[HS bug] do you guys experience that odd bug, when in play mode your decks are displayed as not full?
Submitted 5 years, 6 months ago by
e.g. 28/30 cards, even though it is a full 30 cards deck?
if you go to collection and click on the deck, the marker would disappear and you could use the deck normally...
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e.g. 28/30 cards, even though it is a full 30 cards deck?
if you go to collection and click on the deck, the marker would disappear and you could use the deck normally...
Yes. And there is another topic about this as well somewhere on the forum (can't be bothered to search right now)
This is a known bug and there have been several threads about it so far. No idea what causes it as I have seen it on android, ios, and os x. No idea if it will be fixed haven't seen it acknowledged by Blizzard yet.
Chaos, Panic, and Disorder, My work here is done.
Welcome to the thunder-dome bitch!
Yeah, but opening the deck should fix it though.
Ye same
Reno Jackson
My faves!
You can beat me but I will still yeet your skeet
Make sure you actually go in to the deck to fix the bug and don't just click auto complete thinking it's already complete (which I did) as it does change cards in the deck for you!
Weird, i just select the deck and can play with it, dont have to do anything. It seems to act just as a visual bug for me :o
Also edited the name of the thread as to not confuse the in game bug with a bug on the site ;-)
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Btw, the bug "refreshes" every time you modify the deck, even if you already "fixed" it previously.
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: Yes. We all do.
Every damn day
Don't use autocomplete to try and fix this especially in Wild. It just dumps hot trash 1 and 2 drops in as replacements i.e. Zombie Chow. Open the deck then leave.
Also happens on PC I can testify