new ranking
Submitted 4 years, 9 months ago by
what is the relationship between old ranking and new ranking? which level should I target for the end of the month? tks
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what is the relationship between old ranking and new ranking? which level should I target for the end of the month? tks
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
Legend of course.. but as the new "Rank 5" I guess depending on the rewards you want to get..
but below gold is probably "bad players" like in legue since it uses the same ranking names.
What I would like to know are details on the sentence below ... how multipliers are awarded? for which level? tks
... players will be awarded a Star Bonus based on their performance the previous season. This Star Bonus acts as a multiplier on the Stars you earn from each win.
For example, if you have a Star Bonus of 5x and you win a game, you’ll get five Stars instead of one.
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
I dont think there's yet any explanations on how the star bonuses are awarded. Either way, the new ranking system is likely next month and the rewards we get for this month will likely stick to the old system.
Just rank as high as you can.
There were some Q&A on Reddit few days ago with Blizz staff mentioning bonus stars:
Q: What are the star bonus breakpoints?
A: It's 1 more bonus star per rank: Legend = 10x stars per win, Diamond 5 = 9x, Diamond 10 = 8x ... Silver 5 = 3x, Silver 10 = 2x, Bronze 5/10 = 2x. You may additionally get a bigger Star Bonus if your MMR is higher than others at your rank (so high legend players could get 11x Star Bonus). This also helps players who reach legend in one month and only play enough to reach Bronze 5 the next month. They will get a Star Bonus closer to that of a Legend player.
Q: What about the transition of the current March season to the April season, where the ranked system changes?
A: There is a conversion from the old rank system to the new one. You will get a Star Bonus in April based on the best rank you achieved in March.
♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
What happens in the new system if you lose a game? Is the multiplyer working for stars granted AND lost? That would not make much sense, would it?
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
According to this post on reddit below, you keep your bonus stars win or lose:
Q: How does the bonus star system work? If you get, say, 11 bonus stars, does that mean that every win gets you 11 stars right until you reach legend again?
A: Based on your previous rank, you'll be given a Star Multiplier. Every win you give you stars equal to your multiplier. Whenever you hit a ranked floor, your Star Multiplier goes down by 1. So early on, you'll accelerate very quickly out of the low ranks and it will slow down as you approach your previous rank. You keep your Star Bonus even when you lose.
♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022
There is also a winstreak system (2x stars * your current star multiplier)
So what happens when you lose is, you lose your winstreak but retain the star bonus until you hit a ranked floor it will be reduced by one.
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