New Hunter Minion - Beastmaster Leoroxx
Submitted 4 years, 9 months ago by
A new Legendary Hunter Minion, Beastmaster Leoroxx, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Hunter Minion, Beastmaster Leoroxx, has been revealed!
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Imagine playing this and summon multiple buffed up King Krushes. Easy 33 Damage!
And in Wild you can build a new Version of Big Hunter!
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Is that a Zoo-keeper? ^^
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
This is honestly makes me really happy because I didn't think King Krush would be playable again in Standard.
Hunting Party finally makes sense, so does Ramkahen Wildtamer.
I'm mostly just wondering what kind of deck you'd build around this? Highlander seems a bit greedy since there aren't really that many big Beasts outside of Krush and Highmane that you can afford putting in your deck (maybe Octosari to turn your turn 8 into a massive tempo swing that also refills your hand?)
There is obviously the potential for a gimmicky combo deck where you run only King Krush, run Scavenger's Ingenuity at 1 to fetch it and then copy it with Hunting Party or Wildtamer. The rest of the deck would be some sort of control/midrange deck without probably some Dragon archetype. The main problem would be to get enough draw now that you don't have Subject 9.
Even if you don't committ your entire deck to this you still get great value out of it, kinda like Captain Hooktusk except not as reliant on not drawing your stuff but rather just needing you to keep 2 or 3 bigger Beasts in Hand.
Not to mention an 8-mana 5/5 isn't the worst statline so you don't always need to hit all 3 beasts.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
This card is insane. It might not see play immediately (emphasis on might) but surely it will eventually. It has some interesting synergies already.
It's no Kathrena Winterwisp but it can come close with the right beasts and support.
If you fill your deck with strong Beasts, this card is obviously insane. Looking forward to that archetype
King Krush!
I am very glad they are printing more "big beast" type stuff. I like this theme for hunter a lot better than the swarm style stuff they got in saviors of uldum.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Big beast hunter... mmm, sounds interesting.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
who cares about king krush lol. Tundra Rhino + 2x Buffed Core hound
Yeah, this will rock. Makes King Krush playable, but there will be many other sweet combos too.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
This card seems rather bad. Sure, there are some amazing combos that might be possible, but Beastmaster Leoroxx requires these cards to be in your hand, which a huge downside compared to, e.g., Captain Hooktusk. On the other hand, this card has some synnergy with Scavenger's Ingenuity.
Great combo hunter card. Also isn't he in WOW lore like Rexxars dad? Read something along the lines of that. Already terrified of this card.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Really fun tool for Hunter to play with! I'm excited!
Pretty nice turn 8 board control card..but keep in mind your friendly twisting nether..plague of death..probably have to play this really smart.
Looks like the try to support combo more. Might also work in a classic hunter?
My first instinct is to play this in Wild with Kathrena Winterwisp. Why? Because when I run Kathrena I *always* pull my Beasts too early. Now I can use Leoroxx to solve that problem lol
Whether it be a fun OTK enabler with King Krush, or a strong tempo play with big beasts and Tundra Rhino, this guy will definitely see play in a slow-ish midrange Beast hunter.
I can't really see a hunter OTK being too consistent..hunter don't have enough draw, this is a weaker version of Kathrena Winterwisp
I'm not sure this will be any good, depends on the beasts it summons, as you could be losing all their battlecries.
Fun card, but it's hard to make it viable. If the 3 summoned beasts will not do something in that turn (so they have rush or charge in the text or through other cards) the opponent will just use a removal
Need to create a "combo deck" starting from this card
Leoroxx for Tundra Rhino + Gahz'rilla + Timber Wolf into Rapid Fire the Gahz'rilla twice is lethal. Maybe something can be done with that. Otherwise, If it's being played for value, another card towards the eventual big hunter list.
This post is discussing the wild format.
Could be really nice, could be better in Wild with cards like Charged Devilsaur.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
I think this will only be used in OTK. But surely its a fun card.
This guy is an almost full board for 8 mana and if you're hand's sculpted right could do some MASSIVE damage to your opponent.
cards like Tundra Rhino and Savannah Highmane might come back to midrange hunter with this guy
Remembers Princess Talanji to me at first but ofc it is better in a class with Tundra Rhino + Talanji summons random minions, with this you can set things up. Dangerous minion.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
one of the cards i hope NOT to find :D
Looks relatively strong (and like another reason to run Octosari). Cheating out minions is usually what makes decks strong after all.
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Seems very powerful, specially with big boys like King Krush.
A support for the big beast archetype, and the only card for that archetype in this set, meaning we won't see the deck in the future 4 months (it has no support besides King Krush in standard right now)
8 mana summon 3 beasts from hand + good body. Man that's a prettttty good card. So much combo potential.
I never apologize… I’m sorry but that’s the way I am.
This card's playability will be determined mostly on how easily you can stack up on King Krush. As a standalone card, it's strong, yes, but between summoning a couple of random big beasts and summoning 3 charging Dino's for lethal, option B will always be tastier.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Big beasts like king crush are gonna have a blast. I also.... hmmmmm... sense otks coming our way