Warsong Wrangler

Card Stats
- Class Hunter
- Expansion Forged in the Barrens
- Rarity Epic
- Cost 4
- Attack 3
- Health 4
Card Text
Battlecry: Discover a Beast from your deck. Give all copies of it +2/+1 (wherever they are).
Flavor Text
"Me? Playing favorites? I love my beasts all the same!"
Battlecry - Does something when you play it from your hand.
Discover - Choose one of three cards to add to your hand.
Warsong Wrangler Sounds
Play VO_BAR_037_Female_Orc_Play_01
Attack VO_BAR_037_Female_Orc_Attack_01
Death VO_BAR_037_Female_Orc_Death_01
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Does anybody know whether or not it is a copy this adds to your hand? It straight up draws the card, doesn't it?
With Dire Frenzy working it's way back into the mix... this card just gives me hives. This is the sole reason I'm glad that Stonetusk Boar lost charge