A video was uploaded to the Hearthstone YouTube channel featuring the League of Explorers stinger. Are the League of Explorers making a return to take on the League of E.V.I.L?
Expect more information on July 1 as indicated by the official facebook page.
If they rehash old cards, I'm gonna be disappointed. I want to see new ideas, damnit.
I want to see a Leeroy Jenkins boss with a permanent 6 attack (no weapon) whose auto-cast hero power makes him attack a random target while summoning whelps for your side. Deck theme would be negative battlecries, Whirlwind type effects, Charge, and no Taunts at all.
Instead of an 'expansion', I'd like to see the old style adventure to get the cards. Obviously to keep up with the sheer number of cards that are included in an actual expansion would mean that the cards available in an adventure would have to increase, but in my opinion it would be more fun.
Not sure how everyone else feels, but IMO team 5 have been really killing it lately. The meta feels pretty good right now plus the consistent changes have made it so that I didn't even realize the expansion announcement would be coming soon. I'm in a weird place where I'm having feelings of... faith and hope in the team. Things are chugging along nicely, and this expansion should be awesome! Well done team.
Ahh nostalgia! The League of Explorers theme is such a jam! Best music in all of hearthstone. Change my mind.
Finley: Paladin
Brann: Hunter
Elise: Druid
Reno: Mage
The problem reno doesn't have much to do with magic.. that being said he was a support card of the kabal families in MSOG though so that's the link probably, since many people were used to see reno in mage.
I got an idea maybe the league of evil recruits other villains as well like the ones from gadgetzan:
Kazakus- Warlock
Don Huncho- Warrior
Aya Blackpaw- Shaman
Patches the pirate- Rogue (We all know he is a big crime boss of gadgetzan he was in charge after all)
Raza the unchained - Priest (Also well known card, there are 3 crime bosses so some others need to join)
Out of all possible combinations, only this one makes sense in my head, +1 for you sir
This teaser makes me very very happy!
Whatever the expansion be (i guess it would be amazing), the teaser is super duper cool.. goosebumps
Wait, it's already time for another expansion? But the last one was only... 3 months ago...
Where did time go...?
Yeah, they did a good job this round of not letting us get bored by spacing out the content enough. I kept looking to the next week instead of waiting till the next month, which I overall prefer I guess.
You know how it goes, it is merely the beginning of the pre-hype pre-reveal season. Expansion launch isn't for an other almost 2 months ^^
I'm guessing August 8th, so yeah... 6 weeks (or a month and a half)
Best expansion is back. Oh yes please!
i´m recent player and have hear that many times, do worth buy LoE adventure right now? I mean only for fun of course. Im not a wild player.
Even if they bring back the League, the cards themselves are going to have different effects than the old versions (presumably.) Let's hope for some major creativity.
League of announcement of an announcement of an announcement... Finally
the league of explorers attack the league of EVIL
rafaam: ah shit here we go again