Battlecry: Cast a Secret from your deck.
Improvise, adapt, overcome.
Battlecry - Does something when you play it from your hand.
Secret - Hidden until a specific action occurs on your opponent's turn.
Play VO_DMF_079_Male_Gnome_Play_02
Attack VO_DMF_079_Male_Gnome_Attack_01
Death VO_DMF_079_Male_Gnome_Death_01
One more than Mad Scientist but brings it on the board immediately... not sure if I like it more or less for wild due to one turn delay and it taking up a 3 slot. Basically you pay for the secret, but get a 3/2 body along with it.
Judgement, totally decent.
well this draws a card and fast effect. in standard might be ok, in wild it is way outclassed...
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One more than Mad Scientist but brings it on the board immediately... not sure if I like it more or less for wild due to one turn delay and it taking up a 3 slot. Basically you pay for the secret, but get a 3/2 body along with it.
Judgement, totally decent.
well this draws a card and fast effect. in standard might be ok, in wild it is way outclassed...