New Warlock Spell - Shadow Council
Submitted 4 years, 9 months ago by
A new Epic Warlock Spell, Shadow Council, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Warlock Spell, Shadow Council, has been revealed!
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I. Dig. It.
Okay so not only is the art absolutely incredible, but we've got some awesome Warlock flavor with their large hand sizes. I'm a sucker for RNG but RNG that actually gives off some nice buffs, and with a low cost? Sign me up!
Can't wait to see lots of little demons flooding the board with midrange stats later in the game.
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Renounce your Hand
Might honestly not even be that bad. There's enough small demons that playing this early on won't be terrible. The only problem is getting a big enough hand to use it.
Either way, please show the non-meme Warlock cards now please
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I don't like it. Don't know why...
I guess it gives you an option at the end of games to turn your useless stuff into less useless stuff.
But, generally, these types cards have not been very good. Although, this is one of the better versions of those cards.
Too much RNG, I guess?
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Yeah, but there is more to it i think... To me i looks like a wasted card for warlock player. I know the fun aspect and all...
Honestly, thinking about it more it might actually have some legitimate play value.
Think of this, you're now playing Handlock, which is probably going to be a more control oriented deck seeing how Mountain Giant is gone. Now in Handlock you'll quite often be in situations where you end up pllaying it slow and just responding to stuff while most of your hand ends up useless because you can't really use it.
Now think if you just used Dark Skies to clear the board and don't have anything substantial to follow up. If you just play this you replace your awkward hand with a bunch of Embiggened Demons at least some of which should be playable immediately. And it also gives you fuel for future terms without harming your actual deck (like Rafaam does).
Maybe it's a bit of a stretch, but we also thought Warlock Galakrond would be bad because "4 random demons, lol bad" and it turned out it was actually pretty decent, so maybe this isn't terrible either.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Can you hear It? Is Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron casting it.
By The Holy Light!
Random Demons
Hit or miss
Good Value
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
... Or maybe you just keep your good Cards and make use of them later.
ArtStation | Twitter
This is just a meme card. Random demons are bad on average, and the +2/+2 doesn't compensate for the randomness.
At least, we can't open more than two copies of this card due to duplicate protection.
This might be a sleeper card, creating a whole new archetype for Warlock. The Demons revealed so far seem to be on the stronger side!
I'm cautiously optimistic about this one. If nothing else it's high-grade memes
“Golly bob howdy, I am undead!” - Wretched Tiller
I'm going to make a Wild deck that fills the hand with random crap and then turns it into buffed demons.
It's going to be awful.
Seems like a meme card, but i feel like this is a card that we shouldn't underestimate. Might be really good because of all the demons getting added this expansion.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
A 1-mana prayer to Yogg Saron for his benevolence.
Hi, Trolden
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Thought it's a meme.. but it gives them +2/+2 and it gives you DH demons.. and DH demons are NOT ok..
random demons are very RNG but +2/2 is very attractive regardless of what kind of weak or random demon you get. not a bad starting card if you have a horrible high cost hand or a late game with dead cards in hand.
I think this card is broken. Sure, it's Rng...but if you use this and the warlock dormant minion you will find a hand with +4/+4 and in that case Everything is good enough. 5 star for me
At first glance i thought - meh - a meme card.
But now i think this could be pretty strong. Saw some games with it at the Pre-Event and it looked pretty decent. Just random demons would be meme but the +2/+2 makes it strong.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Fun memes, that might actually win a game once in a while.
The Amazing Reno is going to cast this and ruin lethal for someone.
There are a lot of Imps in Standard right now, so I'm not really sold on its viability in getting bigger/cool stuff. It could be ANY Demon, though, and the Demon Hunter has a number of great Demons. Maybe you run this as a one-of in case you need the fuel.
That's a fair point but there's not a lot of collectible imps in standard when this is available, they'll mostly be tokens.
there's like, Flame Imp, Blood Imp, Jumbo imp and Imprisoned scrap imp that will be collectible.
The other demons this will be able to generate should be mid to high value, even more so because of the +2/+2
Renounce Darkness for cowards. In truth, this is probably better than it looks thanks to that +2/+2 buff. However, random demons might be a lot worse when this card comes out thanks to a whole bunch of neutral chaff demons.
This post is discussing the wild format.
I have a deck just for this card. Really think that 1/1 imps from Impbalming with plot twist can make some sick plays and of course with some huge draw and hand generating with cards like Jar Dealer, Infested Goblin etc.
Deck ID Not Found
Even you don't like my deck, Just use Infested Goblin in your decks with Shadow Council. I guess it worths it.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
I think it's quite balanced given the rng and the buff. I guess stats is never to be underestimated.
'Why is everybody in Outland replacing their hands?!' Yeah, there is a hand card, and the legendary paladin minion also lost one!
But probably good as a last resort in arena?
Can this generate the DH demons aswell? It should, shouldnt it. Some of those cards are pretty strong Even without +2/+2.
But again, a lot of the classic warlock demons just plain sucks, aaand im not sure +2/+2 helps them. Guess its a gamble you could take if everything else goes wrong, but wouldnt it be better to just have good cards in the deck in general?
Maybe you can build up a huge hand and make some big demons and have some fun, but it doesnt sound that viable.
Well clearly this could do something AWESOME or TERRIBLE. Most of the time I guess it will be somewhere in between. You'll want to have a good size hand, though, to strive for max value.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
I mean, random cards are random cards. There isn't much to say about this, it is just bad. If nothing else this is a more playable meme card than something like Transmogrifier or Wyrmrest Purifier.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I guess it could seem play, but with demons a good chunk of them have some detrimental effect on their battlecry, so there’s no avoiding that with this card, unlike with Galakrond
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Seems quite random, but can be good in late game if your hand isn't the best.
Obviously the drawback is getting rid of your good cards (plus rng ofc), but you get +2/+2 buffed demons which is very powerful. I expect it to see at least some amount of play.
This is more than a meme. A more controlled [Hearthstone Card (Arch-villian Rafaam) Not Found] for the late game when your hand is too weak. Demons are often strong and the buff is really good