New Neutral Minion - Disguised Wanderer
Submitted 4 years, 9 months ago by
A new Common Neutral Minion, Disguised Wanderer, has been revealed!
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A new Common Neutral Minion, Disguised Wanderer, has been revealed!
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This is a scary arena card, 9/1 is no joke when your resources are not as consistent.
in constructed it's bad probably.
Loved the art.
9/1 shouldn't be underestimated imo. Some deathrattle abuses might cause comebacks and winmores.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
I mean...Arena, sure, but just in general...this looks like the ultimate Magma Rager. a 9/1 is only threatening if you literally have nothing to defend yourself with. 4-mana for a 3/3 isn't really great tempo, especially if the spawn is so easily dealt with. Honestly, if the stats were reversed it would probably be more playable
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I've seen that revenant kobold card, I don't think it will see play, but that's a huge attack.
Scary in arena, bad in constructed.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Love this card. Its basically a bigger Cursed Disciple that forces your opponent to either waste resources, lose a minion or take 9 to the face. The 9 damage cannot be underestimated. Its scary enough that even aggro decks will try to kill it, and that's always a good thing when evaluating minions.
That this is a deathrattle means it can be played as an insurance policy against board clears. Obviously weak to ping classes, but they still have to remove the 3/3 first, or allow you to do it for them.
The artwork paired with the name immediately made me think of Diablo II
And then the flavor text was a quote from that game
Battlegrounds? Battlegrounds.
Might be okay with cheap priest buffs.
man I miss Diablo 2 now
Nobody expected ...
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
The Dark wanderer, is that you?
This is pretty cheap for 3/3 + 9/1. Magma rager and Amgam rager are crying in the corner.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Not just 3/1 deathrattle body, or 4/1, or maybe 5/1, but a huge 9/1 body. With enough trick, this could be devastating. Lackey give Rush or more Health. Warrior gives Charge, or Shaman gives Windfury. Or maybe Stealth from something else.
This and Cursed Vagrant have similar overwhelming value. With 4 mana, this is just bloody OP. Compare this Magma Rager and we have most card in Classic sets became Obsolete.
I think Blizzard need to re-haul every cards in classic to be in the same power level of this expansion.
Also not to mention Cairne Bloodhoof. Or Restless Mummy for the best comparison. Class card got beaten by Neutral card. Forgot this one doesn't have Rush.
Knowledge is Power
This is just creepy...
oof the 9/1 is pretty much a yolo play but once countered its a pretty scary card to have on board in arena as you either keep a 3/3 or you deal with a 9/1
First of all: Great art. Really creepy and really catches the flavour.
Secondly: It's probably just an arena card, but if you can't deal with the 9/1 it will take a serious chunk out of you life total. Very scary.
Arena card for sure and filler in ranked
Magma Ranger on crack.
I don't see it being used in Constructed, but it is certainly intimidating in the right circumstances.
Unlikely to do much in constructed, but I like the concept of protecting ragers behind deathrattles. Sort of like a 3/3 reborn for 4, ergo probably bad.
This post is discussing the wild format.
Good for arena, good as a result of evolve, so you dont have to put this card in your deck.
9/1 is a very cool, unseen statline for Hearthstone. If you can somehow proc that or give the 9/1 rush on your turn, then this guy could be seen as a niche removal card. Not sure if you can justify that in constructed, but Arena will love this guy.
Very vulnerable to pings, though.
The opponent will probably just ping it when this dies, so the second body won’t make much of a difference beyond making them use some more mana
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Doesn't seem very good, as the token spawned is far too easy to remove.
This is some of my favourite art from this expansion, I feel like the token generated should have been a full size hulking demon though.
Edit - Just had a look and the Cursed Shadow from the Cursed Vagrant Rogue card would have been more appropriate
99.9% of the cards in hearthstone compare favorably with magma Rafer.
Being better than that card is no feat. This doesn't compare well with cairne, it's a 4 hp minion instead of 10 hp minion over 2 bodies.. Also cairne is not good either.. Didn't see play for around 4 years.
That’s a lot of stats... with all those demons with high attack and low health you will be punished without pings and small removal. (Still won’t be played in constructed.
This is an interesting card, it almost reminds me of Skelemancer or other such cards. It intimidates your opponent by threatening to deal more damage than if you leave it alive. But a 9/1 is too easy to kill, I don't think your opponent will have much trouble dealing 3 damage then 1 damage by turn 4.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
The only way I think this is good is paired with High Priest Amet. Otherwise, that giant attack value is just wasted on a 1 health minion.
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