Thoughts on Spiteful Hunter?
Submitted 4 years, 8 months ago by
I've been climbing the wild ladder with Spiteful Hunter due to the wonderful new card Nagrand Slam and have been really enjoying the climb so far. Has anyone else tried out this archetype? Is it better to go for a beast subset or dragons? Thoughts?
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I've been climbing the wild ladder with Spiteful Hunter due to the wonderful new card Nagrand Slam and have been really enjoying the climb so far. Has anyone else tried out this archetype? Is it better to go for a beast subset or dragons? Thoughts?
I know nothing about the deck but if you're asking for thoughts I immediately lean toward beasts. I have a few reasons but the only really meaningful reason is that the tokens from Nagrand Slam itself are beasts so any synergies within the deck with beasts could also be applied to them if the game somehow carries on past the use of the first Nagrand Slam.
What's your decklist?
I've been running a Deathrattle version. Thought about doing either beasts or dragons as well, but I had to try Teron Gorefiend so I ended up with this.
My stats from bronze/silver to somewhere in plat. Obviously not very indicative.. Didn't encounter too many aggressive decks, so this list works fine for now (and i like the greed - the first version was even greedier). Would probably remove Brann and Stitched Tracker next to add some anti aggro tools or something to increase early game consistency.
Was also thinking of adding a second Nagrand Slam and a Grand Archivist, I tend to either be almost dead or have board control at 8 mana so this might add some additional pressure.
Edit: I would like to see some other versions as well. The only reason I did a Deathrattle build was because I got stuck while building the Beast and Dragon versions. I would guess the Dragon version has the best chance against aggressive decks, while beasts would be something in between Dragon (anti aggro) and the Deathrattle (control crusher) build?
Tar Creeper's time is long gone. You won't be able to stop todays wild aggro with that. But the deck seems like it has potential. Put more deathrattle synergy cards like sylvanas, or umbra.
Yeah, that was the earlier version. But way too greedy, you just want to keep pressure up and 1 or more eggs for AoE protection.
And Tar Creeper is phenomenal in this deck. Protecting eggs and your face. There is no better defensive 3-drop for Hunters.
This is the deck I've been using. Been bouncing between Diamond 1 and 2 with it. I feel like it's better than the dragon variations I've seen. I had a buddy test it a bit and he'll be doing it a bit more now that he's in legend.
That looks like a good list as well. What do you think of Grand Archivist? Is it working for you? I was having mixed feelings.
Think I might give this a shot as well. Just spam mechs and finish with Spiteful. Might brick Jeeves with the high cost cards though, maybe just running Archivist + Nagrand Slam instead would be better.
I was inspired by this thread to craft Spiteful Summoner and Nagrand Slam. This is my list so far,
Deck ID Not Found
I have only played 3 games, so far I am 2-1. One of the wins was against a cubelock who was just a bit too slow, the other win was against a priest who was AFK. The loss was vs a secret mage who killed me on turn 6.
I am not too sure about the Houndmaster or Acolyte of Pain. I will continue to play more games and update the list.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Interesting! It’s cool to see the archetypes taken down so many paths! IMO, the only mandatory card so are 2x Nagrand and Call, 2x Spiteful and 1x Archivist. Second Archivist clogs up your hand and can whiff but not having 2x of both spell makes it super inconsistent
I decided to take out Houndmaster, Tundra Rhino, and a single copy of Crackling Razormaw because I don't think I had enough beasts for them to be good enough. I also took out Acolyte of Pain because he is a very bad tempo play and I don't need that much draw.
I added SN1P-SN4P because he is just a good card, Leeroy Jenkins for burst damage, and Spellbreaker to help me be more reactive. I also put in Imprisoned Felmaw just to see for myself how good he was, and Escaped Manasaber for the possibility of getting spiteful summoner a turn earlier.
I am 5-0 with the new list. I haven't played Imprisoned Felmaw yet, and I have only played Escaped Manasaber once, so I am still testing these cards and might remove them later. I also might end up putting back in the second copy of Crackling Razormaw, or taking out the last copy if it ends up not being necessary.
Updated list:
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I haven't tried it yet, it's probably terrible. But here's the Spiteful package added into Recruit Hunter
This deck contradicts itself too much.
You have Mok'Nathal Lion who is a small beast with a battlecry, terrible if you ever recruit it.
And you also have Play Dead, Master's Call, [Hearthstone Card (Flanking Shot) Not Found], and Dire Frenzy. All terrible when pulled with Spiteful Summoner.
I think a better direction to go with this idea isn't to add the Spiteful package to Recruit Hunter, but rather add the Recruit package to Spiteful Hunter.
Carrion, my wayward grub.