again, gaining more and more Deathrattles and retaining them all when he shuffles back in. Rotten Applebaum would be your go-to pick to add to him, to help sustain you, but from there you've got a free slot to customise. I'm particularly fond of Tunnel Blaster combined with Lightforged Blessing; no need to kill your opponent when you'll never die.

Cold Fingers

Dead Man's Hand Card Image

I always keep spare body parts lying around, you never know when they'll come in handy

This one's another simple one that you can customise to your heart's content; all you need to do to keep your deck permanently stocked up is play Dead Man's Hand while you have a second copy of the card in your hand. Then wait to draw that copy you shuffled in, and shuffle another one right back.

Those of you feeling like you're just not getting enough bang for your buck could add in an Augmented Elekk or two to really ensure your opponent never sees the end of your resources.

Tale As Old As Time Warp

Archmage Antonidas Card Image Sorcerer's Apprentice Card Image Fireball Card Image

You'll never be just like them if you keep killing them so quickly...

One of the oldest infinities in the game, this time we're dealing infinite damage (so long as you have the APM for it).

Cycling through free Fireballs from Archmage Antonidas is one of the most satisfying feelings, and it's been available through various means over the course of the game's history. Sorcerer's Apprentice is the only other truly necessary card in the combo, but the catch is that you do need four of them.

Whether through hand-based combos like Simulacrum and Leyline Manipulator or on-board via Molten Reflection, getting up to four Sorcerer's Apprentices can actually be surprisingly easy. Then all it takes is dropping Antonidas and any other spell and you're off, machine gunning down your opponent like your Reno Jackson with a new toy.

Shake, Shudder and Roll

Shudderwock Card Image Doppelgangster Card Image Grumble, Worldshaker Card Image

Guess we found out how long it can go on, huh?

If I have my way, one of those upcoming unnerfs will be Saronite Chain Gang and I can stand a better chance of surviving while trying to play this silly combo.

This little number lets you play as many Shudderwocks as you wish, by abusing the Doppelgangster Battlecry to summon additional Shudderwocks and then returning them to your hand with the Battlecry of Grumble, Worldshaker (or Youthful Brewmaster or Zola the Gorgon if you're strapped for options).

The important part of this combo is that these additional Shudderwocks only cost 1 mana, so you can play many of them on subsequent turns. Add in some damaging Battlecries like Lifedrinker and you'll be draining your opponent to death as well.

Testing My Patience

Radiant Elemental Card Image Test Subject Card Image Embalming Ritual Card Image Topsy Turvy Card Image

All good experiments should be conducted multiple times

Infinite death triggers and infinite spells, anyone? That's what this combo offers you.

Play down your Radiant Elemental and your Test Subject, then hit Test Subject with an Embalming Ritual to give it Reborn. Then use Topsy Turvy (or something like Holy Smite, perhaps) to kill off your Test Subject. The Reborn will bring you back another Test Subject to experiment with, and the Test Subect's Deathrattle will hand you back your Embalming Ritual and Topsy Turvy!

Repeat ad nauseum; or until the turn timer ends.

If you want to actually do something with the combo, why not add in a Flesheating Ghoul or a Mana Addict the turn before, to scale infinitely in Attack and OTK? Or if you're really crazy, you could use a Gadgetzan Auctioneer or Cult Master to draw your whole deck.

Bonus - Stop Hitting Yourself

Auchenai Soulpriest Card Image Queen of Pain Card Image

Definitely didn't have to look up the name of that second card after getting it wrong

Back in the ancient times of anytime between December 2014 and August 2017, if players were lucky (or unlucky, I guess) enough to manage to have an Auchenai Soulpriest and Mistress of Pain on their board at the same time - through an unfortunate Piloted Shredder drop, perhaps, or by stealing the Warlock part of the combo with Shadow Madness - then they'd be treated to a lovely little loop when the Mistress first did damage.

Before the release of Knights of the Frozen Throne made Lifesteal an official Keyword, Auchenai Soulpriest would take the healing from Mistress of Pain - or Wickerflame Burnbristle, who also pre-dated Lifesteal - and turn it into damage.

"But that's what happens now!", you say?

"Silly, impatient person I've made up," I reply, "shut up and let me finish." Once that healing was turned into damage, these proto-Lifesteal minions would notice that they dealt some damage, and try to heal you again. Auchenai would take one look at that and shut it right down, dealing damage to you again, and on the cycle went until you ran out of life to steal.

Naturally, the Hearthstone team saw this as an undesirable interaction when Lifesteal became more commonplace and patched it out of the game. Ah well, at least we have all these other combos to try out!

Ask for a Slice

* You may ask Derpcorn to share a slice of pie until April 1, 2020. Afterwards, Derpcorn will be all out of slices!
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