New Demon Hunter Spell - Skull of Gul'dan
Submitted 4 years, 9 months ago by
A new Rare Demon Hunter Spell, Skull of Gul'dan, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Demon Hunter Spell, Skull of Gul'dan, has been revealed!
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Nourish, Sprint, Lay on Hands. Lunar Visions
It's probably one of the best "Draw cards" in game. 5 mana for 3 cards with possible mana reduction. It's like Far Sight on steroids. I see a possible nerf in the future.
What's the most powerful card in Hearthstone?
A credit card.
Really comes down to how easy it is to activate OUtcast cards
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Its only easy to activate if its in a cheap aggro deck, but if you're running an aggro deck , playing three cards per turn at turn 5 is probably not really all that scary.
In control-midrange decks, the card will be blocked by high cost cards.
But hey there's always a chance of top decking this.
Divine Favor for DH?
If you proc the Outcast this one is OP. But I think it's nice and usable as a hand refill even without the Outcast.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Possibly the best Card in Game when you're in Top Deck Mode.
Oh, and also: RIP Guldan. Not just in the Meta but also in HS-Lore T-T
ArtStation | Twitter
Gul'Dan - even if just a skull at this point - is still very powerful ^^
''A fellow of evil possessed, of most devious shadow. He hath turned on his kin a thousand times, and now, how abhorred in all imagination he is!''
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
This card combines card draw with mana cheating, which are two of the strongest mechanics in Hearthstone. Incredibly strong card, probably close to broken.
Seems like a very powerful card, this will see play for sure!
An aggressive Demon Hunter kit looks very solid with this powerful card draw tool! Since we have no other options this card will be in every DH deck for sure.
It is still powerful without outcast keyword but i think it is balanced if we think it without outcast effect.
- Arcane Intellect - 3 mana - draw 2 cards
- -
- Sprint - 7 mana - draw 4 cards
a "Draw 3 cards" effect would be 5 mana obviously. You might say that Nourish is a 6-mana card but that 1-cost is for its flexibility because of the Choose One keyword.
If this will be nerfed in sometime probably it won't be its mana cost. It will be probably its cost reduction with outcast. (3) seemed a bit more to me. (1) or (2) might be more okay-ish in my opinion.
And also, i can see this card being one of the classic cards of Demon Hunter so it might need nerf if it will be one of the classic cards. If it won't be, then no nerf is required.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Yeah, it's okay without Outcast, but with Outcast, this is insane!
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Nourish was nerfed... And now they print that?
DH Will be pure cancer.
By The Holy Light!
Amazing draw, will probably be included in every DH deck. Reduces cost of large demons, or makes it so you can pour a lot of minions on the board. Great card.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Thrall, did you teach Illidan how to use far sight? Because you made him broken now.
I think this card will carry a lot of DH decks.
This is weird for people who don't know Gul'dan is long time dead I didn't knew some HS heroes are dead in WOW by now when I started playing HS.
This card is probably not worth running in control since the outcast is hard to fullill.
in aggro this is such a good card though.. it's quite insane, it's like wand for those aggro decks.
One of the best top decks in the game. This is just insane card draw.
Nourish with cost reduction is too op..from past experience any kind of cost reduction will eventually be too op and get nerfed. Calling the nerf on this for the first nerf wave.
5-mana fits right in that sweet-spot between Arcane Intellect and Sprint, and card draw is supposed to be a main strength of the DH. I can see this being added to their Classic set, for sure.
Best card of the entire set. 5 mana deal 3 is already a very good card. 5 mana cast 3 Far Sights? Absolutely bonkers. Both an insane value and tempo play. Will see play in every DH deck until it rotates.
Great card advantage, and if you can get the outcast then you make all of your mana back plus some. And the Outcast is super easy to trigger because you won't really need to play this card until your hand runs low, at that point this card could easily be your left-most card. 5 star card.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
5 mana draw 3 it's bad. 5 mana draw 3 and discount is broken
So, good card but you need to activate Outcast
Almost certain that this will be a core card for any demon hunter decks that need to draw cards, even more than Feast of Souls. 3 far sights for 5 mana is strong, and can probably be used in a potential combo where only one component card needs to be discounted.
This post is discussing the wild format.
Insane if the outcast effect goes off. Especially if it pulls some of the big demons in the DH set. Or the big "gain 8 attack this turn" spell.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
I hate this card - it gives DH so many opportunities to kill you - they should NERF this asap- the problem is to have this in hand and kael thas on board - and to draw a lot of 0 mana cards - end game
Better than sprint. Chef Nomi likes this card.
Looks wickedly powerful.
So card draw is a theme in DH, this is as good as it gets without being too overpowered i think.
Busted good top deck, decent in-hand draw if you can get it to the far left in a reasonable amount of time. Bad if you're forced to play it without the outsider
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
5 mana draw 3 would not see play without the outcast effect.
cards like Sprint and Arcane Intellect only see play when better alternatives aren't available.
That said because of Outcast this card will allow for large swing turns if this card is played on curve
This seems like one of the best card draws in the game. I would auto-include in aggro/midrange decks.
Start date: 5/16/14 Current gold: 16,410 Current dust: 17,200 Play wins: 10,786 Legendary from crafting: 26
Cash spent: $125.00 Lifetime gold: 177,110 Dust reserves: 62,985 Arena Wins: 907 Legendary from packs: 127
but still an expensive card. will make sense probably only with the outcast effect
This is great value. Like REALLY great value. Just cast your things till you get outcast. Then, BAM! A bunch of cheaper cards. Just amazing.
Drawing lots of cards is pretty much always great, and if you get the extra effect, you can probably play one or two of them alongside this card too
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
The best card DH is getting this expansion. Spending 5 mana to generate 9 mana worth of value/possible tempo AND draw 3 cards is game winning. Every DH archetype will include this.
For glory, honor, and gold!
Very powerful tool to end games as a more aggressive type of deck.
Effect is strong and quite frankly, the biggest reason control DH might be a thing.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Just by looking at it as having a minimum possible cost of negative 4 mana, this is just ridiculous in value decks. Heck, even in agressive decks it can do good.
Simply an amazing card. 5 mana draw 3 cards it's good on it's own, but you also get 9 mana discount.
It's so good that it may get nerfed.
I never apologize… I’m sorry but that’s the way I am.
Probably the best card in the expansion, maybe one of the best ever. It's honestly stronger and more reliable than some of the legendary spells released in the game.