New Demon Hunter Minion - Imprisoned Antaen
Submitted 4 years, 9 months ago by
A new Rare Demon Hunter Minion, Imprisoned Antaen, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Demon Hunter Minion, Imprisoned Antaen, has been revealed!
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Well that's pretty big.
Not entirely sure it's worth the effor tthough. Spending 5-mana to do nothing for 2 turns is a big investment, especially for a class that seeminglyy wins off tempo alone (and is vulnerable to taking damage). Furthermore it targets ALL enemies, meaning it doesn't really work as a comeback boardclear (and rarely will function as a finisher)
This whole dormant mechanic seems way too slow unless they release some neutral support that allows you to awaken them sooner.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
So, are they trying to make DHs like AFKey?
Cuz this dormant mechanic seems pretty slow, but if you have the tools to let it pop, it can win games.
This one is maybe not a finisher, but must be removed asap and the 10dmg to all enemies must not be taken lightly on t7/t6.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Time to have some fun in two turns.
There's enough support for dhunters to run this. Unlike rogue they have AOE spells and the pay off is huge. Its not a card for every dhunter deck, but a closely built one can easily support it, in my opinion.
Hard to judge b/c we don't know exactly what DH is yet.
That said, this seems to be one of the stronger variants of this card.
It can go face which is pretty sweet.
This can function as a board clear or the opponent will have to take it to the face - their choice. Whether it'll work will depend on which archetype ends up being successful for DHs.
Start date: 5/16/14 Current gold: 16,410 Current dust: 17,200 Play wins: 10,786 Legendary from crafting: 26
Cash spent: $125.00 Lifetime gold: 177,110 Dust reserves: 62,985 Arena Wins: 907 Legendary from packs: 127
I find it hard to rate cards from a class that I have yet to see play, but can say that this looks powerful, even if it only impacts the game at turn 7. Removal on a stick is always welcomed - unless ... you know, it clears out your board
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
This is definitely a 5-star card. The effect is similar to Reno the Relicologist, but you can run two copieds of this card and it doesn't have the 'no duplicates' restriction.
Compared to the other "Emprisoned" cards, this one seems to be on the stronger side of the spectrum.
Looks REAL good. Even without the awaken effect, potentially fielding a 10/6 on turn 7 and still having all your mana can make for a big swing turn.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Big minion and the effect is good. many streamers said that this card was insanely strong/OP so i guess we will see if they were right.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
The dormant cards are such a bait in my opinion sure it's strong but you play an empty turn.. you probably can't afford to do that.
This might be the best dormant card along with mage though and I think this is the only 2 worth running if any is run.
Edit: looked up the others the druid and priest ones are worth as well I reviewed cards in order they show in the AOO page.
I think this is the only Dormant minion that is going to see any play. This is basically Reno the Relicologist that can go face. I'm honestly expecting this card to get nerfed.
Turn 5 skip for an OP turn 7 with possible board clear? Imagine if you are already leading the board..This will be the final nail in the coffin on turn 7.
Definitely scary-looking, for it's really hard to say for sure how effective this card will be when A. we have no experience playing the Demon Hunter, and B. you have to practically skip your turn to play this minion. Might be better to pull it out with Pit Commander versus actually playing it.
All the people at the summit say that this is one of the best cards of the whole DH class, and I believe them. With strong early-game tempo tools you can afford to skip turn 5, to close out the game on turn 7. We'll see him a lot.
10 damage is enough to be worth waiting for. If nothing else it intimidates your opponent and may cause them to hold off playing a minion for a turn or two. Though 5 mana is kind of a lot to pay when the card won't even do anything for the first 2 turns. It may be good, or bad, I guess it all depends on how valuable that 10 damage is, and how easy it is to play this card.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I like this card. His attack it's an huge threat and his effect is good to be played. In a midrange DH it's probably an autoinclude, but not in the agro version
Really like the effect, however, will be interesting to see how effective this actually is.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Probably not as powerful as it looks. The best case scenario for this card is for its random damage to soften, maybe remove, multiple minions OR hit face for ten. Depending on what deck you are playing, your opponent will be able to give you the less useful of the two options. The stats are nice, but probably inconsequential against most decks. A side note: If you plan to use a board wipe on the first turn of its dormancy in order to set up the face burst the turn after, you are probably making a mistake. I think Aggressive decks want the game to be over before turn seven, and control decks would rather use guaranteed board wipes that take place immediately.
This post is discussing the wild format.
Papa Reno - the problem will be with the dormant thingie - but from what I know when the card is dormant - it can`t be hit by enemy spells (even aoe ones) - as it`s basically not in the game at that point - soooooo 5 out of 5 - not so great health but it does 10 dmg splitted among enemies - which can also be the enemy hero
10 damage is a hughe issue. Reminds me on good old C'thun. But is it worth to skip the turn 5 drop? Midrange Demonhunter would need more survivaltools to play this.
If you're fine with a dead turn, this will wreck your opponent. You need a lot of stats on board to clear a 6 health minion, while also soaking the damage.
That's a lot of tempo loss for 5 mana, but huge stats/dmg for the cost and there are a lot of ways for Illidan to cheat it out like Pit Commander and that deathrattle that summons a demon from your hand. Really scary to encounter but you will often have the time to find an answer.
Potentially 10 damage in turn 7 that leave 10/6 body. I don't know what a typical T7 board state will look like, but the effect is good.
This guy's a large lad who's a 2 turn Doomsayer.
10 damage isn't anything to laugh at, and you're opponents going to scramble to set up his board to protect himself otherwise they'll take a pyroblast to the face on turn 7.
10 dmg split among enemys... Really good even If It did not had this body It would be good
if at turn 5 the demon hunter already controls the board , it's a very good investment.
Even this seems powerful, I don't think that we can judge Dormant minions like others. We need to see how they impact the game first imo.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
If any dormant minions become meta, this one will be top 3. (Nah, actually lets just say top 1) :D
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
This is great. So much value, but sure: you gotta invest 5 mana and 2 turns waiting, but it is still good nonetheless
I’d be amazed if this somehow didn’t see play. A nice chunk of damage alongside a really threatening body
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Bit slow for aggro decks, but definetly good in midrange or control-ish ones.
It's a mini C'Thun on 5. Sure it takes some time to actually use its effect, but it also forces opponents to be afraid to take over the board.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
I can see this work out real good in a control or highlandder shell. Even the turn 5 you suposedly skip, is still early enough in the game to have a low impact, and 2 turns later, it's reverse uno time.
Will Warlock Galakron be abble to summon this?
On one hand I want to say it's great, on the other hand I want to say it's just okay. Hard to judge. I will test it for sure, I'm giving 4/5 for now.
I never apologize… I’m sorry but that’s the way I am.
Unlike other imprisoned minions, both the effect and the stats feel relevant in almost any stage of the game. It's comparable to a delayed Reno the Relicologist, but without the duplicate restriction. Will see play in slower DH archetypes.
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