Desperate Prayer

Card Stats
- Class Priest
- Expansion Forged in the Barrens
- Rarity Common
- Cost 0
- Attack 0
- Health 0
Card Text
Restore #5 Health to each hero.
Flavor Text
Woah, we're halfway there, woah oh...
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Seems like a really bad card but maybe can see play in adventures
Not so good to include in decks, but good to discover from renew/palm reading when you just need that bit extra healing
as usual, filler healing
I'd never use this card unless they make like a legendary that makes the opponent's healing damage instead
Wouldn't put it in my deck. Might be ok if generated.
Perfect for control priest
It is not exactly a an auto-pick like Penance
not so useful
I can see some potential, but then again I don't know how the spell types are going to intermingle
That's some nice karma.