Opinions on Wild.. What are broken decks per class in wild?

Submitted 4 years, 2 months ago by

In view of all the drama about wild I'd like to know what you guys consider as broken decks in wild for each class.

I'll take obvious, current ones like Warlocks' Cubelock and Mechathunlock or Priests Raza and Res. As well as past forgotten stuff like goblin bomb hunter and odd rogue.

Just please try to add a description if the deck is from the past or the name is not enough.  If you nickname  Dinomancer Warlock "Dinolock" it's  fine but specify the wincon for us uninitiateds.

  • ARES's Avatar
    Hungry Ghost 315 199 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    In view of all the drama about wild I'd like to know what you guys consider as broken decks in wild for each class.

    I'll take obvious, current ones like Warlocks' Cubelock and Mechathunlock or Priests Raza and Res. As well as past forgotten stuff like goblin bomb hunter and odd rogue.

    Just please try to add a description if the deck is from the past or the name is not enough.  If you nickname  Dinomancer Warlock "Dinolock" it's  fine but specify the wincon for us uninitiateds.

    ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.

    ARES declares attack with Huffer .

    Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!

  • iWatchUSleep's Avatar
    1095 819 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    I'm not sure what you're asking for here.

    Do you want an overview of the strongest deck ever per class?
    Do you want an overview of the strongest decks that have ever existed in wild?
    Do you want an overview of the best decks currently available for every class?

  • RavenSunHS's Avatar
    Refreshment Vendor 880 1487 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Many decks in Wild are broken. Most of them abuse a fast Combo supported by consistent Survival package.

    Other decks don't have the Combo, but they can equip multiple OP cards with synergy with each other. These decks are better countered by the meta, but they can still be extremely Cheesy, and feel unfair (= when you can do nothing to answer them).

    1. Old Big Priest was broken (it still is, but kept in check by the meta). It lingered unnerfed for so long that I have ptsd and had to mention it first, despite not being the most broken of the lot (well,it's more of a Cheesy deck, without Combo, but Graveyard is so marginal about interactions that it feels like a delayed, uncounterable Combo).
    2. Current QMage (it was perfectly fine up to RoS, including Mana Cyclone: you mostly had to cast actually random spells, and that was fun and viable at the same time, not stupidly generated The Coins and Arcane Missiles...). It started being stupid with Uldum, and became utterly wrong with DoD. Hopefully it will be kept in check by the meta after the nerfs. I expect it to be replaced once more by Secret Mage in terms of meta presence.
    3. Darkest Hour Warlock: possibly the stupidest deck ever. Notice that the nerfs won't kill it, it will still be broken, but they will delay the Combo turn just enough to make it hopefully disappear from all radars.
    4. And about past decks, definitely Aviana Druid, and Naga Warlock, but nerfed now.
    5. Finally, I had the feeling Murozond Priest is broken, but apparently it's much more inconsistent than I think. I hope it won't rise as the new Combo tyrant after the nerfs.

    And here we have the Cheesy decks, that are better countered by the meta, without a specific Combo, but that can easily be deemed as equally broken:

    • Secret Mage is broken since Uldum, with Cloud Prince, and in particular with Arcane Flakmage, which obliterates the historical weakness to token decks. They play almost as solitary as previous decks, but since they don't have a killer turn, Reno decks can keep it in check, so it's bearable.
    • Similar argument for Mech Paladin, in particular after the stupid buff to the already good Crystology.

    I can't remember equally broken decks in other classes.

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    The only wild Deck that I'd consider broken rn is Quest-Mage. There are some that come close, but most of them can be at least reliably interacted with (Combo-Disruption, Aoe,...).

    Here are my thoughts (Warning: Haven't played much Wild since AoO launched, so I might not be that up-to-date) 

    Druid: I've seen a lot of Decks that revolve around Kael'thas Sunstrider with the Possibility to kill you on t6 by cheating out Spells like Ultimate Infestation. But, like a lot of Combo-Druids, it's very susceptible to Dirty Rat.

    Hunter: Haven't seen any in quite a While, but Mech-Hunter used to be a pretty successful Deck. They could rush you down easily with Magnetic-Stuff and constant Damage Output. The big Weakness though is that they run out of Cards very quickly. If you manage to clear the Board and heal up, you pretty much win. I won a lot of Games against them simply because I played Excavated Evil into Greater Healing Potion.

