As part of the recent reddit AMA, Alec Dawson took the time to comment on the idea of class identity in Hearthstone. The team has learned a lot since their last blog about class identity 10 months ago, and they also have to factor in their brand new class into the equation.
Pushing class strengths was listed as one of the ways to really enforce the identities, as it more clearly delineates the classes. Overgrowth from Ashes of Outland was given as an example of this.
They're also keenly aware that card draw is an important part of the game; some classes can have weaker card draw, but no class should have no card draw.
We're about 10 months since the class identity blog you posted last year. Will Team 5 be revisiting and/or amending any of the class strengths, limitations or weaknesses? And will DH's class strengths, limitations or weaknesses be included, as well?
Finally, with respect to class limitations and weaknesses, I think a trend is starting to reveal itself for those classes with "card draw" as a weakness/limitation: those classes have not got enough "strength" to overcome such a crippling weakness/limitation. Are there plans to push certain class strengths' harder? Or, better yet, loosening the limitations/weakness imposed on certain classes?
Quote From Alec Hey there, this is a great question!
When it comes to class identity, it's something we are still seeing through and want to be noticeable for the Year of the Phoenix and all future years. So yes, we will be amending and revisiting those class strengths, limitations, and weaknesses as development continues. DH will also be included in that process.
More to the second part of your question though, while developing and honing in on these more specific class identities, we've learned quite a bit. Hearthstone games definitely play out different when you know which classes have the large removal vs. which don't, or know which classes can kill you from hand and against which classes you feel a bit safer at say 8 health. That's important for the game and creates a more varied experience.
We've also learned that pushing some of those strengths really does help establish the identity further. I think Druid is a solid example of this in Ashes of Outland and that was part of the intention when development started on the expansion. When you have cards like Overgrowth, it goes a long way to reinforcing the mana generation of Druid. We will be leaning more into themes like these for specific classes in order to showcase their strengths.
Finally, we do realize that some of the outlined weaknesses can be a bit too limiting in a card game like Hearthstone. Card draw, for example, is a natural part of our game. The class identities should detail and remind which classes draw a ton of cards vs. which classes draw fewer cards, not which classes draw a ton of cards vs. which classes draw no cards at all. This is something we are actively discussing when it comes to class design and how classes will be shaped in the future.
If the other thing is useful, as in the case of Diving Gryphon, or cheap like the pre-nerf Power Word: Shield, replacement-only is fine. But for example a Novice Engineer effectively lets you use the Paladin hero power once, which isn't terribly exciting. Few decks currently use the card, unless they're a combo deck (OTK Demon Hunter) or can get additional value from battlecries (Quest Shaman).
Acolyte of Pain was a perfect neutral card draw engine since its a conditional card. But then it was taken off without any replacement in AoO.
Hopefully some other neutral card draw will be introduced next time.
Pretty sure they axed Acolyte specifically to allow for more class based draw, because you can design those more efficiently.
Its just one of those things that I think should be general enough so it stays in evergreen, so we're not playing that same congo with priest's many many many AoE cards in wild.
On that note, acolyte fits in well. I think the real intention is to highlight class limitations/weakness, with some unintended effects (I seriously doubt control warrior is ever coming back because of the lack of draw).
The problem with Acolyte is that it's sort of a pseudo-class card, as in only a few classes will be able to use it efficiently at a time.
Basically it would always have been a Warrior (and occasionally Priest and Paladin) card and with it gone there is room for more powerful or specific class cards.
It just sucks that we didn't get them this expansions, but that's the way it is.
Was used in mage a lot as well cause mage could ping it.
it's weird they didn't give warrior a draw engine/card to compensate about acolyte..
Warrior still has some tricks up its sleeve. You can do a lot with a well timed Risky Skipper and Battle Rage.
There was a really elaborate write up of a VFX artist about the improvement of their workflow over the years in the AMA:
Maybe worth a post?
Don't worry, we already have that (with some other posts) lined up. Just want to space out the content a bit more instead of dumping all the info in quick succession.