Could wild cards be returning to standard format?
Hey guys, so with the news about hof cards being replaced and the new wiĺd bundle offer that has just gone live. Could this be a clue that some wild cards are gonna come back to standard.
I mean financially this is a good move from blizzard as they can rehash instead of create new cards and also gets people crafting or buying old cards.
I can also see the reasons why they wouldn't do this as it would upset a lot of long time players or players who have dusted those cards previously.
On the upside though there are a few cards that would be great as evergreen for example dirty rat or explosive sheep for neutral. and there are tons of class specific cards that can help define the class further
obviously this is just speculation but any thoughts?
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Hey guys, so with the news about hof cards being replaced and the new wiĺd bundle offer that has just gone live. Could this be a clue that some wild cards are gonna come back to standard.
I mean financially this is a good move from blizzard as they can rehash instead of create new cards and also gets people crafting or buying old cards.
I can also see the reasons why they wouldn't do this as it would upset a lot of long time players or players who have dusted those cards previously.
On the upside though there are a few cards that would be great as evergreen for example dirty rat or explosive sheep for neutral. and there are tons of class specific cards that can help define the class further
obviously this is just speculation but any thoughts?
They could temporarily rotate small packages of Wild cards, similarly to how they buffed Boomsday cards. To shake things up between expansions.
But the day they start recycling cards instead of printing new ones, it will be a bad signal of decay...
I doubt they will ever enlarge the Evergreen set.
Financially, I think it would be better for Blizzard to create new cards, rather than readding wild cards back to standard. It incentivices people to buy more standard packs, as opposed to the people who still have their dirty rats and explosive sheeps.
I would heavily prefer them to put some more effort in these classic replacements though. The last batch was mostly just a bunch of uninspired "add a random card to your hand" cards.
If the past is anything to go by - they will just introduce some new cards as replacements. I really hope they would make something more interesting than the last batch - these ones feel dull to even when I get them randomly...
I‘m up for let‘s say a Reno-month or a Deathknight-month (it‘s to early for this one, i know!). But this would probably be better placed in a new game mode.
And then again, why not print a new, fresh reno. Evergreen cards is definitly not the way to go and most hof‘s target exactly those.
Winner winner chicken dinner
No, they will never do anything like that - with only one possible exception.
Because there is an unwritten rule that say if you are a standard only player, you can freely dust all card rotating at the end of the year to gather dust for newer cards coming. Making wild card coming back would be bad for this people, and this would be a bad commercial move.
The only exception I can see is if they add some cards to the "eternal standard" pool, some sort of opposite of the Hall of Fame. But to feel good doing this, they should do it only during the yearly rotation with card that would rotate. For example, they could make Whizzbang into classic during the next rotation.
They should probably create new format instead just Standard and Wild, like MTG (but not so many), using different kind of set for each one so that everyone can play what they enjoy the most.
Readding old set to Standard may be good for Arena but not for Ladder: the meta is already pretty boring as it always has been in Standard, no need to see again old strategies and combos from the past years.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
Thanks for the replies, some very valid arguments and opinions. The only reason I got round to this question was when I thought about whether the bundle appealed to me and it didn't so i begun to think about who it did appeal to and i came up with collectors and people wanting to get into the wild format. This seems like a small pool of potential buyers so it got me thinking that maybe there was another reason. Personally i would like to see new cards too instead of rehashes but blizzard have u-turned on decisions before so while not a likely idea, certainly plausible. thanks again
You just have to look at how Pokemon and MTG have done with their continual reprint of out of print cards... Yeah, it pisses off a number of old school players. BUT, it also makes those cards more readily available and in this case usable for new and standard players. What it comes down to is, if they reprint, they will ultimately make more money. That's the name of the game. Besides, even if cards come back into circulation, they only have a shelf life in standard for 2 years at most.
Why would that be a sign of decay? People who say this have seemingly never played a game before much less a collectible card game. Magic the Gathering has been going for many many years and constantly recycle cards. Not only do they straight up reprint cards to bring them back but they frequently do functional reprints where the card text is identical and it just has a different name and art. It is a REALLY great way to bring back old cards that might be played differently in a new format and interact interestingly with newer cards. There is no reason why Blizzard shouldn't be doing this. It is a way to keep a rotating format healthy.
Chaos, Panic, and Disorder, My work here is done.
Welcome to the thunder-dome bitch!
I guess that means MTG has been decaying for 15+ years
Carrion, my wayward grub.
It's been suggested about a billion times(CF, every Kibler video ever), so I'm sure they're at least aware of the possibility. Not only would replacing classic with a rotating roster of older cards allow players to (once again) experience these older cards, it would also fix all of the problems that required them to implement the Hall of Fame to begin with, since problematic cards could be naturally rotated out and kept in wild, rather than this feeling like an intervention from on high. Hell, even prior victims of the dread Hall could strategically be brought back for a year or so, depending on what other cards exist/are planned for standard in that rotation. If classic isn't *permanent* there's no problem with having strong, must-play cards like Ice Block or Ragnaros in it.
The new ladder system strikes me as a pilot for a similar system in standard. Considering the past pattern such a big change would likely occur with the start of the new year.
I wouldn't necessarily want to bring back OP cards or death knights. just powerful tools that everyone has access to always until those tools can be replaced with suitable replacements.
I mean the same thing happens each rotation. some classes or strategies are just dead in the water until the next expansion then we get new tools and the cycle continues.