Demon Hunter Classic Set Concept

Submitted 3 years, 9 months ago by

With the release of Demon Hunter blizzard added in the Initiate set for demon hunter which is a set of 20 powerful cards. Quite a few of which are DH staples. However this set won't be around forever and what will happen to DH then well Blizzard has stated that a Classic set would eventually be released probably after the rotation of the Initiate set. But what would would this set look like well i tried making it to see what it could look like.

What is the purpose of this basic set? - Basic set is meant to introduce the main mechanics/archetypes of the class while also highlighting their it's supposed to include a bunch of good cards but nothing to powerful.

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  • RenoLord's Avatar
    335 55 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    With the release of Demon Hunter blizzard added in the Initiate set for demon hunter which is a set of 20 powerful cards. Quite a few of which are DH staples. However this set won't be around forever and what will happen to DH then well Blizzard has stated that a Classic set would eventually be released probably after the rotation of the Initiate set. But what would would this set look like well i tried making it to see what it could look like.

    What is the purpose of this basic set? - Basic set is meant to introduce the main mechanics/archetypes of the class while also highlighting their it's supposed to include a bunch of good cards but nothing to powerful.

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  • eazy's Avatar
    340 174 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Hi OP, 

    I could see some of these cards being printed as expansion cards, however not as a classic set, and not all of them. most of these cards are either OP or very strong, with only Soulstealer being outright bad and probably unplayable in constructed games.

    I do appreciate your work here, so here is my detailed feedback: 

    Weak Metamorphosis - this one is 2 mana deal 3, can go face, but does not get buffed by spell dmg. It is strong, for sure, but not broken, only problem might be this being played in every DH deck. I see no reason to not put is in the deck. 

    Outback Imp - Way too strong for Classic set, but could work as an expansion card. 

    Demonic Empower - This one is fine, probably the best card balance-wised. Great example of what Classic set needs. 

    Magic Hunter - Silence on the 2 mana 2/3 is very strong, but somewhat balanced by the condition. Probably would be super strong in tempo/aggro decks. I could live with that being in Classic set, but also would prefer it to be a 2/2 

    Back from the nether - Please, no. Especially with the big demons you also introduced. No resurrect effect in Classic set. I would be upset to see this ever printed for DH, even as expansion card. It is enough of the frustration to have resurrect Priest in the meta. 

    Soulstealer Banshee - Whenever token DH would be meta, this card would be the staple there. I think gaining +1/+1 is too much though for a Classic card, as it could literally win the games on turn 3. So my solution would be to either: a) Make this a legendary of the Classic set, so only 1 copy can be played or b) change the stats to 4/2 and make it gain +1 health only. 

    EDIT: Sorry, I somehow misread it and did not catch the intention to make it "this turn only". I change my mind, this card is strong, but fine for classic, as it would be the only support for token DH. 

    Malovent watcher - If you make it "random enemy minion" and increase the cost to 5 mana, I would be ok with that. Right now, way to strong for classic, as would be auto included in every deck. 

    Mother Sharaz - This is too complicated, Classic cards are supposed to be easy to understand the effect, so I don't like it as a Classic legendary. Would be ok as an expansion card though imo. Also, I am not sure if Rush is officially the Classic set keyword.  

    Felguard Sergant - This is way too OP, 5/6 rush for 4 mana, as an effect is really easy to trigger. Aslo, same as above, I am not sure about "Rush" in Classic. If rush is legal, I would just remove the +2 attack buff. If rush is illegal, make it a 3/5 that gains +2 attack with the condition as it is. In both scenarios card is still bonkers, but maybe passable as Classic. 

    Illidari Sneak - Evergeen 4 mana Huffer that ignores Taunt? A big NO. 4 mana 4/2 charge is already very good. I would make it 5 mana, and have the text: Outcast: Ignores taunt the turn it is played 

    Mass life drain - Just way, waaaay too OP for the Classic set, and even as an expansion card, I would be more happy to have it cost 6 mana. 

    Dual stabbers - Another OP card, you need only the HP to make it 7 mana Pyroblast, and could easily add even more attack. A big NO. 

    Soulstealer - Bad card, but those are also needed in Classic. I like it, it is not boring at least and may have some niche uses. 

    Demonic Stomper and Giant Doomguard - So, you want to push Big Demon DH, right? :) These are too good for Classic, especially both of them at once. Taunt and lifesteal combined on one, gigantic minion is too much I fear. If you want to keep it, I would make it a 9 mana 6/8. It would still be very strong granted the synergy DH has. Demonic Stomper maybe as a 6/9 for 9. But anyway, I would apply the de-buff proposed to one of them and exclude the other, as it is too much support for one archetype to include both cards. 




  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5548 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    I appreciate the effort made with this custom set. Cards like [Hearthstone Card (outback imp) Not Found] seemed like stuff team5 should have thought about and had this been in Battlefiend's place it would have been a worthy if not a better card, both for balancing and identity reasons.

    But there are more than a few cards that are obviously overpowered, even when compared with dhunters prior to nerfs.

    - Dual stabbers is perhaps the worst offender here. Essentially speaking, its 6 mana do 8 damage to the face. This by itself is already overpowered and the fact that its a windfury weapon means that any addition to attack like say, Twin Slice, and the game is just over then and there. Of all the cards, this one can't be balanced without removing the essence of the card, so I would say just bin it. Warglaives of Azzinoth is like a butter knife compared to this.

    - Felguard sargent is very good, in fact, its the best 4 drop in the game if printed. You can pretend the additional effect doesn't exist and its still too good not to include in anything but hyper aggro. I like that its a demon, so its instinctively balancing the equally good card Back from the nether. I would suggest that its initial attack be 2, and that the additional effect gives it 3 attack instead.

    - Illidari sneak. Its kinda balanced and yet at the same time not. Im a little on the fence with this one. 4 attack is kinda alot, and being able to run 2 of these, and that they dont just die to a hero power means this card is just going to kill control decks like priest. Maybe make its health 1? That way its basically a better Wolfrider that does what its supposed to do; finish games, preferably not on turn 4 itself.

    - Demonic stomper is just too powerful. Basically, against certain decks and some classes, its just impossible to kill this without also destroying the board. And left on board, it does 8 damage every turn. What other 9 drop can do better? Also if its cheated out, its basically game over for aggro and some midrange decks. If this must exist on 9, then its stats must be 4/10, no higher.

    - The rest are okay. Not too bad, not exceedingly good. Not even giant doomguard, whose greatest problem design-wise would be its name. I like Mother shahraz's design, but I think its 1 health really impedes it. Since dhunters dont generate cards, this is just too weak for inclusion. Maybe as a 5/2 it would make the cut.


    Special mention goes to soulstealer. That its a 4/2 weapon that costs 6 is just insulting honestly, considering that its brother dual stabbers is just infinitely a better card. Also, having classic weapons that cost the same doesn't really gel with the variety thing. I think this card does better as a 2/3 or even a 2/4 for 5 mana. metamorphosis. Great job. This and outback imp are perhaps the best of the lot. Wish these were in the initiate set instead of stuff like Eye Beam and Battlefiend (prior to nerfs)


    All in all, again, its a great amount of effort that any decent card designer should be looking at and taking notes.

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