Building tempo shaman

Submitted 4 years ago by

As we all know, Shaman is not in a strong spot right now. Thrall simply can't keep up with Illidan's early-game tempo, or Valeera's value. However, I feel like Shaman has the tools to fight for a spot in the meta anyway. Besides Totem Shaman and Evolve Shaman, which already have a small (but unimpressive) role in the meta, I feel like there is room for a third Shaman deck, based around two few specific, very powerful cards: Squallhunter and Serpentshrine Portal. These cards give you so much extra burst to finish out games when combined with each other or with cards like Lightning Bolt and Lava Burst, which your opponents won't see coming.

Spearheaded by a friend of mine, he made this spell-damage focused deck:

Inspired by that, I took out a lot of the spell damage cards and made it more Dragon focused:

So, which of these decks do you like more? Do you have another idea to build a tempo shaman build? Or do you think this idea is doomed from the start?

  • Erodos's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 945 1019 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    As we all know, Shaman is not in a strong spot right now. Thrall simply can't keep up with Illidan's early-game tempo, or Valeera's value. However, I feel like Shaman has the tools to fight for a spot in the meta anyway. Besides Totem Shaman and Evolve Shaman, which already have a small (but unimpressive) role in the meta, I feel like there is room for a third Shaman deck, based around two few specific, very powerful cards: Squallhunter and Serpentshrine Portal. These cards give you so much extra burst to finish out games when combined with each other or with cards like Lightning Bolt and Lava Burst, which your opponents won't see coming.

    Spearheaded by a friend of mine, he made this spell-damage focused deck:

    Inspired by that, I took out a lot of the spell damage cards and made it more Dragon focused:

    So, which of these decks do you like more? Do you have another idea to build a tempo shaman build? Or do you think this idea is doomed from the start?

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    The thing about tempo is that Overload tends to hurt it a lot.

    For instance, if you play a Squallhunter and it gets conveniently removed in any way you are automatically behind because you're playing with less mana on the following turn.

    Hell, even if it lives you're still handicapping your future turn which is what tempo decks usually use to build on their lead.

    What you are building is less tempo and more midrange. You're basically doing the old Hunter strat of just playing on curve until you win the board enough to push facedamage....which was a very inconsistent strategy that doesn't perform well nowadays (play Beast Hunter if you need a demonstration).

    Overall you just don't have anything really unfair in your deck and that's the probllem. Decks nowadays rely on big swing turns and you can't provide those.

    All an opponent would need to completely derail your gameplan is just play any cheap removal and they already got you on the ropes.


    The only tempo Shaman I can see is the Evolve Galakrond build and that's notably subpar (which isn't saying that it can't improve with future support. We've seen Evolve get out of  hand, so there's always potential)


    As it stands Shaman doesn't really have much to compete at the moment, but they do have a good baseline to build upon

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • Geffis's Avatar
    Banned 40 3 Posts Joined 01/25/2022
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From Erodos

    As we all know, Shaman is not in a strong spot right now. Thrall simply can't keep up with Illidan's early-game tempo, or Valeera's value. However, I feel like Shaman has the tools to fight for a spot in the meta anyway. Besides Totem Shaman and Evolve Shaman, which already have a small (but unimpressive) role in the meta, I feel like there is room for a third Shaman deck, based around two few specific, very powerful cards - Hier ist ein Blick auf den natürlichen Zaun.Squallhunter and Serpentshrine Portal. These cards give you so much extra burst to finish out games when combined with each other or with cards like Lightning Bolt and Lava Burst, which your opponents won't see coming.

    Spearheaded by a friend of mine, he made this spell-damage focused deck:

    Inspired by that, I took out a lot of the spell damage cards and made it more Dragon focused:

    So, which of these decks do you like more? Do you have another idea to build a tempo shaman build? Or do you think this idea is doomed from the start?





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