IGN got a chance to follow the development process of Hearthstone's new Demon Hunter hero! Watch below to see how the art, effects, UI, and story all came together.
As a bonus, we've got a great image of the 1000 Win hero portrait for Demon Hunter
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Which portrait is that at 5:43
I have all golden and 6 of them portraits of 1000.
Thought about geting the other last 3 golden to 1000.
But nooo way ! now all in to this Demon Hunter portrait.
4.22 now Valeera is known as Jaina Proudmore lol
Not even at 1000 wins does Illidan's constipation ends...
Now THAT is a portrait! Default Illidan hero skin is horrible but this one is probably one of the best, if not the best skin in the whole game. I think I’ll be getting 1000 wins for the first time ever.
wished they used the 4:16 portrait...it really looks better
at 1:57, I can't read them out clearly but those look like 3 new Ashes of Outland cards for Druid!
at 6:24, from what it looks like a 5/5 with Lifesteal on the Warlock's board
"All aboard the S.S. Betrayer, to sail the seas of treachery!" is the best thing I've heard in a while.
that's one 1000 win portrait that's manifestly superior to the base hero portrait.
I kinda like the portrait that was based on the original card, but Illidan will look good from any angle in hearthstone.
I have to wonder what the title for the 1,000 win portrait will be. "Illidan, King of Outland"? "Illidan, Hero of Azeroth"? "Illidan, the Prepared"?
"Illidan, the unloved"
When you use any emote against Tyrande, all he will say is "it was never to be"
Maybe that's why hes so angry all the time.
Considering the naming scheme they've used for other 1,000 win heroes, my guess is Betrayer Illidan
How about 'Treacherous Illidan'?
I'm loving the 1000 v portrait!
That 1,000 win portrait is beautiful. Well worth the earning.
EDIT: And that UI! I was wondering about that! I mean, I bet a lot of us were. But that new UI looks perfect.
... The greatest grind of our time