Pure Wild Paladin

Last updated 4 years, 6 months ago by
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I always wanted to tinker with Pure paladin, but never did... untill now! 

I decided to take a look into wild, because i found standard too limiting. Eventually i came up with this list. At first i thought "i'm not gonna post this, because it's probably trash". But after beating up multiple strong/Meta decks like secret mage and Quest mage, i decided to actually post it. This deck also managed to beat a Quest Ress priest so hard they played their fully charged Diamond Spellstone in panic, only to ress 0 minions. That was quite hilarious. 


Crystology is always nice, and Brazen Zealot can get some nice early dmg in. Also Quest mages don't like playing coin on turn 1 to kill this. Try to get cheap stuff.


Against Aggro: Try to get on board faster. Air Raid helps annoy them. Also don't underestimate Steward of Darkshire's combo potential with silver hand recruits.

Against Control: Try to get your Brazen Zealot up as soon as possible. if you don't save a Blessing of Kings for it, this will helps the cards survivability.

Against Combo: Same as control, but you can be a little more greedy with your plays. There are plenty of reloads. Also use Divine Favor when they got a nice and big hand.

Most important cards

Brazen Zealot is the card that CAN hard carry games, but don't underestimate the other synergies in the deck.

Divine Favor Keeps up the tempo against control decks.

Glow-Tron to magnetize into the Sky Claw. Gives a nice 2/5 body that powers up mechs, and board presence. Generally hard to kill early game. (From what i have noticed.)

Lightforged Zealot is just an incredibly powerfull tempo card, and Lightforged Crusader gives you even more reloads.

Bolvar Fordragon This card is generally known as "one of the worst non-classic legendaries printed". While mostly true that it's generally bad, in this deck it's actually pretty good. The deck uses a lot of tokens and you can pull it from Crystology. I generally use it either at turn 5 if it has enoegh attack, or when it gets around 5-6 attack. It's 7 health makes it really sticky and no one expects this card. definatly use it if your (un)fortunate enoegh to have pulled this from a pack...


Bolvar Fordragon Even after what i just said... DON'T CRAFT THIS. instead you can use Sunkeeper Tarim. Tarim helps with buffing your weak tokens. Or if you want a more budget option use either Quartermaster or Warhorse Trainer. Btw don't use Level Up! It might look good, but it generally just sits in hand and does nothing.

Salhet's Pride This is here so we can draw Brazen Zealot but it isn't necessary. You can replace it with one of the cards mentioned above. 

Hope you'll enjoy this deck! if you have any recommendations, or other cards that could fit better, please let me/others know in the comments below. This deck is already pretty good, but any refinement possible would be appreciated!



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  • Horus's Avatar
    Detective Pikachu 2575 3347 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I like your take on pure pal - or Simply Pally, but that sounds like a perfume ^^


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