Dragon-Murloc Rogue?

Submitted 4 years, 1 month ago by

I was just wondering if anyone has been playing around with Dragon + Murloc menagerie builds this season and would be willing to share their deck.

I had a Play 3 Rogue games quest today and decided to build around Candle Breath and Skyfin.  It was actually a lot of fun, but my list felt pretty clunky.  So I was wondering if anyone here had a build that they've been optimizing for a bit that I could try out?  (not looking for a competitive deck)

My initial list was this (murlocs early and dragons late) and I only played 3 games against other memers so I didn't get a feel for what was weak/what worked (although drawing a murloc late felt really bad, as is tradition):

2x Murmy
2x Toxfin
2x Bluegill Warrior
2x Dirty Tricks
2x Tasty Flyfish
2x Fan of Knives
2x Scalerider
2x Evasive Feywing
1x Frizz Kindleroost
2x Big Ol' Whelp
2x Skyfin
1x Waxadred
2x Candle Breath
2x Evasive Wyrm
1x Flik Skyshiv
2x Evasive Drakonid
1x Deathwing

  • RangDipkin's Avatar
    Rexxar 350 143 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I was just wondering if anyone has been playing around with Dragon + Murloc menagerie builds this season and would be willing to share their deck.

    I had a Play 3 Rogue games quest today and decided to build around Candle Breath and Skyfin.  It was actually a lot of fun, but my list felt pretty clunky.  So I was wondering if anyone here had a build that they've been optimizing for a bit that I could try out?  (not looking for a competitive deck)

    My initial list was this (murlocs early and dragons late) and I only played 3 games against other memers so I didn't get a feel for what was weak/what worked (although drawing a murloc late felt really bad, as is tradition):

    2x Murmy
    2x Toxfin
    2x Bluegill Warrior
    2x Dirty Tricks
    2x Tasty Flyfish
    2x Fan of Knives
    2x Scalerider
    2x Evasive Feywing
    1x Frizz Kindleroost
    2x Big Ol' Whelp
    2x Skyfin
    1x Waxadred
    2x Candle Breath
    2x Evasive Wyrm
    1x Flik Skyshiv
    2x Evasive Drakonid
    1x Deathwing

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I haven't tried it, though it is the sort of janky deck I would normally put together.

    I suspect it is the sort of thing that will always feel clunky in rogue, since it is a class with no affinity for board flooding (murlocs) or big slow minions (dragons). Indeed it is notable that the only class cards in your deck are card draw and rogue's only dragon, and Flik who's presumably just there because she's generally great but not really pushing the game-plan.

    Since you find the deck fun then just play it for that. If you want to refine it however, I would probably just switch class to paladin which has more going for it with both murlocs and dragons, and direct menagerie synergy in Scalelord. Or if that's a little too competitive/mainstream you could try to make a murloc/dragon druid since that class is known for both wide boards and big minions, so at least there's a bunch of class cards to choose from when refining.

    Good luck!

  • RangDipkin's Avatar
    Rexxar 350 143 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks AngryShuckie!  You were spot on in your analysis and I probably posted this too soon out of excitement, haha ;D

    I didn't even realize how few Rogue cards made the cut, but I agree that that's a red flag regarding the archetype.  In previous seasons I built around Anka, the Buried for Rogue quests, but most of the Rogue DR cards/activators are gone and I don't have Akama yet.  As a result, Candle Breath caught my eye, followed by:

    1. "Dragon" keyword search
    2. "Ooo, I haven't used Skyfin yet"
    3. "Murloc" keyword search
    4. "Draw" search starting w/ class cards because they tend to be more efficient
    5. Flik Skyshiv search because that card has crushed my dreams before and I wanted to be the dream crusher
    6. Enthusiastic post on OOC hoping someone else had done my homework for me
    7. This post where I realize that with a little reflection I could've saved the community some time, haha.

    Anyway, thanks again for your response!  I shall take your advice and use some version of this when I have Rogue quests, but I'll look into Paladin and Druid menagerie builds as well because I haven't really played those classes much this expansion either!  (tend to main Hunter and mix in some Mage + Shaman)

  • drfelip's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 365 289 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Well, part of the problem is that you are using murlocs, but not murloc synergy (well, I'm lying, you are using Toxfin, which has murloc synergy); you are using only dragon synergy. You can use Skyfin and Tasty Flyfish without any other murlocs and use good Rogue tempo cards instead, or remove some dragons/dragon synergy and put some murloc synergy (Coldlight Seer and Murloc Warleader, for example).

    By the way, in my opinion Tasty Flyfish is best used if you have some dragons you can play on turn 3, maybe Faerie Dragon.

    The pleasure is mine.

    My last standard decks: nothing special right now.

  • RangDipkin's Avatar
    Rexxar 350 143 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From drfelip

    Well, part of the problem is that you are using murlocs, but not murloc synergy (well, I'm lying, you are using Toxfin, which has murloc synergy); you are using only dragon synergy. You can use Skyfin and Tasty Flyfish without any other murlocs and use good Rogue tempo cards instead, or remove some dragons/dragon synergy and put some murloc synergy (Coldlight Seer and Murloc Warleader, for example).

    By the way, in my opinion Tasty Flyfish is best used if you have some dragons you can play on turn 3, maybe Faerie Dragon.

    Thanks for your response as well drfelip!

    I agree that murlocs were more of an afterthought in my first build and I should definitely include some more synergy cards to go full menagerie.  I loaded up on the dragons first to maximize value from Frizz Kindleroost, but I'll test out a more midrange deck that thins a couple dragons + synergy cards (Frizz & Scalerider) and replaces them with Warleaders and the like.

    And I hear ya regarding Tasty Flyfish; I'd definitely like to get that value immediately and it's just a shame that there aren't better options like Nightmare Amalgam in Standard.  But if I make the deck more midrange I could run Faerie Dragon and Brightwing for the instant impact. 

    Although, the more I think about it, I should probably just move away from Dragons in Rogue because they have such little support for the archetype at the moment.

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