    Mage: I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that almost everyone hates current Quest-Mage. You either die because of Sorcerer's Apprentice/Flamewaker or because of Archmage Vargoth/Giants. And there's not much you can do about it. If you're Aggro, you have to deal with Freezes, Ice Block and in some Cases Reno Jackson. If you're Control, your only hope is Dirty Rat pulling a Combo Piece. (BTW the upcoming Nerf to Open the Waygate is a complete Joke. Mage has so much Spell Generation that raising the Requirement by 2 is almost nothing.)

    The other strong Mage Deck in Wild is Secret-Mage. I don't think I have to explain that one. Play Secrets, go face with Minions, Fireball Fireball. I might be in the Minority, but imo Secret-Mage is fine the Way it is. If you can dodge early Minion Pressure and play around Secrets you have very good Chances. And Reno Jackson on an empty Board always seals the Deal.

    Paladin: Same as Mech-Hunter, but with good draw. You have to clear the Board multiple Times, just to not get snowballed the next Turn. Mechwarper and Flying Machine are the biggest Threads because of Magnetic.

    Odd-Pally is the same as Mech-Pally, just weaker.

    Priest: Big Priest used to be the Bane of Wild's Existence, but that Deck hardly sees play anymore.Cheating out big Guys multiple Times isn't so pwerful if you're facing Combos that can kill you in the Mid-Game. And even if this Deck ever becomes Meta again, there's now much more Counterplay to deal with it (Transform Effects, messing with Res-Pool, AoE,...)

    Razakus might seem pretty strong, but that Deck just gets outshined by other Combos.

    Shaman: Haven't seen Shaman in a long Time, but Even is probably its strongest Archetype rn. They try to win th Game by flooding the Board and take Advantage of it, but that's quite hard if you're facing giant Mechs or Arcane Flakmage. I personally never had any Problems winning against that Deck, but that might be because I usually run a ton of AoE and Heal.

    Warlock: Mecha'thun and Darkest Hour are the strongest Decks this Class has. Everything else is either a Meme (Dinomancer) or is no longer that powerful (Cubelock). Mecha'thun-lock has a ton of Card draw and heal accompanied by strong Removal. Dirty Rat is unreliable against them because of the Amount of Minions they play, but Mojomaster Zihi is very good. I wait till they run out of Cards and then play her with Coldlight Oracle. That usually gets them.

    Darkest Hour-lock is way more inconsistent. You can win instantly on t4, 5 or 6. Or you can get screwed with an unplayable Hand and your big Guys getting AoE'd because you didn't pull Nerubian Unraveler. But still, thank God they'll nerf Bloodbloom

    Warrior: ... Who?


    Jokes aside, Warrior is practically non-existent in Wild. You might see a Pirate here and there, but that Deck is just no longer the Thread it used to be. Most of my Opponents conceded, simply because I played one AoE on t5/6.

    EDIT: I completely forgot about Rogue! But that might be because it's similar to Warrior. No Idea what that Class is doing in Wild rn. 

  • Kovachut's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From RavenSunHS
    1. Finally, I had the feeling Murozond Priest is broken, but apparently it's much more inconsistent than I think. I hope it won't rise as the new Combo tyrant after the nerfs.

    What is this deck, if I may ask? I can hardly imagine a broken interaction with Murozond the Infinite. Did you mean Temporus? The card is admittedly ill designed and could lead to one-sided interactions, if priests were to get something similar to Time Out!.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Murozond Priest basically works like this;

    Draw all the cards.

    Play King Togwaggle

    Wait for opponent to play ransom

    Play Murozond to copy ransom.

    It's frustrating, but not really that good.

  • Kovachut's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From shaveyou
    Show Spoiler

    Murozond Priest basically works like this;

    Draw all the cards.

    Play King Togwaggle

    Wait for opponent to play ransom

    Play Murozond to copy ransom.

    It's frustrating, but not really that good.

    Oh, I see. Thanks for the clarification. But the way you are describing it, it sounds like the druid Togwaggle deck is the better option, because it's faster and more consistent.

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