New Mage Minion - Astromancer Solarian
Submitted 4 years, 9 months ago by
A new Legendary Mage Minion, Astromancer Solarian, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Mage Minion, Astromancer Solarian, has been revealed!
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5 random Pyroblasts into face POG
I do what I must, when I must. Know this well.
Solid 2 drop stats, and spell damage makes it usefull in most mage decks, and the prime version is i.m.o. extremely powerfull. Casting 5 MAGE spells that if possible only target enemies is just so good! You dont need to worry about rng fireballs/pyroblast hitting your face! The only downside i see is that you obviously need to draw it first, but if you do, you get a card that can get you out of a sticky situation or just finish off opponents. Easy 5 star card of you ask me.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
I can see this making it into Reno-Mage. Since there's a lot of Burn in Mage, this should deal some considerable Damage to your Opponents Side of the Board.
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that's actually pretty damn strong.
When The Amazing Reno was first revealed I misread and thought he would only cast Mage spells so I checked all the Magespells in standard and it turns out there's a lot of good stuff there.
the fact that this will actually not snipe your own face or minions (if possible) is HUGE and then you also have to factor in that you get +1 spelldamage on everything.
The only downside to this is that if your opponent has an empty board and you play this he could accidentally kill himself prematurely
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
2/3/2 with Spell Damage +1 by itself is actually not bad at all. Cult Sorcerer used to see quite a bit of play.
The Prime for this card also just kinda sells it.
Nice one. A short RNG fiesta. Could be used as mini puzzle box. I doubt it can finish the game (at least not consistently), but can tip the scales in your favour.
I like the Primes. I think they will be like Galakrond - everyone will play them at least in one deck per class, maybe even auto-include in every deck of a class.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Love it, always a fan of RNG, and this seems like a good card overall (because you won't pyroblast your face)
By far one of the more impressive "Primes" because it is specifying enemy where possible
If the algorithms is that it always go in your favor, then it might be that 2x pyro + 2x fireball dream to the opponent's face if he has an empty board.
Both Astromancer Solarian and Solarian Prime provide great value for 2 (7) mana. Looks like most of the prime cards might be an auto-include for the respective class.
I don't really know about this card tbh, but it might see play, despite me hating RNG cards so much:/
Artwork is so bad ass ; loving the prime version
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Insane card! Casting random spells (through Reno, Puzzle Box, etc.) has proven to be at least decent in most scenarios. Now with enemy targeting and spell damage thrown in, this will be very strong. I'll be curious to see how many Mage spells can go face once Outland is released and Year of the Raven sets rotate.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
RNG card that can make or break your game. imagine getting Box from the 5 random spells..mind blownXD
The "Targets enemies if possible" is huge!
Though I feel bad for Mage main's that the only support they receive is more Casino cards. That seems to be the only identity Mage is allowed to have anymore.
The Prime version is so incredibly strong that I just don't see a world in which this is not played in every deck that allows it.
Yeah...I'm *really* tired of seeing Casino Mage get support. Can we go back to Elementals, or maybe even Mech Mage again? A singular direction that employs a game-plan other than "generate random stuff, ???, Profit!"
Anyway, this card appears to be amazing.
Really, really good card. And also very fun!! I love the new prime cards.
Seems like it can cast box of yogg (Saw a video of it casting) kind of disappointed it's not that safe of a card.
Super strong card for sure! Solid base form and strong prime version. Autoinclude in the future Highlander Mage (or maybe ALL mage deck XD)
[Hearthstone Card (Cult Sorceror) Not Found] with deathrattle: shuffle a baby yogg into your deck. The prime is probably more useful to a serious deck than a yogg, due to the 7/7 probably surviving and mage spells not including the classic death by yogg cards like Astral Communion and DOOM!. Has potential to be a thoroughly okay card. The prime will probably be a good boardwipe and not much else, but a mediocre 2 drop that shuffles a good boardwipe into your deck is probably acceptable, if a little slow.
This post is discussing the wild format.
Finally a not-so-dangerous-random effect for mage. This with the spell damage will be a staple in just any mage deck. Man highlander just got more expensive.
It's strong in it's base form, Mage's love cheap minions with spell damage.
The Prime is very interesting, most mage spells blow up minions, so this is a body with a whole lot of board clears.
Should be fun to play
This card will be a staple in control mage decks for a long time. Every mage board clear deals damage, so the extra spell damage won't be useless.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Priest will enjoy turning this to his side.
Very cool, potentielly super strong! The Prime battlecry is very hard to be screwed over by, also.
Well well; We have found the new ruler of the standard meme world. Really like this kind of minions. It might also be a part of a viable deck !
In a different Highlander mage, This one will be appreciated, at least by me.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Looks great, cheap spell damage is always a bonus, and the prime is pretty much guaranteed to kill or damage some of the enemies
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
More randomness for the random class that is Mage. Casino, indeed!
Yogg? Is it you? Seriously though, this looks really good. Not only you have 2 mana good spell damage minion (valuable in mage), but later it grants so much value (and meme). One of the best legendaries in this expansion.
This is easily my favourite Prime card of them all. I love RNG mage stuff. Its so fun to play and this card seems pretty solid for its cost and effect. That if prefers enemy targets over friendly is a huge huge plus compared to earlier casino cards. Highlander Mage is going to be packed with random stuff and I so dig it!
As far as RNG goes, this effect is quite controlled. Added to the beefy minion in its Prime form, it can definetly generate huge tempo swings.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
His starting card is okay. His prime token is awesome, and will not get you killed, looking at you, Yogg! Plus, that spell damage is going to be good